SUBJECT: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY & UFOs                          FILE: UFO2245

                      William S. English
              UFINET News and Information Service


    For many years, UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects and
their research have been classed among the fringe elements of our
society. Looked upon as being somewhat of a cult and most
certainly inhabited by screwballs and nut-cases.
    Those who have had Abduction experiences suffer trauma not
only from the experience, which in many cases is not remembered
on a conscious level, but also from the trauma of being ridiculed
by their peers.
    To often, the circumstances surrounding a legitimate
Abduction case are clouded with extraneous issues that seem to
complicate the initial issue of abduction by a possible Alien
life form. Additionally the very nature of those issues often
cloud the judgement of even the most experienced investigator of
the UFO Phenomenon. This is due largely in part because of the
Investigator's desire to find empirical evidence to support the
existence of UFOs.
    As a result of this, over the past twenty years the majority
of UFO Investigators have totally ignored another, and perhaps
most important aspect of UFOlogy. The possible connection of
Paranormal experiences to UFO abductions.
    Over the years we have equated Paranormal Activities, such
as channeling, psycho-kinetics, manifestations of odd noises,
telepathy, and a host of other things associated with it, as
being totally separate from UFO Investigations. However a recent
review of files and information for the past twenty years has
shown a possible connection between the two.
    Most notably this connection seems to be associated with the
Abduction Phenomenon as shown by Doctor Leo Sprinkle in his work
as early as 1963.

    In an article written by Dr. Sprinkle which appeared in
"Psychotherapy in Private Practice" Vol.6(3) 1988, he had this to
    " our contemporary society, those persons who
describe paranormal/psychic/spiritual crises, or emotional trauma
from memories of possible past lives, often are faced with
scoffing or skeptical reactions -- not only from their friends
and relatives, but sometimes from professional persons, including
    And, if a person describes a UFO experience (including
abduction by alien beings, out of body experience, near death
experience, bodily marks from a medical examination, genital
examination, past life memories, planetary visions, automatic
writing or telepathic communication, and a message or mission for
Humankind, etc.), then the psychological resistance of the
psychotherapist, as well as the emotional trauma of the person,
can be an important factor -- not only in the process of
psychotherapy, but in the questions of whether services are
provided to that person!
    The complex and controversial claims of UFO
abductees/contactees are a background for the general question:
Based on the processes of psychotherapy, what do we know about
UFO experiences?"

    In a recent conversation with Dr.Sprinkle I asked him if
paranormal activity was common among those people who may have
had possible contact with UFOs, and if so why hadn't we heard
more about this..?

    Dr. Sprinkle's reply was surprising as he went on to say,
"Yes, it is extremely common. In fact I have been researching the
Paranormal question since 1963 and was asked by the Lorenzens
(Jim and Coral Lorenzen of APRO) to write a chapter for a book
they were writing in the mid 70's that dealt with this very

    Interestingly enough, Dr. Sprinkle, for many years seemed to
be the only professional Psychologist who even adhered to the
idea that UFOs were possibly real. Having established a
reputation in his field for his regressive hypnosis sessions with
several of the more modern day abduction reports Dr. Sprinkle has
become the foremost authority on the subject of Abductions.

    In the same article he went on to express several tentative

    1.) I believe that `flying saucers' (UFOs) exist.

    2.) I believe that I cannot prove to anyone that UFOs exist.

    3.) I believe that UFO research is always frustrating, often
    fearful, sometimes fun.

    4.) I believe that psychotherapeutic services and social
    support for UFO Experiencers are helpful to them in
    accepting the reality of these experiences and in
    understanding of the silliness and the significance of these

    5.) I believe that there are many skills that can be useful
    to the psychotherapist who works with UFO Experiencers, but
    the main attributes are courage, curiosity, and compassion.

    6.) I appreciate the willingness of UFO Experiencers to
    share their information, and the willingness of professional
    colleagues to assist UFO Experiencers.

    Perhaps, someday, UFO research can lead to results which
    could test the hypothesis that UFO activity is an
    educational program.
    This last remark seemed somewhat new age'ish on the Good
Doctor's part, but in light of the recent revelation of a few
years ago that he himself had apparently been abducted as a
child, it is understandable.


    In some cases we as investigators have to ask the question
concerning the types of encounters that many abductees
experience. In so doing the questions will elicit some type of
answer or reaction. Bearing in mind it is often difficult for the
investigator, or for that matter, the psychotherapist to either
understand or accept the answers they are given.
    This comes not from a desire to deny the subject's
experiences, but more form the point of view, that it is
difficult for the Investigator/Psychotherapist to accept the
answer. In many cases the subject will present an answer
unacceptable to the Investigator/Psychotherapist. This seems to
be the case with regard to paranormal activity which may
accompany such an encounter.
    Throughout the several years Dr. Sprinkle has devoted his
efforts to finding the answers to this phenomenon, he has put
forth the following hypothesis:

Thesis 1.
    There is sufficient evidence to accept the hypothesis that
many UFO witnesses have experienced encounters with space craft
that are piloted or controlled by intelligent alien beings (e.g.,
Hynek, 1972;Jacobs, 1975; Randles, 1983; Rutledge, 1981; Smith,

Thesis 2.
    There is sufficient evidence to accept the hypothesis that
many UFO witnesses have experienced abductions and examination by
UFO occupants, including bodily, psychological, and/or sexual
examinations (e.g., Fowler, 1979, 1982; Fuller, 1966; Hopkins,
1981, 1987; Lorenzen & Lorenzen, 1967, 1976, 1977; Sprinkle,
1979, 1981; Strieber, 1987).

Thesis 3.
    There is sufficient evidence to accept the hypothesis that
most UFO witnesses are normal in their psychological functioning
(e.g., Bloecher, Clamar, & Hopkins, 1985; Keul & Phillips, 1986;
Parnell, 1987; Schwarz, 1983; Sprinkle, 1976b, 1979a).

Thesis 4.
    There is sufficient evidence to accept the hypothesis the
psychic phenomena, including "channeled" communications, are
associated with UFO encounters; further, there is emerging
evidence that UFO contactees view themselves as changing from
"planetary persons" to "cosmic citizens" (e.g., Davis, 1985;
Kannenberg, 1982, 1986; Kinder, 1987; Montgomery, 1985; Puharich,
1974; Sprinkle, 1981; Steiger & Steiger, 1981).
    Remembering the previously mentioned hypothesis, let us
review certain facts;

    "In a majority of cases the contactees/victims are initially
unaware of their contact experience on a conscious level. They
have subliminated their experiences to a subconscious level."

    We know this is possible due to findings from victims of
childhood sexual assaults and in many cases rape victims, and in
some cases, victims of violent crime or accidents. As an act of
mental self-defense, the incident or incidents are forcefully
forgotten, either through external influences (i.e., programming
on the part of the abductors) or through the psychological
processes that come into play to create a mental feeling of

    "Awareness of the contact experience can, and often times
remains dormant until such time as an incident/phase/word or
experience triggers the memory, and starts the process of
bringing the memory to the conscious level."

    At this point we now begin to see the manifestation of
paranormal activity. In many cases the contactee/victim begins to
feel a feeling of un-rightness, i.e., unexplainable fear,
paranoia, panic attacks etc. . .. In other cases the paranormal
activity will manifest itself in other ways, such as;

Psycho-kinetic Activity (Poltergeist)

Manifestation of visual phenomena (Green fireballs, visions of
ghost, physical assaults upon the victim or members of the
victims household.)

The hearing of ghostly high pitched voices, screaming warnings
that only the victim can hear.

Telepathy and premonitions.

    At the same time we must enquire as to the validity of these
manifestations. A case in point...

    A college educated male, approximately 30 years of age
recalled a series of paranormal incidents that began at the age
of twenty years and resulted ultimately in the discovery that he
was in fact an abductee at the age of four years.

    ".....I was twenty. I was living in Jamestown, California at
the time with three other young people in an old house outside of
town. One night I returned to my bedroom after getting up to use
the bathroom. I turned off the light, got in my bed and laid on
my left side. As soon as I laid down I "knew" there was something
in the room with me. I could "feel" it thinking. I immediately
became aware of something moving to me from across the room and
it stood on the foam pad  right in front of my face and made a
depression there that my hands, which were up by my face started
to roll into. Then suddenly there was a weight on top of my body
that pushed me down through the support of my pad into the floor
and held me there paralysed. There also was a load sound in my
upturned right ear which sounded as though something were yelling
or shouting or exhaling right against my ear. It was one long
sound though there was no variation in timbre, frequency, or
pitch and it continued for the entire time that I could not
     He went on to say that he slept for a year or two
afterwards with a light on in his room or shining into his room
from another room.

    He continued. "....a few days before I moved out of that
place in fear of whatever it was that happened, I was watching
T.V. in the living room in broad daylight when I felt as if
something were touching the insides of my thighs, like there was
something invisible trying to push them apart. I now do not
believe that there was actually something there at the moment,
but that it was a strong subliminal memory of having been touched
there. Also when I was moving back down to college I had a
similar sensation across my upper abdomen while I was driving a
car. That wasn't the end of my experiences. It followed me to
where I moved and ten months later I had a UFO sighting over
Modesto, California at very close range. Which by the way I
didn't associate with my prior experiences. There was also a
vivid "dream"  I had where something had gone into my
consciousness, made me feel euphoric, and made my life pass
before my eyes while they re-experienced it with me as if they
were looking for something (This was also associated with a
sighting in the dream) They also did something to the back of my
head. The memory of these things persisted in bothering me for
years. At the time I moved away from the rural areas thinking
that these things would stop. I didn't know what was happening to
me. I began having panic attacks after the one experience in
Jamestown and I had never had them before. All of this was quite
unsettling and I couldn't figure out why when I was having one of
the best times of my life that something so strange would start
plaguing me."

    The incidents that happened to this subject are most
certainly of a paranormal nature, and fall classically into that
category. However, let us examine several possibilities we as UFO
investigators seem to overlook.

    As of yet, science has not been able to adequately explain
the cause of Paranormal activity. Science has defined paranormal
activity as something laying outside of the realm of the normal
acceptable standards that have been established for human
behavior. Yet at the same time they are just now, within the last
one hundred years, beginning to define that human behavior and
the accompanying dysfunctions inherent in it.
    For the most part, the activity that seems to accompany a
Contactee/victim is of a paranormal nature as clearly defined by
Dr. Sprinkle in his fourth hypothesis, However in recent years it
has also become apparent the term paranormal activity, can
encompass several other things as well as the afore mentioned

    Let us as investigators, for the moment ignore the
paranormal aspects of such encounters and look at other possible
explanations using the above example.

    Several years after the paranormal experiences related
above, the subject was hypnotically regressed by Kathy
McCampbell, daughter of Mr. James McCampbell, and it was
discovered that as a child of four years of age he in fact was
abducted. The following is his recollection of the abduction

    "I was with the group of girls (his mother was a Girl Scout
Leader) and then I remember being away from them, then I became
very dizzy, I remember being carried then seeing something come
down from above the tree line. I was handed up into something (it
was on the ground) it looked round and silver kind of like a
diving bell and was not that large. I opened my eyes, there were
three of them on either side of me looking down at me. The next I
know is that I'm sitting up but I am leaning against one of them
who is at my side. He is holding something on top and at the back
of my head."

    As it can be seen, there seems to be a similarity between
the abduction encounter and the paranormal incidents previously
    Examining it more closely, the initial paranormal incident
where the subject felt the presence of something in the room and
then felt the pressure on top of him and the loud noise in his
ear has at least one explanation, that being that the subject for
some reason had a subconscious memory triggered and then relived
a portion of the initial abduction experience. The reliving of
the experience seemed so real at the time it is difficult if not
impossible for the subject to separate the reality from the
illusion. Therefore the subject believes that the paranormal
incident did in fact take place. Further evidence of this is
during the second paranormal encounter the subject felt something
touching the inside of his thighs, and then during the third
incident, something touching his upper torso. During the
following two incidents however, he admitted to having more of a
feeling that it was a memory rather than a real experience. Like
so many other victims of sexual assault and violent crime, he
began to remember the incidents in a way that would allow his
mental well being to stay intact, while at the same time
gradually learning to cope with the incident.
    This is a rather simplistic explanation, however it does not
answer all of the questions that arise when dealing with
paranormal activity, and it most certainly does not answer the
questions concerning the validity of such activity.

    It is at this point that we as investigators and members of
the psychological and mental health professions begin to enter
into extremely dangerous territory. `Is paranormal activity
    There is evidence to indicate that some paranormal activity
is real. Such things as ghost, poltergeist etc. . .. As for the
other things that seem to be more commonly associated with UFO
encounters, it is difficult to say on a more logical level.
In most cases the evidence seems to be self perpetuating in that
over the years unrelated cases have been investigated that show
striking similarities. These similarities are easily explained by
some, yet there is always the hidden fact that is kept hidden by
most good investigators in order that they may have a control
factor in which to gauge the validity of other cases.
    In short, this is an area and a decision which lays entirely
in the hands of the psychotherapist and the UFOlogist. It is
their own personal beliefs which must decide whether or not they
believe in the paranormal aspects involved with this phenomenon.


    Assuming for the moment paranormal activity is in fact real
in some form or another, let us examine further it's relationship
with the UFO/Abductee/Contactee Phenomena.

    In most cases paranormal activity and abilities are existent
to some degree in all of us. Whether it be the ability to look
briefly into the future (DejaVu), to detect the loss of a loved
one before being told, telepathy (such as in twins), psycho-
kinesis, etc. . .. However, these abilities lay dormant until
something, either an event or a memory, triggers the ability. In
many cases this particular event is the result of a trauma, or
for that matter, the incident that is triggered was a trauma in
    One particular point that we must remember is the human mind
and brain is the most complex and even today unknown aspect of
the Human-being. We can chart the Brain, and even have a fair
idea as to what each particular area within the brain will
control. But! We are unable to delve deeper into it to look at
the area most commonly referred to as the soul. That part which
makes up our personalities, our abilities to think and discern
information. Control emotions, or for that matter, what creates
those emotions which separate us from the lower orders of the
animal kingdom. In short, we don't fully know what exactly the
abilities are within the human animal.
    An interesting point which should be considered is, most
biologist will tell you the brain capacity of the lower orders of
the animal kingdom reflect the full mental ability of those
animals,  barring mental retardation or defects. Yet a human
brain, followed by the dolphin, is one of the largest, if not the
largest brain within the mammalian chain. And we do not use it to
it's fullest capacity. This is odd since development on an
evolutionary scale theoretically says all life forms physically
develop to their fullest capabilities. If this holds true, then
why hasn't humankind? Or is there the possibility that we did,
and then through some cataclysmic occurrences we lost those
    Having set the stage somewhat, and seeing that the human
brain or the human animal is capable of far more than many of us
give credit to it, lets us now examine closely the relationship
between Paranormal Activity and UFO contacts.

    Accepting the possibilities previously stated, we as human-
beings have created in our minds and in our a world a certain
amount of stability based upon what we consider to be
incontrovertible facts. But I now ask the question; "What if
those facts we have established are found to be falsehoods?" This
creates an interesting dilemma....How would we cope with such a
revelation? I present the following theory for your


    Throughout the span of recorded history, the human animal
has given basic and simple explanations to those things we are
incapable of understanding. We have placed these strange
occurrences into categories we are comfortable with. Such things
as Religion to explain celestial beings (angels), and beings
horrible and evil (demons). Those things defying our ability to
explain technologically or logically became things of magic and
Witchcraft. As humankind progressed through the sciences and
technology, what was once within the realm of religion and magic
went into the realm of science and logic, and this is where our
development stands.
    Suddenly there comes into our existence something which
cannot be placed within the normal classifications we have
established for ourselves. Since we no longer for the most part
believe in magic, we attempt to place it within the realm of
science. Yet when we are unable to give logical explanations
through science, it then falls within the realm of magic, or the
paranormal, which falls outside of both magic and the sciences.
It is at this point the primal instincts of the human animal come
into play, and at the same time something even more astounding.
The human brain's ability to protect itself from something that
does not compute or work within it's ability to assimilate.
Unlike a computer however, it reprograms itself to continue
functioning on a relatively normal level until such time as more
information becomes available to help it assimilate the
previously blanked out data. At this point some unusual
occurrences take place causing the brain to trigger the
previously blanked memories and bringing them forward from the
sub-conscious into the conscious area of the mind, or Id. With
this occurrence comes increased metal activity that creates an
increase in Neuro-electrical activity within the brain itself,
thereby increasing the brain's natural abilities to manipulate
it's physical surrounding without physical intervention..

    This theorem may not be as far fetched as it may sound. We
know that bio-electrical activity is one of the motivating
factors which makes the human body animate, function, and live.
We also know for example that in the event of injury to either
the brain or the Neuro-systems (nervous system) certain parts of
the human body cease to function.
    Taking it a step further, we currently are able to
manipulate invisible electrical forces in the form of Radio and
television waves, which transmit pictures, turn motors, and make
possible such innovations as the modern home computer. Therefore
the idea of the human brain creating such amounts of electrical
activity as to be able to control and effect it's surrounding
environment is not far fetched at all.

    Now you ask the question; "What has this to do with UFO

    Simply put, we must first consider two possibilities. The
first being we have accepted that UFOs and Aliens do exist, and
therefore based upon the available evidence human-beings are
being contacted and/or being forcefully abducted for whatever
    Because of the trauma caused these Abductees/Contactees
their brains have shut down in order to be able to assimilate the
data necessary to cope with this incident in their lives. In many
cases these incidents are on-going occurrences which would
require some sort of mental manipulation on the part of the
abductors to keep control of their subject. Because of the
ingrained human survival instinct the human brain begins to
increase it's bio-electrical activity thereby causing paranormal
activity in it's surrounding vicinity. whether it manifest itself
as uncommonly clear memories that cause the abductee/contactee to
relive the physical sensations that they were subjected to during
the course of their abduction, or other physical manipulations in
their surroundings i.e..poltergeist, telepathy, psycho-kinesis..
    The second possibility we must consider is the physical
modification or manipulation of the human brain on the part of
the abductors i.e..implants, bio-genetic engineering or
modifications etc..We know that it is possible to control the
human mind or at least certain areas of the brain that will cause
pleasure and pain, anger and apathy. Therefore why is it not
possible for a possibly more advance culture to have carried this
further and be able to control all aspects of the brain? Making
possible such things as channeling (communications) and all of
the previously mentioned paranormal phenomena.

    A recent review of case studies that date back as far as the
late to middle fifties has shown that in almost all instances
where a person reports abduction or contact in some form or
another there is almost always paranormal activity reported.
    Currently there are certain individuals within the
UFO/paranormal fields who have shown and uncanny ability to
predict where and when a UFO sighting or flap is about to occur.
Increased E.S.P abilities, etc...In almost all cases it has been
shown that they are abductees or contactees..


    Contrary to popular belief, it is apparent that Paranormal
Activity and UFO related Activity are NOT separate issues, but
rather, are one in the same. Both being an integral part of the
other, and both playing a significant role in the lives of the

    It is apparent that we as Investigators and Psychotherapist
can no longer ignore the fact that Paranormal activity does occur
in some form or another in relationship to the
UFO/Abduction/Contact Phenomena.

    We as Investigators and Psychotherapeutic professionals must
come together to establish criteria in which to investigate and
treat Abduction/Contact trauma victims, bearing in mind that
these people require a different type of treatment and inter-
action between the investigator, psychotherapist, and mental
health professional.

    The psychotherapeutic profession must help establish the
acceptance within the mental health professions that there is
indeed a whole phenomena in existence that does in fact deal with
UFO contact and abduction, and that new methods are required to
treat and deal with these unfortunates. Most importantly they
must also be taught to accept the fact that whenever a victim of
such occurrences comes to them for professional help, they are
NOT crazy, but in fact show be in the same classification as that
of sexual abuse, and violent crime victims.

    We as Investigators must educate ourselves for a better
understanding of the trauma that victims of Abduction undergo,
and become aware of the various aspects of Paranormal activity
that in fact do exist..

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *