I threw this little text file together in order to clear up
some confusion, and to start a discussion. For those of you
who have been through any of Uncle Sugar's  more esoterical
schools it's pretty obvious there's a major propaganda push
going on now. The only question that needs to be answered is
"Why now?" Maybe this little nugget will point the way to an
In the text file concerning the lecture given by one Milton
William Cooper on November 17,1989 at the "Whole Life Expo"
in Los Angeles he expounds on the usual EBE's and alien
technology retroengineering. However things took an
incredible turn when he fielded questions from the audience.
Let me give credit now to David E. Stewart who transcribed
the lecture by Mr. Cooper. Whenever feasible direct quotes
from sources will be used.
After expounding on the JFK assassination the transcript
reads, "Regrettably the next question was totally
unintelligble, but thankfully Mr. Cooper had a good pulic
address system to amplify his reply, The first moon landing
was May 22, 1962... or excuse me that was the first landing
on Mars. I'm sorry that was the winged probe that used a
hydrozine propeller (hydrazine propellant?) flew around
approximately three orbits and landed on May 22, 1962 it aws
a joint United States/Russian endeavor. The first time that
we landed on the moon was sometime during the ... probably
middle 50's, because at the time when President Kennedy
stated that he wanted a man to set foot on the moon by the
end of the decade we already had a base there."
"What about Mars?" came another quick question.
"We have a base on Mars also", Cooper calmly replied. "When
did that happen?" addressed someone. "I don't know the exact
date but I know the projrct's name, it was Adam and Eve."
The questions went off another tangent and then things got
curiouser and curiouser. As the transcript reads," On an
unrelated note an older gentleman asked, "Does that mean
that Alternative-3 is true?"
"Alternative-3 is absolutely true and so is Alternative-2."
In Mr. Stewart's after action report or synopsis of the
lecture he states, "The Alternative-2 and Alternative-3 that
were referred to briefly are [just guessing now] two
government contingency plans  to 1) Declare martial law and
invalidate the Constitiution on the premise that a terrorist
group had entered the country with a nuclear weapon with
plans to detonate it in a major city. All dissidents would
then be rounded up and placed in concentration camps and the
press and media would be nationalized. All this if the
information becomes public they want it to or if the aliens
attempt a takeover, and 2) Another contingency plan to
contain or delay the release of this information, the
details of which I am probably wrong about anyway."
Well Mr. Stewart you certainly were wrong this time in your
analysis of Alternative-2 and Alternative-3. I will now
attempt to explain the Alternatives. To do so I will be
drawing upon the extensive research done nearly 20 years ago
by an independent television show crew. There is an Avon
paperback titled, "Alternative 003" the book is based upon
the original research and interviews conducted in 1977. This
explains the dual copyrights for the book. The copyrights
are: "original television script copyright 1977 by David
Ambrose & Christopher Miles
book version copyright 1978 by Leslie Watkins. The first
Avon printing was in June 1979. An investigative reporter
for an ITC affiliate decided to do a segment on "the brain
drain." For those of you who don't know your current history
the "brain drain" was the name given to the phenomenon of
the better scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and
physicians leaving hte U.K. in droves in the 60's and 70's.
There were two main reasons for this mass emigration: 1) The
British tax structure{ up to 90% income tax } and 2) The
infamous British Government Beauracracy. Things were so bad
the Beatles and the Rolling Stones (among others) changed
their citizenship for tax purposes.While gathering
background for the story the reporter found 3 individuals
who were leaving England,they were a senior lecturer in
Mathematics named Robert Patterson,a research scientist
specializing in Solar Energy named Dr. Ann Clark
and a former RAF electronics wizard named Brian Pendlebury.
A preliminary interview was done with Dr. Clark by the film
crew and more were scheduled. During the initial interview
she had been an excellent subject. She was articulate and
felt it important to explain to people why exactly
scientists were flocking away from Britain. However shortly
after the first visit by the film crew in January of 1976
she was visited by "a strange American."
He had made no appointment and just turned up, everyone
assumed he was connected with her new job. The American
talked to her privately for a long time afterwards friends
and co-workers said she seemed upset. She refused to say
anything whatsoever about what he wanted or what they
discussed. That American went to her flat that night and
stayed for three hour. After that evening her attitude to
those around her and to the Sceptre Television people
changed remarkably. She did her work as well as ever but
became "oddly" withdrawn. It was as if she had pulled a
curtain around herself. One of her colleagues, an elderly
man, said: " I started noticing that she was sometimes
looking at me - and at others - with a funny sort of
expression in her eyes. It aws almost as if for some reason
or other, she felt sorry for us. All a bit odd..."
Dr. Ann Clark left Norwich in a rented car on February 22,
1976. She left without working out her notice because as she
explained the Americans were in a hurry to have her. So she
became part of the Brain Drain. But she has never shown up
at the company in California she said was hiring her.
Brian Pendlebury was thirty three when he became part of the
Brain Drain in July 1974.Before vanishing he had acquired a
taste for travel when after getting a degree in electronics,
he had become a special projects officer with the RAF.
Five months after leaving the service he applied for a job
with a major electronics firm in Sydney Australia. He
promoised to write to his parents regularly and send lots of
photographs. For five months his parents got a letter a week
and lots of pictures. Pictures of Brian surfing, with
friends at a nightclub, even a picture of Brian in front of
Sydney Harbour bridge. Everything was fine except for a few
disconcerting facts...
Brian Pendlebury did not live at the address shown on his
letters. The company for which he claimed to be working
insist they have never heard of him. As far as anyone could
discover Pendlebury never got to Australia.
Forty two year old  Robert Patterson had a favorite hate
subject and that was Britain's tax scale. His friends at the
University of St. Andrews where he was a senior lecturer had
heard it all many times. As he was fond of saying, " In
Germany the most a man has to pay in taxes is only 56% And
in America it was only 50%  But here in Britain it's 83%!!
Most people at the university were actually relieved when he
announced he and his wife Eileen were going to America and
taking their two children off for a fresh start in America.
All he would say about his new job was that he had been,
"invited on an interesting project."It seemed he had landed
a real choice gig. Most of his colleagues weren't really
suprised as he was recognized as  on of the most brilliant
mathematicians in Britain. It was just a pity he was such a
Patterson announced his news at the beginning of February of
1976 and a paragraph appeared in the Guardian. A researcher
at Sceptre Televisionsaw the paragraph and  called Patterson
up. Eventually he convinced him to do an interview at his
home the following tuesday morning at eleven o'clock.
That tuesday morning Colin Benson who was the television
reporter sent ot do the interview found the house locked and
obviously empty. The Patterson's according to their
neighbors had driven off in a hurry at lunchtime on that
saturday. The family's car was found abandoned in London.
The Patterson's Robert, Eileen, sixteen year old Julian and
fourteen year old Kate have not been seen since.
Now for the weirdness... Ann Clark's rented car was found
and filmed as part of the television documentary at the car
park on number three Heathrow Airport. There was another
abandoned car nearby in the same lot. A blue LandRover. It
belonged to Robert Patterson however this was discovered
months later and would have never have been discovered if
not for the weirdness surrounding Brian Pendlebury.
As was stated earlier Brian Pendlebury was the third subject
for the television show. Colin Benson was interviewing
Brian's parents he recorded the whole conversation with
their permission.
The Pendlebury's were together on the sofa, facing colin
over tea. "So we were a bit disappointed of course when he
stopped writing but we didn't give it much thought at
first," said Mr. Pendlebury. He re-lit his pipe and took a
few puffs. "Our Brian never was much of one for writing."
"So how did you find out?" asked Benson. "I mean about him
not being there..."
"It was Mrs. Prescott over there at number nine," said
Pendlebury. "She was the one who found out. Her daughter
Beryl emigrated out there... what would it be... five years
ago now?"
"Six years said Mrs. Pendlebury. "Seven come September."
To sum up the gist of the conversation, not only had they
discovered the address given them by their son was false
they had the original note in their son's handwriting giving
them the address. They also had a letter from the head of
personnel at the electronics firm stating that they had
never heard of him. While on the train Colin studied the
pictures of Brian given him by the Pendleburys. Upon
returning to the studios he had a photographer make copy
negatives of the outdoor photographs and then had them
reprinted as large blowups. When the blowups were done it
was obvious! In every picture including the one of Brian
Pendlebury surfing and the one of him by the Sydney Harbor
Bridge-there were three birds in the sky. Those birds were
identical in every picture and so were their positions.
There was sometrhing else he saw. The pattern formations of
the wispy clouds were exactly the same in each picture.
That was when they started digging........
Here are a few of the things they uncovered: it seems that
in this television show they were given a videotape which
they aired . They describe it so.....
"All that could be seen at first was a haze of colours and
uncertain shapes. There was a whirling blur of confusion
multi-coloured  dust dervishes glimpsed crazily through a
tumbling kaleidoscope-and nothing nothing more.
Then the picture cleared and the camera seemed to be
skimming low over a wild and barren landscape. No vegetation
no suggestion of life. Just mile after mile of wilderness
and brown-red desolation.
Sounds of static. Then faintly, of men cheering and finally
there were the American voices-from the Space Control Room
at NASA:
FIRST VOICE: Okay...try to scan.
SECOND VOICE:Scanning now.
FIRST VOICE:The readings...where are the readings?
At that moment, superimposed over the scanning of the alien
landscape viewers saw the printed word temperature. Almost
instantaneously, that word was duplicated in Russian. Now
there was a great outburst of Russian voices. Excited,
jubilant then once again the
SECOND VOICE:Wait for it...w-a-i-t for it... Come on baby
don't fail now... not after all this way...
Digits appeared alongside the words on the screen. The
temperature they showed was four degrees Centigrade. More
printed words- Windspeed-in American and then Russian.
The first American voice was shouting triumphantly: It's
okay's good, it's good! A Russian voice equally
ecstatic carried the same message.
Then the screen started giving the most vital information of
all-information in English and Russian, about the atmosphere
of that strange and distant territory.
The words were coming painfully incredibly slowly. Then
later  from the screen come the shrieks and whoops of joy.
The first American voice could be heard shouting over the
din: On the nose! Hallelujah! We got air boys...we're home!
Jesus...we've done it...we got air!
His yells of excitement and similar ones from his Russian
counterpart were drowned by the crescendo of cheering.
During a lull in that cheering the second American voice
could be heard saying:That's it! We got it...we got it! Boy
if they ever take the wraps off this thing, it's going to be
the biggest date in history! May 22,1962. We're on the
planet Mars-and we have air!"

So what does all this have to do with the Alternative Three
question? Welllll......... According to various sources
including one of the astronauts who landed on the moon,
there is a permanent base near the western border of the
Mare Imbrium named Archimedes Base. There is also a colony
on Mars. This is most likely the Project Adam and Eve Mr.
Cooper is referring to. All of this was done in response to
a conference held in Huntsville Alabama in 1957.
A Dr. Gerstein claimed that he had delivered a briefing to
CIA (among others) representatives which proved the climatic
changes indicated that there was a greenhouse effect.
Remember this is 1957. He then went on to brief them on The
As it had been determined that Earth would in fact become
uninhabitable in a finite time a way had to be found to
insure the survival of the human race. Three solutions had
been found : Alternative 1 was to punch a hole in the
atmosphere thereby releasing the carbon dioxide and some of
the thermal energy. This was to be done with "strategically
placed thermonuclear devices" in the upper atmosphere. This
would be followed with a drastic restructuring of day to day
life. Of course all carbon dioxide emissions would be
banned. Private ownership of any internal combustion engine
would be outlawed. open flames, etc etc etc
Alternative 2 was to move selected individuals to
underground areas. It seems that there is extensive evidence
of underground cities and interconnecting tunnel systems
discovered under South America, China, Russia, America, and
all over Eurasia.
Alternative 3 was to move some humans to another world.
Russia and The U.S. have been cooperating since the 50's on
the real Space program since.One of the major reasons for
keeping Alt.3 secret is the use of altered human beings for
the grunt work. There are five workers for every "designated
mover." People are sugically and chemically adjusted to
follow orders. They have an average life expectancy of
fifteen years.
If anyone doubts the ability to do this to people against
their will, I refer you to Project MK Ultra. MK Ultra was
responsible for the LSD testing of the 50's and 60's as well
as other forms of mind control (lobotomies, ECT, and
RHIC-EDOM, et al).
Well I'm getting crosseyed from the Jolt Colas so I'll stop
typing now. Read the book I found my copy in a used
paperback store. Another book that dovetails with
Alternative 003 is a Dell paperback entitled Operation Mind
Control by W.H.Bowart with an intro by Richard Condon
copyright 1978. If anyone can find out how to purchase a
copy of the videotape of the Sceptre Television Documantary
on Alternative Three leave a message on this BBS for Lamont
Please read Alternative 003 there are so many pieces of
supporting evidence that seem to link together with other
sources that it is either the truth or an amazingly
consistent dis-information campaign that's been going on for
over 25 years. If you think the claims I've listed are
fantastic the book will blow you away!
------------ June 30 1994 by Lamont Cranston

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *