SUBJECT: MO. INCIDNETS, 3/90                                 FILE: UFO2173


  KANSAS CITY, Mo. ---- Bright lights in the sky puzzled observers in
several states Saturday night, and authorities said the phenomenon wasn't
by space debris.
  People reported seeing strange lights -- described variously as white
streaks, flashing lights or a fireball -- in Missouri, Southern Illinois, Iowa
and Arkansas.
  A spokesman for the North American Defense Command, which tracks objects in
space from Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo., said the lights
didn't result from bits of a satellite or other man-made debris falling through
the atmosphere.
  "We are quite confident it is not caused by the re-entry of man-made
objects," said Maj. Dick Adams, NORAD spokesman.
  The lights could have been meteorites, Adams said, but he couldn't be sure
because the agency doesn't track natural phenomena.
  The National Weather Service in St. Louis reported getting numerous calls,
some from people who said they saw a white light, followed by an explosion.
  "I was outside when it happened," said Highway Patrol Sgt. Thomas Lefaivre
Kirkwood, Mo., outside St. Louis. "I saw a big flash like one of my halogen
lights burned out. But then I noticed my lights were okay and figured it must
have been lightning."

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *