SUBJECT: BILL ENGLISH ON BILL MOORE                          FILE: UFO2159


                            WILLIAM MOORE
                         A QUESTION OF FACTS
                         William S. English

    In light of the many facts that have or have not come to light
during the past few months, this is the final report that will be
produced by UFINET and myself concerning Mr. William Moore.  This is
because it had become evident that we will in reality never know the
true answers concerning what is or is not true with this gentleman.
And because, frankly, it is not worth flogging a dead horse, which is
what Bill Moore has become.

    let us once again review the facts as there were presented by
Moore at the 1989 Las Vegas MUFON Conference and Symposium.

    Essentially, Moore stated the following during his speech at the

    1.  That he worked for the government as a dis-information

    2.  That he was instrumental in relaying false information
    to Paul Bennewitz, and he played a part in having Bennewitz
    involuntarily committed to the New Mexico State Mental
    Hospital on three separate occasions.  And finally, his
    association with Bennewitz began in the later part of 1979.

    3.  That his informants, Condor and Falcon, worked for the
    government, and the information released by them during his
    television show "UFO COVER-UP LIVE", was false information.

    4.  His association with the government was to gain
    information of their operations and that he had his own
    reasons for working for them.

    What ever his reasons might have been, they certainly have the
appearance of having nothing to do with the advancement of Ufological

    Additionally, more facts concerning Mr. Moore have come to light,
which appear to have a very relevant bearing on everything else that
seems to have been taking place.

    It has been reported by various sources from around the nation
Moore's business practices are in serious question.  It also seems his
obsession for character assassination has acquired him a significant
number of enemies, (I count myself among them).

    Before continuing, I feel it essential to state my own personal
position in the Moore controversy.  This to present to you, the reader
the facts, so that you might be able to form your own opinions on the
matter, but at the same time have a more complete picture.

    The fact that I personally have no great affection for Moore is,
I'm sure, quite evident.  I am among many who have fallen victim to
Moore's lies and character assassination.  I have, however, been more
fortunate than most as the facts and evidence have, for the most part,
shown the lies Moore has attempted to spread about me are just that.
Lies....There have been those who have not been so fortunate in this
area.  It would seem Moore has had more successes than failures in
this department.  Thus he continues to persist.

    You have seen the facts Moore made evident at the MUFON
Conference.  Now take a look at the refuting facts as they are the
truth, verified by many reliable sources.

    1.  From Paul Bennewitz;  Moore stated he began his
    association with Paul during the later part of 1979, and it
    was at this point Bennewitz began sending his Dulce Reports
    to APRO.  In actuality, I personally began looking at the
    Bennewitz papers at the APRO offices in the later part of
    1978.  Also, Bennewitz himself, through a spokesman, has
    stated that he did not meet Bill Moore until May of 1988,
    when he presented himself at Paul's home uninvited and
    insisted that Paul talk with him, "or else".

    If this is the case, why would Moore make such a statement which
is so contrary to the facts as we have been able to establish them
from other sources? And his admission that he lied to us is in fact a
lie itself. WHY??

    2.  Falcon & Condor;  During his speech, Moore made the
    statement that he believed the evidence presented by his two
    birds, Falcon and Condor was false information.  Yet he
    allowed this segment to appear on the television production
    he played an instrumental part in producing.  He also began
    to sell the out-takes of the Falcon and Condor segments
    through his distribution company, advertising them as having
    additional information that would play a significant part in
    UFO investigations.  This apparently was not true.  Bill
    Knell of New York stated in his newsletter for the month of
    August, not only did it take a greater amount of time than
    it should have to get the tapes from Moore, but the
    information was absolutely worthless garbage.  If this were
    information from one source it would not be significant
    because it could be interpreted as a dissatisfied customer.
    Unfortunately, this comes from several different sources
    from around the country.

    Moore's statement concerning Falcon and Condor is a bit odd.
Especially since in 1979, I met with Moore at the Parfait Palace in
Trail Dust Town, Tucson, Arizona and related to him my own experiences
concerning the Project Grudge/Blue Book Report #13.  This meeting was
arranged by APRO's very own Allen Benz.

    It was during this meeting that I related everything I had seen
in the report.  I might add also in 1977, I had related exactly the
same things to Stanton Friedman, Jim Lorenzen, and Allen Benz after
hearing Freidman give a lecture at the Pima Community College.  During
the course of Freidman's talk he made mention of the fact Blue Book
Report #13 did not exist.  As this was not true I approached him after
his talk and told him so.  It was then I was invited to speak with him
and the others at length at the APRO Offices on north Campbell Ave.
    Almost ten years after the fact, Moore's two birds related
"almost" verbatim, everything I had told him in 1979.  To add insult
to injury, Moore, between the time I re-emerged into the public eye
and the time of the broadcast of his television show, began to spread
the rumor that I had admitted to him I, and one Gerry Shutlz, were
doing LSD together when we concocted the Blue Book Report scenario.
The reason supposedly was because we were trying to redirect APRO into
a more positive direction from where it was.  This in fact was not
true and never was.  On a more personal level, I believe that this was
an effort to mis-direct public attention from myself and onto him and
his supposed informants, in order to maintain the credibility of his
work, and the television production.

    After the airing of his TV show (30 minutes after it went off the
air in New Mexico) I contacted Moore's Offices in California in order
to bring him to task on the matter.  I was informed that Moore was in
Washington, D.C., and that he was unable to talk with me.  I then
talked with his associate Jamie Shandera, and made my displeasure in
the matter known clearly.

    Within a matter of days I wrote to Moore re-iterating my feelings
and position on the matter.  Shortly there after I received a letter
from Moore stating that I had in fact said these things to him during
our meeting at the Parfait Palace and he went into great detail
concerning lawsuits that were brought against Allen Benz and myself by
Coral Lorenzen and her associates in California and more or less
accused me of perfidious activity against APRO.  Then at the end of
his letter asked me to work with him on several investigations in the
New Mexico area.  If I were such a scoundrel, why would he do this?

    I in turn responded to his letter point by point, and challenged
him to take a polygraph test with me on the validity of his statements
versus mine.  He agreed, stating that he had nothing to hide.  As of
yet I have not been able to pin him down to make the arrangements, and
at the conference he not only studiously avoided everyone that wanted
to take him to task, he avoided me also.

    Apparently grants and funds have also fallen victim to Mr. Moore.
The Fund for UFO Research, in Maryland was a victim most recently.
Moore received a grant of something in the area of sixteen thousand
dollars and produced nothing.  I know for a fact that one of the
conditions that exist in order to receive a grant from the fund is
that all materials, equipment and data gathered using moneys granted
by the Fund, become the property of the Fund for UFO Research.  The
Fund has received nothing in return for the grant, and the money was
apparently wasted.  It would be interesting to have an exact
accounting of what the money was used for.


    Based on everything that has taken place during the past year and
a half concerning Moore, it has become apparent that once he meets his
obligations at the several speaking engagements he has been booked
into for this year, his popularity will decrease.  Already there is a
growing number of people around the nation that are placing vigorous
objections to Moore's being a speaker at their conferences and
symposiums.  In short, Moore is no longer a viable part of the
Ufological Investigative Community, and almost anything and everything
that he has done, or is trying to do, will come to nothing.  It is
advisable for Moore to seek real employment with the rest of us,
instead of feeding on, and victimizing those of us seriously trying to
find the answers to the questions of UFO's.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *