CASPER, WYO. - Alarmed experts say the U.S. is literally infested with extra-
terrestrials. The shocking estimate is that 64 million Americans have some
space alien blood !

Simply put, this means that one out of every four people you see on the stre-
ets of our great nation is either from another planet or a descendent of
someone who is, says geneticist Dr. Alfred Kornblum, noted author of Ultimate
Infiltration: The Subtle Alien Plan to Conquer Earth.

Dr. Kornblum says Molgans, aliens from the distant planet of Molganis, are
taking over our world by blending in and mating with Earth people, gradually
contaminating our human gene pool with their own genes - and most of them are
based in America.

The situation is worsening by leaps and bounds as the Molgans continue to
blend in and interbreed with humans.

Perhaps the worst thing about it is that a person can have space alien blood
running through his veins and not even know it.

Dr. Kornblum, long respected for his serious work in tracing the ancestry of
various races and nationalities, shocked the scientific community when he
published his mind boggling Molganis Contamination Report in 1978.

The report said a set of strange non-human genes was beginning to show up in
some people.

Since then, further research and consultation with experts allowed me to trace
the genes directly to the Molgans, Dr. Kornblum said.

He pointed out that the Molgans tried for years to conquer the world through
violent means. Cases in point are the thousands of reports of UFO attacks on
airplanes. But they eventually gave up and decided to use a slower but surer

They can make them selves look exactly like us, says the famed researcher.
They speak our language and can even fake our emotions. But they're nothing
like us. They don't have real feelings at all. They only want our world as a
piece of cosmic real estate. They'll stop at nothing to get it.

They're scattered all throughout the world, but the largest concentration of
Molgans is in America. They want their descendants in the most powerful coun-
try so they can have a strong influence on world political affairs.

Dr. Kornblum urges everyone to take the test included here.

Molgan blood is so prevalent that one should not be surprised to find he has
an alien in the woodpile, so to speak. There is no shame in that. But if a
person does find out he has alien blood, he should never marry and have child-

We must root out and destroy the Molgan conspiracy before it destroys us as a


Dr. Alfred Kornblum says a person can be descended from a space alien and not
even know it! Take this test to find if your ancestors were extraterrestrials.

Three "yes" answers indicate that you could have Molgan blood:

      1. Do you get strong cravings for green vegetable? Molgans systems re-
         quire 20 times more vegetable carbohydrate than humans.

      2. Do you sometimes feel nothing when you see news shows in which peo-
         ple are killed? Molgans have little compassion.

      3. Do you get a sensation of power when an electric-eye door opens for
         you? The aliens respond powerfully to mechanical devices.

      4. Do you find yourself impatient with people who cry easily? Molgans
         don't understand tears or sadness.

      5. Do you tend to use too much dishwashing or laundry detergent? Molg-
         ans often tend to overdo things.

      6. Do you often find it hard to stay awake even when you've had plenty
         of sleep? Molgans require more sleep than humans.

      7. Do you sometimes feel "homesick" even when surrounded by friends and
         family? This can indicate a longing for Molganis.

      8. Do you ever start driving one place and wind up somewhere else with-
         out realizing you've done it? Molgans are guided more by intuition
         than by logic.

      9. Do you often bump your head? Molgans are still not completely comfo-
         rtable in human form.

     10. Do you often find silly songs that you hate sticking in your mind?
         Molgans respond strongly to simple melodies.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *