Below are the first efforts of compiling a Frequently Asked Questions
File (FAQ).  It was compiled with Internet in mind, but it has a lot of
useful information.  ParaNet will be working on one as well.

There are some typos in the FAQ postings, so please overlook that.
Direct your comments to me here.

             alt.alien.visitors Frequently Asked Questions
                  This FAQ was last updated: 10/26/92
      It currently takes up 130k (around 67 printed pages) in all
                      Line width is about 75 char.

Hello and welcome to the first posting of the alt.alien.visitors
Frequently Asked Questions. You may notice that this FAQ does not
follow the standard question asked, question answered format. The
reason for this is that this FAQ is designed to answer questions of
people who are new to this Usenet discussion group, and designed to be
a useful reference source to those interested in UFOlogy. I tried to
keep a neutral stance when I researched the many of the subjects
covered in this FAQ; however you may also notice that some of the
material seem to be one-sided. When doing some of the research I may
have only used one book or source, thus (as you may have noticed) some
authors present information from only one point of view and this has a
tendency to be carried over to this FAQ, do to the lack of information
on the subject from another point of view.  (deep huh? well I hope to
include more viewpoints as this FAQ grows.) Also please when reading
information from this FAQ (as one poster put it) take everything you
read here with a very large grain of salt. (rock salt) Even I don't
believe all the information that I have included in this FAQ. As I said
its mainly a reference to help you out. If you find yourself interested
in a UFO related subject, **DO RESEARCH** read books on the subject,
dig into both sides, write letters to the authors and researchers.

I would once again like to thank everyone who contributed to the FAQ,
I would like to especially thank Steve Gamble and Jeff Papineau for the
work they put into the UFO Organizations section.


Main Sections
0.1: About alt.alien.visitors
0.2: Posting to alt.alien.visitors
0.3: People who post to alt.alien.visitors
0.4: Common Sense Guidelines
0.5: Example Posting

Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy
2.00: a.a.v.
2:01: Astronomical Units (A.U.)
2:02: Close Encounters (CE) & Visual Sightings
2:03: Marfa Lights
2:04: Men In Black (MIB)
2:05: Tectonic Strain Theory (TST)
2:06: UFOnauts
2:07: Unusual Ground Markings (UGM)
2:08: USAF
2:09: Zine

Alien Races
3.00: Arcturus
3.01: Aryans (Blondes)
3.02: Blues (Star Warriors)
3.03: Confederation of Humans
3.04: Greys
3.05: Orion Empire (Orion forces)
3.06: Pleiadians
3.07: Sirius
3.08: Reptoids
3.09: Vega

Abductions and Current Theories
4.00: About Abductions

5:00: Hopkins, Bud
5:01: Jacobs, Dr David
5:02: Klass, Philip J.
5:03: Marciniak, Barbara J.
5:04: Randles, Jenny

UFO Projects & Theories & Controversies
6.00: Aurora Project or "deep black" projects
6.02: NASA Footage September 10th
6.03: Planetoid (Wormwood)
6.04: Project Blue Book
6.05: Roswell Crash Incident

UFO Movies, Documentaries and TV Programs
7.00: TV Programs
7.01: E. T. Monitor (the Keystone Inspirational Network)
7.02: Hard Copy (??)
7.03: Intruders
7.04: National Geographic (PBS)
7.05: sightings (FOX)
7.06: UFO Incident, The
7.07: Unsolved Mysteries (NBC)

7.09: Close Up
7.10: Communion
7.11: UFO Coverup Live
7.12: UFO Documentary
7.13: UFO, The Films Prove It

UFO Magazines and Publications (UFOzines)
8.00: Circular, The
8.01: Cerealogist, The
8.02: Connecting Link Magazine
8.04: Crop Watcher, The
8.05: Earth,
8.06: Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic,
8.07: Faithist Journal, The
8.08: Focus
8.09: Fortean Times,
8.10: Inner Light
8.11: International UFO Library Magazine
8.12: Magonia,
8.13: Orvotron Newsletter
8.14: Ovni Presence
8.15: Revelations of Awareness
8.16: Swamp Gas Journal
8.17: UFO Universe

UFO Book Publishers
9.00: Advent Publishing Company
9.02: Arnerica West Publishers
9.03: Arcturus Book Service
9.04: Condor Books, Inc.
9.05: Document Research Services
9.06: Earth Star Publications
9.07: Eden Press
9.08: JACO Book Publishers
9.09: The Library of the New Essenes of Inyo
9.10: Luna Ventures
9.11: The Pleiades Project
9.12: UFO Audio-Video Clearing House
9.13: UFO Books
9.14: UFO Photo Archives
9:15: Worldwide UFO Newsclipping Bureau and Public Information Center

Miscellaneous Information
10.00: A UFO Book List
10.01: alt.alien.visitors archives (back issues)
10.02: Big Foot (Sasquatch)
10.03: Free UFO Class
10.04: Freedom of Information
10.05: Hidden Ancient Ruins
10.06: Inter Library Loans (ILL)
10.07: NASA Shuttle Footage
10.08: UFO Related anonymous FTP Sites

UFO Organizations                                  * Assumed Acronym
11.00: Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group  . . . . .*(APR)
11.02: Aetherius Society, The
11.03: Ancient Astronaut Society    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(AAS)
11.04: Ancient Truth Research Foundation    . . . . . . . . . .*(ATRF)
11.05: Awareness Reserch Foundation, Inc , The    . . . . . . .*(ARF)
11.06: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation  . . . . . . . . (BSRF)
11.07: British UFO Research Association . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.08: California UFO     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CUFO)
11.09: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy   . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CAUS)
11.10: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
      Claims of the Paranormal Contactee   . . . . . . . . . .
11.11: Computer UFO Network   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CUFON)
11.12: Contactee
11.13: Cosmic Awareness Communications  . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CAC)
11.14: CSETI                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CSETI)
11.15: Delval UFO, Inc.
11.16: Fair Witness Project, Inc., The  . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FRP)
11.17: Federation, The
11.18: Flying Saucer Information Center . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FSIS)
11.19: Fortean Research Center, The
11.20: Fund for UFO Research, Inc.,The  . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FUFOR)
11.21: Gulf Breeze Skywatch   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(GBS)
11.22: Inner-Peace Prosperity Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . (IPPN)
11.23: Intercontinental UF Galactic Spacecraft
      - Research and Analytic Network  . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.24: International Committeee for UFO Research . . . . . . . .
11.25: International Fortean Organization   . . . . . . . . . . (INFO)
11.26: Intruders Foundation
11.27: Island Skywatch
11.28: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies  . . . . . . . . . (CUFOS)
11.29: Massachusetts Center for the study of
      Aerial Phenomena, The  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(MCSAP)
11.30: Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on
      Aerial Phenomena   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MICAP)
11.31: MutuaL UFO Network   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MUFON)
11.32: Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc.   . . . . . . (MUFON-
NC) 11.33: National Investigations Committeee on UFOs  . . . . . . .
11.34: National Sighting Research Center, The   . . . . . . . . (NSRC)
11.35: Nevada Aerial Research Group   . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NARG)
11.36: North American Circle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *(NAC)
11.37: North American Institute of Crop Circle Research   . . .
11.38: Northamptonshire UFO Research Centre   . . . . . . . . .
11.39: Northern UFO Network   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NUFON)
11.40: Omega Communications
11.41: ParaNet (Paranormal Network) Information Service . . . .
(PARANET) 11.42: Pennsylvania Association for the
      Study of the Unexplained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PASU)
11.43: Pnet
11.44: Portland UFO Group, The  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PUFOG)
11.45: Roundtown UFO Society
11.46: Royal Priest Research  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(RPR)
11.47: Search for EXtraterrestrial Intelligence, The. . . . . . (SETI)
11.48: Sirian Rainbow Lodge   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(SRL)
11.49: SKYNET
11.50: Socie'Te' Belge d'Etude des Phenomenes Spatiaux  . . . .
11.51: Society for Scientific Exploration   . . . . . . . . . . (SSE)
11.52: Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, The  . (SITU)
11.53: System Ready
11.54: Transcendental Communications A Division of LAMAT Research
11.55: UFO Contact Center International   . . . . . . . . . . .
11.56: UFO Fllter Center  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOFC)
11.57: UFO Information Retrieval Center . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.58: UFO Investigators League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOIL)
11.59: UFO, Paranormal and Conspiracy BBS, THE  . . . . . . .
*(UFOPCBBS) 11.60: UFO Reporting and Information Service. . . . . . .
. . (UFORIS)
11.61: UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis
11.62: Ufology Research of Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.63: United Aerial Phenomena Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UAPA)
11.64: Universal Articulate Interdimensional
      Understanding of Science (UNARIUS Academy of Sciences) .
(UNARIUS) 11.65: Victorian U.F.O. Research Society Inc. . . . . . . . .


FAQ Requests

FAQ Suggestions

=== 0.1: About alt.alien.visitors
alt.alien.visitor is a Usenet discussion group available through
internet.  Currently a.a.v. is the only UFO related discussion group
available on Usenet. It caters to a wide rage of UFO related discussion
from New Age UFOlogy to Scientific UFOlogy. It currently receives
around 36 posting daily. All comments by me are indicated by the square

=== 0.2: Posting to alt.alien.visitors
The following idea was suggested by [email protected] and
is taken from [email protected] (Melissa Wauford)'s "***
POSTING GUIDELINES ***". I have adapted it to fit alt.alien.visitors,
and I feel that this is an excellent idea. I would recommend that you
use this system when posting to alt.alien.visitors.

alt.alien.visitors can be a controversial newsgroup with a wide variety
of discussed topics. A few topics may generate more traffic than others
and may contain subject matter related to UFOlogy that others wish to
filter out or concentrate upon.  In order to allow those who use rn or
some other method of pre-selecting articles to filter out (or save
away) postings about these heavy traffic subjects, an abbreviation
scheme has been created.  Please help out by starting your subject line
with one of the following abbreviations when posting about these
topics. For example:

Subject: HOT - Dancing Aliens


Subject: OP: Grey finger snacks,(the trick is in how you fold them)

New abbreviations will be added as needed. Send suggestions directly to
me, and I'll add them to the list. Objections to any abbreviations
should probably be posted so that a consensus may be reached. Old
abbreviations will be deleted when no longer necessary.

Suggested Abbreviations by [email protected]:
[revised by [email protected]]

ABD = Abduction information
 CE = Pertaining to UFO sightings and phenomena, Close Encounters,
      alien contact
 HA = Jokes & silliness
HOT = Someone flaming someone else
INV = Postings about alien invasions and conspiracies
MISC = Other categories like Atlantis/Mu/Spacemen, etc...
 NA = New Age stuff NEWS = UFO related news, upcoming conventions.
 OP = Opinions
REP = Repostings of older post like Lear, Cooper, etc..
SCI = Scientific (preferably not pseudo) findings on UFO related

== 0.4: Common Sense Guidelines
When posting to any Usenet group please follow these general

(1)  Do not post on subjects that clearly unrelated to the newsgroup.
    Take them to the appropriate news group for discussion.

    Example: Discussion of abortion, gun control, politics and other
    strictly non related UFO should not be posted on this news group.

(2)  Do not completely repost others peoples postings and then write
    your opinion about it. Selectively edit the the post to get the
    information you need from it to make your point. The standard
    symbol used to show information from another post is the ">".

    Example of what not to do: Repost a long section of material
    quoted from a previous article, followed by "I agree" or words to
    that effect.

== 0.5: Example Posting
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
From: [email protected] (John Doe)
Subject: OP: Roswell Incident
Date: Fri, 31 Apr 1992 16:54:39 GMT

In article <1597O38cc.040316.26314>[email protected] (Ima Lier)

>.. it was in 1936 when the UFO crashed at Roswell ...
>Plus there were no witnesses!! Not a single person could be found
>to bring forth testimony.

According to my sources it happened in 1947 and lots of people saw it.
How can you say... [Etc.]

=== 0.3: People who post to alt.alien.visitors
Readers and writers of a.a.v. are made up of:

A) People that have had contact.(Rarely post... obvious reasons)
B) Government paid disinformation people. (Poor to fair fiction)
C) Questioning/Inquiring minds (post weak questions, but mean well)
D) Wanderers (Just passing through, make snide remarks if any)
E) A few who think aliens are out there but haven't/won't come here.
F) A few who think aliens are with us know but have had no contact.
G) Aliens (Grey, life sucking, invader of utopia)
H) Guys like me that just can't unsubscribe from this group. (It's just
  to much fun. Life looks darker and things aren't very clear. (guess
  this belongs in alt.consp....) But when all else falls through pull
  up a.a.v.  and smile. Someone is always a little worse off than you
  are and here is one sure fired place to find one.
I) People who are not contactees, or new-agers, or sceptics, but are
  simply interested in high-strangeness phenomenon of all sorts (and
  generally try not to post snide comments or be simple minded!)

[If anyone wishes to add their humor to this list please mail me,
but keep it clean: [email protected]]

Main Source: [email protected] (Rick O'leary)
Other Contributors:
[email protected] (Kellie Matthews)

===Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy


2.00: Astronomical Units (A.U.)
An A.U. is a measurement of space. One A.U. is the distance from the
earth to the sun.

2.01: a.a.v.
alt.alien.visitors One of the many Usenet discussion groups.

2:02: Close Encounters (CE) & Visual Sightings
NL (nocturnal light)
  A simple visual sighting of a unidentified flying light seen at

ND (nocturnal disc)
  A simple visual sighting of a unidentified flying extended or
  structured light source seen at night.

DD (daylight disc)
  A simple visual sighting of a UFO seen during the day.

Close Encounters of the first kind (CE1, CEI)
  As first defined by Hynek, a CE1 is an observation of a UFO within
  150 yards.

Close Encounters of the second kind (CE2, CEII)
   The finding of physical evidence that a alien craft or race exists.
   Example: A burn where the craft has landed or the finding of
   material of unknown makeup.

Close Encounters of the third kind (CE3, CEIII)
   A visual sighting of an alien being or race.

Close Encounters of the forth kind (CE4, CEIV)
   An abduction of an individual by an alien being or race.

Close Encounters of the fifth kind (CE5, CEV)
   A direct contact or communication with alien being or race.
   Example: Billie Meier with the Pleiadians, U.S.Govt. with the
   Greys, or channeling.

Main Source:
[email protected] (Janet Smith)
[email protected] (Chris Rutkowski)

2:03: Marfa Lights
Marfa lights  are balls of lights that appear, change different colors
and dance around in the air.  These lights where named after the town
that they have been appearing in, Marfa Texas. They have also been
sited in other areas. Some theories as to what they are include Ball
lighting, Car headlights, and Alien space ships. The last current
sighting I'm aware of was Marfa Texas on September 1 1992.

Main Source: Sightings, FOX Network airdate September 25, 1992

2:03: Men In Black (MIB)
These are a group of individuals who are said to wear black suits and
drive and fly around in unmarked black cars and helicopters.  They go
about  threatening people who have claimed to have seen UFOs into not
talking about what they witnessed.

The very first occurrence of MIB was traced to a man named Albert K.
Bender.  He was the editor of a flying saucer publication called the
"Space Review" In the October 1953 issue he placed an announcement
stating that he had come across information that would solve the flying
saucer mystery but they could not print it because they were ordered
not to.  They then ended the announcement warning others in saucer work
to be "very cautious"  they then stopped their publications. Later in
an interview Bender stated that "three men wearing dark suits" had
ordered him to stop publishing flying saucer material, and  that he had
complied with the order because he had been "scared to death" of them.
He later published a book called "Flying Saucers and the Three Men in

Mains Source: "A Review of MIBS (Men In Black) : A History" ParaNet
File Number: 00171 Published 1991 by ParaNet Information Service

Also see: Flying Saucers and the Three Men in Black by Albert K. Bender

2:05: Tectonic Strain Theory (TST)
A theory of electromagnetic effects upon the human brain and/or the
physical environment, such that all Forteana including UFOs, ghosts,
ESP, sasquatch, and religious fervour can be explained as being caused
by seismic activity generating electromagnetic radiation which in turn
makes people think they are witnesses to an anomalous event.
Alternatively, the EMM radiation can luminesce so that it appears as a
UFO.  Chief proponent: Michael Persinger. A variant is the "Earth
Lights" hypothesis described by Paul Devereux.

Main Source: [email protected] (Chris Rutkowski)

Unidentified Flying Object. Official term used by the Air Force.

2:06: UFOnauts
A term used by the UFO community in reference to the alien abductors or

2:07: Unusual Ground Markings (UGM)
A broad term which includes crop circles, "tripod marks", saucer nests,
burn marks, etc.

Main Source: [email protected] (Chris Rutkowski)

2:08: USAF
United States Air Force

2:09: Zine
magazine or newsletter pertaining to a specific subject.
circlezine - Crop Circle publication
  ufozine - UFO publication

=== Alien Races
These are often talked about in books, Publcations and on this
discussion group.

3.00: Arcturus
Members of Confederations of Humans [will do more research later]

Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
 Issue # 371

3.01: Aryans (Blondes)
Blond Nordic Humanoids who work with the greys. Said to be captured by
the Reptoids and also have implants. They are said to have a tendency
to switch their loyalties between the Reptoids and the Confederations
of Humans.

Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
 Issue # 371

3.02: Bllues (Star Warriors)
The Blues are said to have translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes
and small of stature. The main issue of their teaching was PURSUE YOUR
PASSION, follow your own way, do your own thing, don't be pressured
into being anything but what and who you are.

The information about the Blues comes from Robert Morningsky a
Hopi/Apache dancer. According to Morningsky the first alien contact
started about 1947 - 1948 with the Greys contacting the U.S. Government
to form a treaty with them. Another body of Aliens arrived, called the
Blues. The Blues advised the government not to deal with the greys
saying it would only lead to disaster. They told the U.S. to follow
your own path. They said they would would teach with peace and harmony
if men would disarm and listen. The military said no deal. So they
left, but a few decided to remain and stayed in Northern Mexico and
Arizona and made a treaty with the Hopi Indians. These Aliens are known
by the Hopi as Star Warriors. The greys started monitoring the Blues.
So the Blues had to flee the reservation and go into hiding, a few of
the Elders went with them.

The Hopi legend is that there were two races, the children of the
feather who came from the skies, and the children of the reptile who
came from under the earth. The children of the reptile chased the Hopi
Indians out of the earth, these evil under-grounders were also called
two hearts.

Main Source: Post from: [email protected] (Don Allen) "FILE: Star
 Warriors",Forwarded from "contact" by Sande Van der Straten, to Cathy
 Emerson, Dated 23 Aug 1992, 19:29

Also See: American Indian Magic by Brad Steiger

3.03: Confederation of Humans
An organization of alien groups born out of positive energy, that are
helping the human race along and desire to protect them.  Includes:
Vega, Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades and other humanoids.

Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
 Issue # 371

3.04: Greys
This is the most commonly identified alien race in UFOlogy. Their are
many different views, stories and theories regarding them ranging from
the different New Age views to the different Scientific, and conspiracy

Greys as presented by the Scientific Community:
The Greys are the most commonly described race by abduction victims.
In this view they are considered a race with an unknown motives, and
agendas. They seem to be abducting, studying, testing and using various
individuals for their one unclear reasons. [See: Abductions and Current

Greys as presented by the New Age Movement:
 In the new age movement the Greys are often associated as an evil
race, or a race with bad energy. They are often associated with many
other races, such as the Reptoids and their motives are known.

Greys as presented by Different Conspiracy Theories
 The different conspiracy theories are often a mix of the scientific
and new age views. The standard conspiracy base states that the Greys
crashed one or more of their space ships and they were found by the
U.S. Government. The Government them makes a secret treaty with the
Greys allowing them to abduct humans in exchange for their technology.
The conspiracy theories often end with the Greys not keeping their part
of the deal. [I will try and include some of the different conspiracy
theories when I have more time to research them in detail]

Their are descriptions of several types of Greys: they are all humanoid
in appearance, a head, main body, two arms, hands, legs, and feet.

1: The most commonly seen grey is around two to four feet tall, very
slender and delicate looking, small beings and light weight, extremely
penetrating black slanted eyes with no pupils, almost vestigial mouth
and nose, a very large head with a pointed chin. The skin color varies
from dark grey to light grey, tan to tanish grey, white to pale white.
They have no hair on their bodies.

2: Another commonly seen Grey is described similarly as above, except
their usually six inches taller, and seem to give the orders. A
variation of this same described individual is: same as above except
eyes like big black buttons and are rounded.

3: Another type of Grey are the small robot like beings, stocky and
little, with smooth rounded hat on top, with dark deep set holes for
eyes and a round O shaped mouth, square breastplate with concentric
circles on it, smell like burnt match heads, mushroom grey skin. These
Greys are often said to act like security guards.

Other variations are described as Reptilian like with claws an preying
mantis like. There have also been many report of cross breeds that are
not exactly human and not exactly Greys.

Main Sources:
Secret Life, by David M. Jacobs
Communion, by Whitley Strieber
A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371

Also See:
Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins
Intruders, by Budd Hopkins

3.05: Orion Empire (Orion forces)
Those alien groups born out of negative energy such as the Reptoids and
the grays. [If this is wrong someone please correct me, I'll do more
research on this later]

Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
 Issue # 371

3.06: Pleiadians
The Pleiadians are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star
system Pleiades. They are also from various times in our future,
starting from 500 years from now to millions of years from now. The
Pleiadian culture is ancient and was "seeded" from another universe of
love long before Earth was created. They have formed a tremendous
society which operates with love, with ideas and ideals that we are yet
unfamiliar with.

The Pleiadians started a project to contact and inspire earth humans to
take back their power and create a better reality for themselves. They
are here as ambassadors from another universe to help Earth through her
transition from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and to
assist each of us in our personal endeavors of awakening, remembering
and knowing. As this project has become more successful, more ETs have
joined the group, some from other systems. The group later changed its
name from Pleiadians to the Pleiadians Plus.

The Pleiadians say that their reasons for contacting us is that there
is a chance of tyranny in the future and they are coming back to
inspire us as much as possible so we will take charge of creating our
own reality and change the future.
  They teach a very empowering form of personal and social
metaphysics, with love and clarity. The Pleiadians speak as a
collective and there are no individuals identified. They do not appear
in physical form although they say they can. They say it is safer to
come through the channel, and it does not attract as much attention.

Billie Meier's Contact from the Pleiades
Billie Meier was contacted over 130 times between 1976 and 1982 by a
female named Samjese who said she was from the star system Pleiades.
She was the first to telepathically contact Meier and tell him where to
go for the first physical contact. Meier had indepth conversations with
Samjese. The contact notes are published in following four books and
are out of print:

UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Vol I & II Photo Journals (Vol I is
in its second printing.)
UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Prilimary Investigation Report
UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Supplementary Investigation Report
Message From the Pleiades Vol 1 & 2 Light Years

There are 4 videos available on the Pleiades case.
Contact        $59.
The Beamship Trilogy   $99.
The videos are available from:
Genesis III Publishing, P.O. Drawer JJ, Munds Park, AZ 86017
[Also see: The Pleiades Project]

There is also a book available called Bringers of the Dawn - Teachings
from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak.  They also have 2 to 3
hundred tapes available.

Main source:
Information given by [email protected]
Connecting Link Magazine Pleiadian article, Channeled by Barbara

3.07: Sirius
Members of Confederations of Humans [will do more research later]

Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
 Issue # 371

3.08: Reptoids
A reptilian race from Draco bent on conquest,  They are said to be
controling the greys by means of an implant, the same one that the gray
are implanting into humans.  They are also said to be the master minds
behind the abduction plans. Their master plan involves using the newly
created 'Half-breeds' with implants to defeat the Confederations of
Humans. The Reptoids also use humans as food.  [Does this remind you of
the movie V?]

Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
 Issue # 371

3.09: Vega
Members of Confederations of Humans [will do more research later]

Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
 Issue # 371

=== Abductions and Current Theories
4.00: About Abductions
There are many people who believe they have been abducted by UFOnauts.
These abduction victims often experience memory loss and "missing
time". some of them have been able to recall their abductions from
memory and others have recalled their abductions by the aid of
hypnosis. Often these encounters involve being taken aboard an alien
craft and examined by the UFOnauts and put through a variety of
physical and mental procedures. Then the individuals are returned. Many
of the abduction victims has shown signs of Post-Traumatic Stress

Some of the major researchers who have studied the abduction field
include Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, John Mach, Philip Klass, and Jenny

There are several groups with distinct opinions. The dyed-in-the-wool
Skeptics, who who don't believe it. Others who are passing no verdict,
but are still examining  the evidence. Those who believe due to the
similarities of the abduction testimonies. Those who claim to have
information through means such as channeling. Those who claim to have
had first-person experiences, with automatic conscious recall. Those
who claim to have had first-person experiences, with recall under
hypnotic regression.

The opinions of some skeptics such as Klass believe that the hypnotists
themselves are leading the abduction victims unknowingly into believing
that they have had an abduction experience. The skeptics believe that
the the media has been saturated so much with the abduction material
that when people having nightmares or people who believe that they have
experienced the "missing time" are put under hypnosis, they draw upon
what they have seen in the media to fulfill the expectations of the
hypnotist and causes themselves to be put trough the trauma for that
reason. They say the nightmares are often caused by the sleeping
disorder narcolepsy, and the "missing time" is not an uncommon
experience and is caused when the mind is preoccupied by other matters.
They often give the advice to go to clinical doctors, and not to
contact an abductionist.

Other researchers such as Jacobs and Hopkins believe that there is
something physical causing the abduction experiences. Hobkins has
stated that he believes that the abduction are real and that the
recounts of the abductions are to similar to each other to be anything
but the truth. Jacobs takes a slightly different approach, he has been
categorizing all the accounts and trying to find patterns in the
testimonies. Through this method he come up with new more indepth
theories regarding the abductions. [I'll give these late when I have

The Channelers believe that the abductions are part of a battle between
good energy forces and evil energy forces. [See Reptoids, Greys and

There people on the net who believe they have had personal experiences
with Alien contacts or abductions. Some have posted accounts of their
experiences. Many others decline to post due to attacks by skeptics.

There has been possible material evidence of UFOs or Alien contacts.
There are abundant material traces, even excepting those confiscated by
the military. Material traces include burned grass and earth where UFOs
have landed, UFOs shown on radar tapes, UFOs on film and in photos.
Bodily traces on abductees include scoop-marks in the flesh, incisions,
burns, apparent radiation exposure, bruises, inflammation, etc. Whether
any of these is considered *evidential*, however, is a subjective value

For anyone who is interested in abduction help call:

 Bill Knell
 Director of Island Skywatch
 (718)591-1854 (New York)

He can get you in touch with the right people in your area and has a
lot of videos, tapes and books on UFOs and abductions. He is also a
very experienced researcher/investigator.

Main Sources:
UFO-Abductions: A Dangerous Game, by Philip Klass
Secret Life, by David M. Jacobs
Communion, by Whitley Strieber
[email protected] (Denise Solis)
A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371

Also See:
Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins
Intruders, by Budd Hopkins
Alien Abductions: Mystery Solved by Jenny Randiles

=== UFOlogists
5:00: Hopkins, Bud
Bud Hopkins graduated from Oberlin college. He is also a painter and
sculptor. He has been investigating UFO report for the lat 12 years.

Bud Hopkins c/o Random House
201 E. 50th Street
New York, NY 10022

5:01: Jacobs, Dr David
David Jacobs is an Associate Professor of History at temple University.
He has worked with over 300 UFO abduction witnesses. He works closely
with a number of other abduction researchers including Budd Hopkins.
Dr. Jacobs moderates an abduction conference on ParaNet, and is
accessible via their dial-up BBS node (303-431-8797) or on Internet
through a list server. [See ParaNet]

Dr. David Jacobs
Department of History
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pa 19122

5:02: Klass, Philip J.
For thirty-five years a senior editor with Aviation Week and Space
Technology magazine, is recognized as the world's leading skeptical
authority in Unidentified Flying Objects and has written three books on
the subject. Klass, a graduate electrical engineer, is a founding
Fellow of the Committeee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of
the Paranormal. He was honored in 1973 for his accuracy as a
techjournalist by being named a Fellow at the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers.

Main Source: The about the author paragraph inUFO-Abductions: A
Dangerous Game, by Philip Klass, C1988

5:03: Marciniak, Barbara J.
Barbara J. Marciniak is an internationally known trance channel from
North Carolina. She began channeling in 1988. The strength and purity
of the message she is bringing very quickly captured the hearts of many
seekers looking to be all that they can be. Barbara has channeled at
various Expos and for groups across the United States, in Peru and in

You may contact Barbara at:
Bold Connections                Connecting Link Magazine
P. O. Box 6521,                 9392 Whitneyville Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27628.              Alto, MI. 49302-9694

5:04: Randles, Jenny
Jenny Randles
37 Hasthbank Road
Stockport, Cheshire SK3 0UP

=== UFO Projects & Theories & Controversies

6.00: Aurora Project or "deep black" projects
The "Black Projects" are governmental projects that are considered
technological secrets. These can range from laser and particle beams to
top secret aircraft. The "Aurora Project" is the name given to one of
these types of projects by the industry experts involving two new types
of reported aircraft. These aircraft where observed in the south west
US and are said to have been developed at highly classified government
facilities in the Nevada desert. There are two types of advanced
aircraft reported.

One is nick named the "Pulser" aircraft. There have been many sights of
this aircraft by several different  witnesses. When sighted it has
repetitively been described as "A high-speed aircraft characterized by
a very loud, deep, rumbling engine noise (1-2 Hz pulse rate)
reminiscent of heavy-lift rockets."  The smoke trail of the aircraft is
described as being segmented and in a linked sausage shape. (Or another
good example would be to look at one side of your coat zipper, un-
zipped, with the teeth facing you) It is also described as a high-
altitude aircraft that crossed the sky at extremely high speeds. Both
ground based and airborne observers have reported it to be seen flying
at altitudes above 50,000 ft. observers have reported see the aircraft
as a single bright light that seldom changed direction, however speed
changes where observed.  One observer estimated that it covered 350
miles in 6 minutes. (3500 miles/hr)

This this aircraft may indeed exist. There has been research in to what
are called Pulsed Detonation Engines (PED's) also refereed to as Pulsed
Detonation Wave Engines. These are different type of engine than the
pulse jet engines, which is already publicly know, and has been tested
in aircraft. The PED's are said to be in laboratory and computer
analysis level of development (reported oct of 91) The PED's exhaust
emission produces smoke trails that closely match the pulser aircraft.
Simulations of theses engines are said to be able to propel large
aircraft in the "Mach 0.2-3.0 flight regime"

How PED's work: PED's use shock waves created in a detonation to
compress the fuel-oxidizer mixture prior to combustion. A cylinder
chamber designed to support the detonation is constructed with a flat
forward end which makes up the thrust wall. Air along with fuel is fed
into the engine from behind the thrust-wall. The detonation wave
created travels forward to the thrust wall at about Mach 4 and
compresses the fuel-air mixture, promotes supersonic combustion and
causes a pressure rise in the engine. The wave then strikes the thrust
wall and rebounds accelerating the combustion products towards the
nozzle. Some of the products are ejected by the wave to the outside
air-stream through the air inlet openings creating a toroidal vortex
out side the engine. Then the cycle repeats.

The said advantages of this type of engine are:
* Theoretically a higher fuel efficiency than a "constant pressure
* Engines can be produced in many sizes and thrust outputs from a few
 inches in diameter at a thrust of several pounds to  larger one that
 can output in the thousands of pounds range.
* They have high thrust to weight ratio (ie.lighter engine, more
* They are mechanically simple, and have few moving parts.
* They could operate in or out of the atmosphere using fuel oxidizers.

There is very little information on the other reported aircraft. It is
reported as "A triangular-shaped, quiet aircraft". This craft has been
seen by many observers and flying with several F-117 stealth aircraft.

Main Sources:
Aviation Week & Space Technologies, (Oct 1, 90 pp20-23) &
 (oct 28, 91 pp68-69)

Also See:
Aviation Week & Space Technologies [please note: one of these dates is
a couple days off, on the actual magazine date.]
December 24, 1990 pg. 41-44
June 20,     1991 pg. 20-21
March 9,     1992 pg. 66-67
May 11,      1992 pg. 62-63

6.02: NASA Footage September 10th
Space Ice or an alien craft dodging a missile. That's the big debate on
the footage taken by an unmanned camera on the space shuttle. One side
says that it is space Ice accelerated by the space shuttles thrusters.
The other side says the excelleration of some the objects don't follow
the correct paths don't match physics. They speculate its a alien craft
dodging a Starwars missile.

Main source: Sightings, FOX Network, airdate September 25, 1992

6.03: Planetoid (Wormwood)
Beyond Pluto astronomers believe there is a ring of ice chunks circling
the solar system 37 to 59 A.U. from the sun. They have called the ice
belt the Kuiper belt. Beyond that astronomers say there is a similarly
composed Oort cloud which forms a sphere around our planetary system
that stretches two light years in distance. A tiny red spot of light
was recorded in hawaii in October of 92,  which is thought to be the
first component of the Kuiper belt ever observed. The object was named
1992 QB1.
It is about 200 km across and 5.1 billion km away from the sun (41.2
a.u.). The object is fairly red, suggesting a surface rich in organics.
The current position is, for 0h UT on September 15, 1992:  0h 00.09+0d
01'.7 (2000.0). It is moving retrograde at only 3" per hour. David
Jewitt and Jane Luu discovered it using the University of Hawaii's 2.2-
meter telescope on Mauna Kea.  They have been searching for such an
object for the last five years. The first images were secured August
30, but just as with the discovery of Pluto in 1930 the discovery was
kept "under wraps" for awhile to allow a better assessment. Jewitt
believes it to be one of the larger members of the Kuiper belt. Jewitt
says that it will take two months to confirm the object.

Another theory involving the planetoid comes to us from channelers. It
is a hollowed out body that was moved here by the Reptoids, in order to
transport an army of Grays or Reptoids. [sorry, I'm not sure which, I
haven't had a chance to research this in-depth] It is now  parked
outside the orbit of Pluto.  It is currently being used as a base by
the Reptoids.

Then there is also the theory that the planetoid may be the star that
is mentioned in the Bible as "Wormwood" (also translated as
"bitterness"); which when the "third angel" in the book of Revelation
blew his trumpet, fell to the earth and poisoned one third of the
earths waters.  Another interesting fact is that "chernobyl" (as in the
Nuclear power plant in "Russia" that had a meltdown) in Ukranian also
means Wormwood.

Main Source:
"Beyond Pluto" by MichaaelD. Lemonick, p. 59, Time Magazine Sep. 28, 92
"#Object beyond Pluto", Compuserve article #110734 S14/News/Current
Events by Roger Sinnott, 14-Sep-92
A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371
Bible,  Revelation chapter 8 Verses 10 & 11

6.04: Project Blue Book
On Sep 30 ,1947  Lt General Twining of ACM expressed his opinion that
there was sufficient substance in reports to warrant a study on UFOs.
On Dec.  23,1947 Project Sign was established to collect, collate,
evaluate, and disseminate all information concerning UFO sightings and
Project sign completed it evaluations in Feb of 1949 and concluded "No
definite and conclusive evidence is yet available that would prove or
disprove the existence of these UFOs as real aircraft of unknown and
unconventional configuration." Project Sign was changed to Project
Grudge on Dec.16, 1948. Project Grudge recommended that the
investigation and study of UFO reports be reduce in scope. In early
1950 UFO reports by the public increased. This prompted Project Grudge
to be changed to Project Blue Book in march of 1952.

Project Blue Book goals were to find out:
1: To find an explanation for all the reported sighting of UFO's.
2: To determine if the UFO posed any security threat to the United
3: To determine if UFO's exhibit any advanced technology which the U.S.
  could Utilize.

When the project ended the Air Force concluded:
1: There is no evidence that any UFOs are "extraterrestrial vehicles"
2: No UFO has ever given any indication of a threat to the national
3: There is no evidence that UFO's represent technological developments
  or principals beyond present-day scientific knowledge.

You can get the project Blue Book papers from Any Federal Repository
which has copies of National Archives material (there are various
scattered around the country). Or, you can go to the National Archives
in Washington, DC. They're on microfilm, like the Census records that
genealogists use.

[I will finish researching this later, I had to return the book before
I was done. :-(]

Main Source:
Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Findings Revealed,
 By Brad Steiger, 1976
[email protected] (Robert Sheaffer)

6.05: Roswell Crash Incident
 The Roswell Incident started with sightings of UFOs on June 24, 1947.
In July 2,  of the sane year Mac Brazel heard a loud crash.  The next
day he went out Horseback riding with a neighbor and came upon a field
with debris scattered about.

The debris field was 3/4 of a mile long and 300 feet wide. It was
oriented in a northwest to southeast direction.  There was a gouge in
the northwest side of the debris field that was 500 feet long and 10
feet wide.  The debris on the field mostly consisted of I-beams and
parchment like, paper thin pieces of metal material. The material was
very light in weight, a dull gray in color, and most pieces were 6 to 7
inches in length.  Some pieces that were even thinner that paper could
not be broken in half,  cut or burned.
 Mac Brazel collected several pieces of the debris and went back to
his ranch.  On July 6,  Brazel went into Roswell to report what he had
seen and to show a piece of the debris to sheriff Wilcox. The sheriff
decided to call the local air base. During this time Frank Joyce called
in from the local radio station to see if anything newsworthy was
happening around town. Brazel gave him the information about what he
had found.
 Major Jesse A. Marcel and a few other military personal arrived from
the base only a few minutes after the sheriff had finished  talking to
the people at the base.  Brazel and the military personal left and went
back to the Ranch. The next morning (July 7) they went to the crash
sight. The military retrieved some of the debris and returned to
 On July 8, the military came back and sealed off the area, They took
Brazel into custody.  That same day they found a second crash sight two
and 1/2 miles southeast of the first.  Barney Barnett and 4
archaeologists  had stumbled onto the new sight a few minutes before
the military had gotten there.  At the sight was found a "pretty good
sized metallic dull gray object" and 4 small alien bodies. They were 4
to 5 feet tall,  with large pair shaped heads, small bodies and skinny
arms and legs.  They had two large eyes,  no ears and no hair. Their
skin was pinkish grey and leathery.  They were wearing a one piece grey
suits. The civilians were escorted out of the area when the military

 On July 9th the military escorted Brazel to the radio station , there
he told Frank Joyce that he saw a weather balloon. He left again with
the military and didn't get back to his ranch until around July 15.
Later when asked about what had happened Brazel said he had given a
oath and could not talk about it.
 The Incident remained closed and the public and  UFO research
organizations at large accepted the weather balloon story until 1970
when Jesse A. Marcel broke the silence and told his part in the story.

Main source: UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D. Randle & Donald R.
 Schmitt Published 1991 by Avon Books

=== UFO Movies, Documentaries and TV Programs
= 7.00: TV Programs
7.01: E. T. Monitor (the Keystone Inspirational Network)
  - A program that originates from Pennsylvania, it has a pre-recorded
and a live section. The person who runs it sells packets of books by
mail-order. He likes to think that he is presenting irrefutable proof
not only of the existence of UFOs but also of the Government's
Conspiracy to keep them secret and frequently features people like
Randall Terry.

Main Source: [email protected]

7.02: Hard Copy (??)
  - Belgian UFO's, 1990
  - more European

7.03: Intruders
   - CBS miniseries June? 1992,
     Based off Budd Hopkins book Intruders

7.04: National Geographic (PBS)
  - English Crop Circles, 1991

7.05: sightings (FOX)
  - Crop circles 1992
  - Mexico video Sightings, Sept 11, 1992
  - NASA Shuttle UFO/(debated Ice chunk), July? 1992

7.06: UFO Incident, The
  - NBC Oct 20, 1975,
  - the Betty Hill abduction story Based on the book "Interrupted
    Journey: Two lost hours aboard a flying saucer" by John Fuller

7.07: Unsolved Mysteries (NBC)
  - Eupen, Belgium UFO, 1991
  - Cash/Landrum UFO, 1990
  - 1965 Kecksburg, PA  UFO, 1990
  - Widthville, W VA UFO, 1992

= 7.08: UFO VIDEOS
7.09: Close Up
   - interview w/ two Rhode Island UFO enthusiasts 885-0366, 1992
     MUFON Box 1122, Davisville, RI  02854

7.10: Communion
   -Based off the book Communion bu Whitley Strieber

7.11: UFO Coverup Live
   - UFO film from Guatemala, 1988
     (Note from [email protected]: most convincing footage I've seen)

7.12: UFO Documentary
   - Jesse Marcel interview, 1982

7.13: UFO, The Films Prove It
   -A melange of television tapes, 1992

=== UFO Magazines and Publications (UFOzines)
[I will include the magazines from the UFO groups later]

8.00: The Circular
58 Kings Rd., West
End, Woking, Surrey GU24 9LW, England

8.01: The Cerealogist
20 Paul St., Frome, Somerset,
BA11 1DX, England

8.02: Connecting Link Magazine
Connecting Link Magazine
9392 Whitneyville Rd.
Alto, MI. 49302-9694

The official news magazine for ParaNet and MICAP. It is published
quarterly and provides thought-provoking information and articles
written by leading UFOlogists. This magazine provides global insight
and reflects material carried over the world-wide ParaNet Information
Service network.
Subscriptions are $18.00/year and are available by sending checks for
U.S.  funds to:  ParaNet, Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO  80034-0172.

8.04: The Crop Watcher
3 Selborne Court, Tavistock Close, Romsey, Hampshire, SO517TY, England

8.05: Earth
61 Ran elagh, Ave., Bradford, BD10 0HF, UK.

8.06: The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the
 The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
(EJASA) is published monthly by the Astronomical Society of the
Atlantic, Incorporated.  The ASA is a non-profit organization dedicated
to the advancement of amateur and professional astronomy and space
exploration, as well as the social and educational needs of its

ASA membership application is open to all with an interest in astronomy
and space exploration.  Members receive the Journal of the ASA  and the
Astronomical League's REFLECTOR magazine. Members may also purchase
discount subscriptions to ASTRONOMY and SKY & TELESCOPE magazines.

For information on membership, you may contact the Society at any of
the following addresses:

Astronomical Society of the Atlantic (ASA)
c/o Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA)
Georgia State University (GSU)
Atlanta, Georgia  30303, U.S.A.
Phone: (404) 264-0451 leave your address and/or receive the latest
                     Society news.
[email protected]

ASA BBS: (404) 564-9623, 300/1200/2400 Baud.

Back issues of the EJASA are also available from anonymous FTP at: (

8.07: The Faithist Journal
Kosmon Publishing
2324 Suffock Avenue
Kingman, Arizona 86401
C. Benfield (President)
Kasandra Kares (Editor)
Publication is The Faithist Journal
Founded  in 1970
A non-profit organization which publishes "The Faithist Journal"
(Bi-Monthly), magazines and books dealing with New Age topics,

8.08: Focus
William L. Moore Publications & Research
See: Fair Witness Project, Inc.
4219 West Olive Avenue Suite #247
Burbank, California 91505
Williarn L. Moore
Publishing entity for Antares Publishing, The Fair Witness Project,
and "Focus" magazine (which specializes in UFOs, New Age, Metaphysical,
and Occult research; offers a substantial listing of books, government
document reprints, papers, pamphlets, back issues of George Van
Tassel's "Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom" newsletter,
research files, folios, back issues of "Focus" (the Fair Witness
Project newsletter), cassette tapes, and video tapes for sale.Discounts
on various items are available to booksellers and other qualifie
buyers."Focus" subscribers are entitled to a 25% discount on all items

8.09: Fortean Times
1 Shoebury Road, London E6 2AQ UK.

8.10: Inner Light
Inner Light Publications
Box 753 New Brunswick,
New Jersey 08903 Publications
Timothy Green Beckley (Publisher & Editor)
Publication is Inner Light
A diverse entity which publishes numerous UFO-related books,
periodicals, tapes, etc., "UFO Review" magazine and the monthly "Inner
Light" magazine;
also sponsors numerous UFO conferences and symposiums throughout the
United States.

8.11: International UFO Library Magazine
11684 Ventura Blvd. #708 Studio City, CA 91604.

8.12: Magonia
5 James Terrace, London SW14 8HB, UK.

8.13: Orvotron Newsletter
orvotron bi-monthly newsletter
Solinus and Kortron

We are  pleased to send a "Love Copy" of the most current newsletter to
anyone you think will be interested. Just pass your friend's name and
address on to us and we will mail out the issue compliments of you.
Back issues contain much information which is still relevant and may
provide some clarity on subjects discussed in subsequent newsletters.
Love donations (which should be made payable to Judith A. Wells) are
greatly appreciated and go to Spirit's work to create Heaven on Earth.

A subscription also entitles you to log-on the Spirit Bulletin Board
Service, a computer/modem system with files  on alternate energy,
UFO/extraterrestrial happenings, politics, science, medical
information, the conspiracy and much more. The files are updated
frequently and we encourage you to use and contribute to this "library
at your fingertips".
You may access this information 24 hours a day by calling via computer

For a year's subscription (six bimonthly issues) and userstatus on
Spirit BBS please send $30.00 (USA) or $40.00 (all other countries)
in check or money order (no cash please) made payable to:

Judith A. Wells           Phone   - (704) 297-2342
Route 2, Box 309B         FidoNet - 1:379/703
Vilas, NC  28692          BBS     - 704-297-5973

8.14: Ovni Presence
CP 342, CH-1800, Vevey 1, Switzerland.

8.15: Revelations of Awareness
"Revelations of Awareness" published by Cosmic Awareness Communications

Revelations of Awareness is a Newsletter that covers UFO as they relate
to channeling and the New Age movement.  All the information given in
the newsletter is information recorded from channeling sessions. The
format of of the news letter begins with a question asked of the Cosmic
Awareness, then replies are given by the Awareness through the rest of
the news letter starting out with the phrase "This Awareness

The following Statement appears at the top of every Issue:

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Jesus of
Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great
avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who
speaks again today as the world begins to enter the 'New Age' of
spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has
been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information
is for those who desire to help in bringing in the new age. Throughout
the thousands of 'Readings' given through these various channels,
Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question,
explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel
what is the truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest'.
Neither C.A.C or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything
Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or
the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic
Awareness. The interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in
trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. This
is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are
invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for
possible publication in this newsletter.

Paul Shockley, Interpreter.

The Revelations of Awareness comes out every three weeks The
memberships which are available (using the Honor system) are:
Limited Income $30 per year   $9 quarterly
Individual     $42 per year   $12 quarterly
Family         $52 per year   $20 quarterly
Contributing   $77 per year   $25 quarterly
Sponsoring     $144 per year  $40 quarterly
Benefactor     $500 per year  $150 quarterly
Patron         $1000 per year $250 quarterly
Endowing       $5000 per year $1500 quarterly

Outside USA Add $15.00 per year to cover postage (including Canada)
To send off for information about the C.A.C. or to subscribe to their
news letter write to: Cosmic Awareness Communications
                     P.O. Box 115
                     Olympia, WA 98507

8.16: Swamp Gas Journal
The Swamp Gas Journal Covers a variety of scientific UFO related
It reviews articles, books and research publications put out by
different researchers and organizations.

The Swamp Gas Journal is free with limited distribution, but is
available primarily through zine exchanges, regularly contributing
Fortean info, or by providing two (2) International Postal Reply
Coupons in lieu of a subscription (to cover postage).

The Swamp Gas Journal is a ufozine published irregularly by:

Ufology Research of Manitoba
Box 1918
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada   R3C 3R2

The SGJ is also available on an experimental basis on internet by e-
mail to: [email protected]

8.17: UFO Universe
GCR Plublishing Group, Inc.
1700 Broadway, 34th Floor
New York, New York 10019
Publishes "UFO Universe" magazine.
Global Communications Refer to: Inner Light Publications

=== UFO Book Publishers
9.00: Advent Publishing Company
P.O. Box 3748
Carson City, NV  89702
Publish book and the Phenox Project Reports.

9.02: Arnerica West Publishers
P.O. Box 6451 Tehachapi, California 93582
George Green Telephone Number : 805-822-9655
Publishes a wide variety of books and tapes dealing with New Age
subjects and UFO phenomenon.

9.03: Arcturus Book Service
1443 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd.
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952, USA
Robert Girard & Monica Williams-Girard

Arcturus Book Service Catalog
Maintains a listing of UFO-related books. Their goal is to provide a
wide selection of books relating to the study of unexplained phenomena.
Arcturus provides a publication; "Leading Edge, the bi-monthly
newsletter of the Nevada Aerial Research Group.
Subscriptions for monthly Arcturus Book Service Catalog available for
$6.00 in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico; $12.00 in Europe and South
America Arcturus pays for UFO-related books, manuscripts and is
interested in being informed of all new titles released.

9.04: Condor Books, Inc.
351 West 54th Street
New York, New York 10019
Al Weiss (Publisher)
212-586 -4432
Publishes numerous books dealing with the UFO phenomena. At one time,
Condor Books published "UFO Universe" magazine;"UFO Universe" is now
published by:
GCR Publishing Group, Inc.,
1700 Broadway, 34th Floor,
New York, New York 10019.

9.05: Document Research Services
PO Box 10011
Berkeley,  Ca. 94709-5011

They provide declassified govt. documents and an index
of UFOs in the New York Times 1947-1987
Send SASE for a list of documents

9.06: Earth Star Publications
P.O. Box 117
Paonia, Colorado 81428
Ann Ulrich (Editor & Publisher)
The Star Beacon
A self-publishing service which will perforrn typesetting, layout,
printing, and shipping of self-published books for a one-time fee.
After initial fee is paid, the author keeps lOO% of any profits
generated from the book. Ann Ulrich is associated with the UFO Contact
Center International as one of its Associate Directors.

9.07: Eden Press
Box 399
Careywood, Idaho 83809
Desiree Eden
The publishing arm of the Planetary Professional Citizens Committeee
(PPCC), which is no longer in existence due to the death of its
Director, Jerome Eden, in 1989. However, EDEN Press still provides a
wide range of books dealing with the UFO phenomenon.

9.08: JACO Book Publishers
P.O. Box 3135
Prescott, Arizona 86302
John H. Andrews
JACO Book Publishers provides many UFO and Extraterrestrial-related

9.09: The Library of the New Essenes of Inyo
P.O. Box 257
June Lake, California 93529
Nicholas Faust (Curator)
Originally known as "The School of Thought" which had been started by
Hope Troxell in 1960. It's original focus was UFO literature,
especially that dealing with contactees. Hope Troxell died in 1979 and
The School of Thought closed in 1980.In 1980 became The Library of the
New Essenes of Inyo. It assumed Hope Troxell's UFO materials and
continually added to it over the years. The Library also sells copies
of Hope Troxell's published material.

9.10: Luna Ventures
P.O. Box 398
Suisun, California 94585
Publishes the Luna Ventures Catalog" which is a comprehensive listing
of available newsletters, books, microfiche, magazines, etc. for sale.
Luna Ventures will also accept manuscripts for publication.

9.11: The Pleiades Project
P.O. Box 386 Atwood, Ca 92601
Randolph Winters :213-281-6282
Terra  (Contact)
Founded in: 1985
A one-man organization for the dissemination of the information
received by Billy Meier from his Pleiadian contacts. Mr. Meier receives
messages from his contacts of the Pleiades star formation. The Pleiades
Project compiles these messages and offers them in audio and video
formats.  "Contact Terra" is a quarterly newsletter which contains
updated information and news about Mr. Meier's contacts.
The Meier Chronicles VHS/Beta - $59.00 (82 minutes)
The Movie Footage     VHS/Beta - $49.00 (1 hour)
The Metal Analysis     VHS/Beta - $39.00 each (45 minutes)
The Entire Trilogy - $99.00 (save $188.00)
Each audio cassette $20.00 plus  postage & handling

9.12: UFO Audio-Video Clearing House
P.O. Box 342
Yucaipa, Ca]ifornia 92399-0342
David Aaron (Director)
Founded on May 18, 1988 and1232 members.
Offers an updated listing of UFO radio & television programs on video
and audio tape, going back to 1954. Video tapes are offered in Beta and
VHS format. Over 50% of their available product is donated by members.

9.13: UFO Books
P.O. Box 1053 - 514 First Street Florence, Arizona 85232
Christine (Stevens) Cox
Christine Cox distributes UFO-related books, some of which were written
and edited by Wendelle Stevens (See: UFO Photo Archives), who is her
father. UFO Books also provides periodic flyers which contain UFO-
related books, photos, and calendars for sale.

9.14: UFO Photo Archives
P.O. Box 17206
Tucson, Arizona 85710
Wendelle C. Stevens
UFO Journal Of Facts
Offers UFO-related books, most of which concentrate on, and thoroughly
investigate, individual cases. UFO Photo Archives gears its material
for those who want more in-depth knowledge about individual cases
instead of a broad overview of many cases. In addition to books, UFO
Photo Archives also sells UFO calendars and posters. All books,
posters, and calendars are sold through mail order only and must be
prepaid, including postage. Their publication, "UFO Journal Of Facts"
is a new magazine, filled with color pictures and reports,
concentrating on factual UFO investigative reporting.

9:15: Worldwide UFO Newsclipping Bureau and Public Information Center
Lancaster Road Suite 420
Orlando, Florida 32809
Provides a 16-20 page monthly report of worldwide UFO news clippings
(all foreign news stories are translated into English).
Subscription costs:
$24.95 /6 months $47.50/ one year
Special on Back Issues: all of 1988 for $39.95.
Besides the newsclipping service, Worldwide UFO also offers UFO-related
audio and video tapes (VHS format, approximately 2 hours in length) for
sale at the following prices: Audio Tape - $ 4.00/ tape (buy two, get
one free: no limit) Video Tape - $20.00/ tape (buy two, get one free:
no limit)

=== Miscellaneous Information
10.00: alt.alien.visitors archives (back issues)
Occasionally I have seen requests for information on past articles in
alt.alien.visitors. If you desire something, I have the entire
newsgroup archive back to July 13, 1992. I access it frequently. I have
no way to ftp it to another system for public access but would be glad
to email portions of it upon request. The responses are not guaranteed
to be correct or complete.

You can email me at [email protected] and I will do my best.
[email protected] (Gregg Brown)

10.01: A UFO Book List
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind people of my UFO
bibliography file, and to solicit contributions and book comments for
it.  The file can be ftp'd from, directory pub/ufo,
file bibliography.Z (compressed format).  The file is organized by
author, and also again by date-of-publication, and also includes Keith
Rowell's excellent bibliography file (which is also worked into the
above two parts).  Many titles have comments from various people as to
the value of the book; I would like any comments on any of the books
from anyone, and also additional books for inclusion. Check out the UFO
Bibliography thatyou can ftp at:
 The file is pub/UFO/bibliography.Z It has books by author, a second
 listing by date, and also the names of prominent authors in the

For more information contact: [email protected] (Charles

10.02: Big Foot (Sasquatch)
  Our research group is currently investigating reports and sightings
of the animal known as "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch". If you or somebody you
know has had such a sighting, or come across what may be evidence
supporting the existence of such an animal, please get in contact with
us in one of the following formats:

o Leave a private message in electronic mail:
 [email protected] (Thomas Hill)
o Call Thomas Hill at 216-362-6529.
o Or write:

 Thomas E. Hill
 16124 Richard Dr.
 Brook Park, OH 44142

Contact with us can be totally anonymous if you wish. We are
especially interested in Ohio sightings but are by no means limited to
investigations in that state. Please, serious responses only.

10.03: Free UFO Class
Penn State University has Free U classes that are offered to the public
at no charge!  They supply a classroom to those who wish to teach a
subject and the public may attend them for free. One of the classes
offered is a UFO class Organized and taught by Janet Smith, and Beth

In the class they discuss every aspect of the UFO phenomenon such as
the Billie Meier investigation, government cover-ups, Zecharia Sitchin
who wrote the Earth Chronicles series, Mars probe, Mars Face and many
other topics. The class also offers guest speakers who have done UFO
research plus videos, movies and articles about various UFO phenomenon.

The classes are held every Monday in room 207 of Sackett Building at
Penn State University in State College, PA. The starting time is 7:00
pm, EDT (soon to be EST) and they ends sometime after 9:00 pm. The
class will be held until December 7th. The class may continue after the
holidays into next semester, but that depends on our level of interest.

If someone has questions or would like to contribute to the group in
some way, (ie. guest speakers, movies, different types of information,
etc.) contact Janet Smith at [email protected] or write to her at:
123 Ramblewood Road, Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865.  Home phone: (814)
237-6763, Work phone: (814) 863-0466.

10.04: Freedom of Information
In the US, you write to the agency you want to reach, addressed to
the "Freedom of Information Officer".  A list of agencies is available
from the US Government Printing Office. Their order number is:

The "US Government Manual" (1991/92), price $23 (they take MC/Visa
orders over the phone).  They will also send you a catalog of all
manuals/documents available from the USGPO for free. Order at the same
number.  [I have more information on this, I will add it later.]

Main Source: [email protected] (Charles Mcgrew)

10.05: Hidden Ancient Ruins
The address is Mystic Mountain Adventures
Dept. 100 11142 Manhattan Avnue, Ste. 43
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266   Ph# (310) 318-6567.

10.06: Inter Library Loans (ILL)
If you would like to research an the various UFO topics mentioned in
this FAQ and you don't have a large bank account, go to your local
library and ask about the Inter Library Loan System. The ILL lets you
check out books, audio tapes, video tape, and get copies of magazine
articles that your local library might not have. In many cases there is
no charge for using ILL, this depend upon you local library. Almost all
the book I have used to research this FAQ were ordered through ILL.
Check it out. :-)

10.07: NASA Shuttle Footage
NASA Select on Satcom 2, Transponder 13, carries the whole mission,
live and anybody with a satellite dish can tune in.  You can find the
original uplink and shuttle audio on Transponder 5. This is the raw
video with shuttle to ground audio communications on it.

10.08: UFO Related anonymous FTP Sites
[Also See: 10.00: A Complete UFO Book List]

phoenix UFO Pics
---------------- (
In /pub/ufo_and_space_pics

NASA Pics Sites
NOTE: the material at these sites is exceedingly voluminous;
I'd strongly suggest just getting the CD-ROMs instead of attempting
to transfer scores of gigabytes of pix and other material.

To access the online catalog of NASA material, CD-ROMS, et cetera:

       login as "NODIS"
       no password

Anonymous ftp sites (five): []

       This is a VAX/VMS box, so you must ftp-login as "anonymous".
To get a dir listing into a file on your system:

       ftp> dir [...] file_on_your_system

       lots of stuff, including Aliens of all colors, and UFO pix
(though this seems to mirror a lot of what's at and has
some additional material).

       online copies of what appears to be all NASA's CD-ROMs, and
       lots of GIFs, *.img and *.jpg from most (all?) space missions
       since Apollo.

       dunno; it appears to be down today (Saturday, 18-July-1992).
{changed to}

       apparently popular (and, hence, slow).  Is supposed to have
many NASA and Voyager data files.

Main Source: [email protected] (Thad Floryan)

=== UFO Organizations

11.00: Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group
18 Davis Drive Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620
Francis L. Ridge (Director)
812-838-3120 / 812-838-9843
Publishers of : Indiana UFO Newsletter
Founded in 1986 A statewide organization which attempts to immediately
respond to UFO sightings

11.01: The Aetherius Society
6202 Afton Place Hollywood,
California 90028-8298
Detroit Branch
17670 West 12 Mile Road
Southfield, Michigan 48076
313-552-9153 / 313-552-9159
Reverend Lesley Young
(General Committeee) : 213~65-9652/ 213~67-HEAL (4325)
Publishers of : The Aetherius Society Journal : Cosmic Voice
Founded in 1960 The Hollywood, California office is the American
headquarters for The Society which was founded in England in 1955. In
the US, the Society was incorporated in 1960 as a non-profit religious,
scientific, and educational organization. The Society is a
metaphysical, channeling organization whose founder/president, Sir
George King, is a Western Master of Yoga and who has been in contact
with Extraterrestrial Intelligences for over 35 years. He acts as a
channel for the dissemination of Higher Wisdom from These Sources.
The Society's objective is to explain the presence of UFOs around the
Earth and to make known knowledge given to their president by Advanced
Beings who reside in this Solar System. This information is
disseminated through books, pamphlets, cassettes and albums and two
newsletters, "The Aetherius Society Journal" and "Cosmic Voice".
Also, study courses in: "Metaphysical and Occult Sciences" and "Cosmic
Revelations" to further spread the word and to explain the cosmic
significance of messages received from the Advanced Beings. Regular
meetings at the U.S. and England headquarters as well as by associated
branches throughout the world. Prayer Circles are organized during a
Spiritual Push (or Magnetization Period) at different holy mountain
sites, when the giant Interplanetary Spacecraft is brought into Earth's
orbit by a Cosmic Master. Helpers who attend these Power Circles send
out the Spiritual energies from this Cosmic Master to help mankind.

11.02: Ancient Astronaut Society
1921 St. Johns Avenue
Highland Park, Illinois 60035-3105
Gene M. Phillips (Founder) :708-295-8899
Publication is Ancient Skies
Founded in 1973. non-profit, tac-exempt organization operated for
scientific, literary and educational purposes. The primary objectives
of the Society are to search for evidence of whether Earth was visited
in the remote past by intelligent beings from outer space and to
determine whether a highly developed, technological civilization
existed on Earth before our recorded history. The Society also provides
complete study courses in: "Metaphysical and Occult Sciences" and
"Cosmic Revelations" to explain the cosmic significance of messages
received from Advanced Beings.

11.03: Ancient Truth Research Foundation
6146 Eleanor Avenue #205 Los Angeles, California 90~036
Albert Rainey
Publication is Cosmic Current News
Interested in many New Age topics, including UFOs.

11.04: The Awareness Reserch Foundation, Inc.
DeSoto Square
No. 29, 35 Ritter Road
Hayesville, North Carolina 28904
Helen I. Hoag (Executive Director)
New Age organization with many interests, including UFOs; investigates
various metaphysical activities and issues findings through publication
of various books.

11.05: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF)
P.O. Box 429
Garberville, California 9544429
Contact : Tom Brown
Telephone Number : 707-986-7211
Publication is : Journal of Borderland Research
Founded in: 1945
Functions as clearinghouse, specializing in rare and unusual
BSRF is an alternative  scientific movement which deals with a variety
of borderland subjects, including UFOs; a non-profit organization; its
members are people who take an active interest in observing the
physical, mental, and spiritual environment. In addition BSRF studies:
Light & Color affects on people, Radionics, Dowsing, Free Energy,
Orgone Energy, Hollow Earth Mysteries, Anomalies, Fortean Phenomena,
Hypnosis, Photography of the Invisible, etc. and offers a catalog of
available books, reports, and tapes.

Commonly called BUFORA. It was formed in 1962 as a federation
of eight regional UK UFO groups. These included the London
UFO Research Organisation (LUFORO, founded in 1959) the largest
UK group at the time and the British Flying Saucer Bureau (BFSB,
founded in 1952) which was the oldest UK group.

BUFORA publishes six issues per year of the A4 magazine UFO TIMES.
Current annual membership subscription is 18 pounds sterling.
Approx membership 500. Current senior officers include Stephen
Gamble (Chairman) and John Spencer (Vice-chairman).

Contact address : The Leys, 2c Leyton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire,
AL5 2TL, Great Britain. Phone +44 (0) 582 763218.

11.07: California UFO
1800 South Robertson Blvd
Box 355
Los Angeles, California 90035
Vicki Cooper (Editor); Don Ecker (Researcher)
Telephone Numbers : 213-273-9409 /818-951-1250
Publication : UFO
Publishes the bi-monthly UFO" magazine. Additionally, this organization
sponsors annual conferences which concentrate on a variety of UFO-
related subjects.

11.08: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)
P.O. Box 218                            c/o Mr. Lawrence Fawcett
Coventry, Cormecticut 06238     [or]    471 Goose Lane
Peter Gersten (Director)                Coventry, Connecticut 06238
Lawrence Fawcett (Asst Director & Publisher)
Barry Greenwood (Research Director & Editor)
       P.O.Box 176, Stoneham, MASS, 02180, USA
Publication is : Just Cause
Founded in : 1978

A non-profit organization to uncover all existing documentation
relating to governrnent involvement in UFO investigations and research.
To accomplish this, CAUS files numerous Freedom of Inforrnation Act
(FOIA) lawsuits in an attempt to get the governrnent to release
relevant documents.Their "Just Cause" quarterly newsletter carries
events and provides updated UFO news from around the world. They
published a book too -- "Clear Intent"

11.09: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
      Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)
Refer to: The Skeptical Inquirer
P.O. Box 229
Buffalo, New York 14215{)229
Paul Kurtz (Chairman - Skeptical Inquirer)
Philip J. Klass (UFO Subcommittee)
Lynda Harwood (Public Relations)
"The Skeptical Inquirer" is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
CSICOP is headed by Paul Kurtz and investigates claims of the
Paranorrnal, including UFOs and UFO-related activity.The committee's
investigations, findings, commentaries, etc. are published in "The
Skeptical Inquirern.

Bulletin Board system run by UFO Reporting and Information Service.
Date of formation not known. Information director : Dale Goudie, SYSOP:
Jim Klotz
Based Seattle, Washington, USA. Board number +1 206 776 0382,
parameters 300/1200/2400 bps 8 bit no parity 1 stop bit.

11.11: Contactee
P.O. Box 12
New Milford, New Jersey 07646
Ellen Crystall (Director)
Studies UFOs by direct observation; quarterly newsletter, "Contactee"
details activities.Tne primary goal of Contactee is to educate about
world-wide contacts being made with UFOs and to disseminate information
to all interested parties.
Contactee also sells books and sponsors various conferences.
Regular Member (those who claim to have had alien contact) and
Auxiliary Member (those who do not claim UFO contact)
membership fee is $20.00 per year and includes the newsletter.
Contactee accepts articles for its newsletter.

11.12: Cosmic Awareness Communications
P.O. Box 115
Olympia, Washington 98507
Vikki T. (Correspondence Secretary)
Pulication is : Reveltions of Awareness
A tax-exempt organization.
Studies New Age subjects, including UFOs. This group is centered around
the "channelings" of a "Force" which refers to itself as "Cosmic
Awareness". CA believes that this "Force" has expressed itself through
selected people in history including Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna,
Mohammed, and Edgar Cayce, among others.
Publication, "Revelations of Awareness, has published over 300 editions
and details various New Age subjects. Subscribers receive a catalog
listing all available back issues and subjects covered. Membership is
$30.00 per year.  Will accept memberships for three month periods
($3.00 per month), prepaid.  Individual/Family $ 3.00/ month or $30.00/
year New Age-related (including UFOs) books and tapes available.

11.13: CSETI
Dr. Steven Greer 704-274-5671

11.14: Delval UFO, Inc.
948 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, Pennsylvania 18974
Anthony Volpe (President)
Publication is the Awakening; the group was founded in 1973.
A channeling, contactee UFO organization, founded in 1973.their
publication "Awakening", is offered nine 9 times a year; they sell UFO-
related books and tapes.

11.15: The Fair Witness Project, Inc.
Parent Organization: William L. Moore Publications & Research
4219 West Olive Avenue Suite #247
Burbank, California 91505
Publication is : Focus
A non-profit corporation whose income is used to fund the research
efforts of qualified persons selected by the Directors of the Fair
Witness Project.  They accept donations and will send an
acknowledgement of that donation for tax purposes.

11.16: The Federation
The Federation is a group of people who feel it is high time we got
off this rock and started exploring the great unknown of space.  The
Federation has drawn out in blue print form a drive system that is a a
super semi conducting crystaline structure. To get more information on
the Federation send a 3.5 floppy and they will place an info packet on
it and send it back to you. You must have a mac that has 5.0
microsoftword or better.Send to this adrress:

The Federation
C/O Lady Rhavyn
Po box 231772
Anchorage, Alaska

If you have any questions feel free to send to this account.
[email protected]

11.17: Flying Saucer Information Center
7803 Ruanne Court
Pasadena, Maryland 21122
James H. Wales : Update
Founded in 1954
Acts as a clearing house for the distribution of UFO information to the
general public. Laura Mundo began this organization in 1954.
Group feels the Earth is in danger due to upcoming radical changes in
the atmosphere (sunspot activity) and Space Beings are here to help.
They will be able to either solve the problem or take selected Earth
people to safe locations (inside their insulated spaceships) until the
atmospheric activity calms down. When humans return to Earth after
surviving the atmospheric instability, they will begin the Universal
Way of Life, which is a standard way of life on other planets. Also
believe Space People living on Earth today are to here to monitor us
and help.

This was founded in 1982 by Ray Boeche and deals with all aspects of
Fortean Phenomena. The current Director is Scott Colbourn. The contact
address for the Center is P.O.Box 94627, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68509, USA.
The Center runs a Bulletin Board on +1 402 488 2587.

Formed in 1979, commonly called FUFOR. Not a membership organisation,
but awards grants towards research activities. Funds raised primarily
by donation.
Chairman Bruce Macabee. Contact address : P.O. Box 277, Mount Rainer,
20712, USA.

11.20: The Fund for UFO Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 277
Mt. Rainier, Maryland 20712
Bruce Maccabee, PhD (Chairman)
Publication is: Quarterly Report
Founded in 1979
2000 Members
A non-profit, tax-exempt organization based in Washington, D.. whose
mission is to provide grants for scientific research and public
education projects dealing with the UFO phenomenon. Since 1979 has
raised more than $150,000.00 from more than 2000 contributors. Also
sponsors and awards the annual Donald E. Keyhoe Journalism Award."
The Fund sponsors such projects the release of U.S. Government
documents concerning UFOs under the Freedom of Information
Act,computer-aided analysis of UFO photographs, research into major UFO
sightings around the world, research into "Operation Majestic 12",
psychological testing of people who reported being abducted by apparent
aliens, international symposiums and conducts interviews and lectures.
The Fund takes the position that many reported UFOs cannot be
identified as conventional aerial vehicles or phenomena. Thus, UFO
reports are potentially of enormous significance and merit serious
scientific research.

11.21: Gulf Breeze Skywatch
904-433-2737 (Bruce and Ann Morrison)

11.22: Inner-Peace Prosperity Network (IPPN)
12628 Black Saddle Lane
Germntown, Maryland 20874-5001
Patrick O'Connell
IPPN believes that extraterrestrials have already landed and
established underground bases, mainly in the western and southwestern
United States.  "Trends & Predictions Analystn, is a compilation of
UFO-related theories, news, and current events; newsletter (printed
twice a year) also details available books, papers, and tapes for sale
by IPPN.
Membership rates:
$ 4.00/ year (U.S. & Canada) $ 5 .00/ year (Foreign) $12.vO /3 years
& Canada) $15.00 / 3 years (Foreign)
Membership includes the newsletter. IPPN also sells Name Lists of
people who subscribe to New Age periodicals. IPPN gears the selling of
these lists to those interested in selling New Age- related products.
As of September 1990, the charge for these lists are:
1000 Narnes $20.00 2000 Names $40.00 3000 Narnes $60.00
IPPN also sells back-issues of "The New Atlantean Journaln, a defunct
periodical dealing with New Age-related subjects, including UFOs.

11.23: Intercontinental UF Galactic Spacecraft-Research and
      Analytic Network (ICUFON)
35-40 75th Street Suite 4G
Jackson Heights, New York 11372
Colman S. VonKeviczky (Director)
A non-profit organization whose goal is to persuade the United Nations
(and the world's governments) to establish an official World Authority
for UFO Affairs (the WASA Project), to seek and establish contact with
extraterrestrial galactic powers; maintains that the world's
governments have known about UFOUs for several decades and that they
are conducting covert warfare in an attempt to try to stop any invasion
from outer space.  ICUFON wants to open full dialogue with any and all
extraterrestrial forces.
ICUFON maintains an Archives Department which contains UFO cases,
photographs, movie films, declassified military and governmental
documentation from all over the world.

Formed in 1979 as a UFOlogical 'United Nations'. The membership
consists of representative organisations for various countries.
Commonly called ICUR. Members include BUFORA (UK); Center for UFO
Studies (USA); CISU (Italy); MUFON (USA); SUFOI (Denmark); Project
UNICAT (USA) Project URD (Sweden); VUFORS (Australia).

ICUR's objectives are to promote data exchange between groups and to
help establish common standards and terminology.

Officers are Chairman: Robert Digby (BUFORA, UK); Vice-Chairman: Walter
Andrus (MUFON, USA); Secretary : Stephen Gamble (BUFORA, UK) and
Treasurer : John Spencer (BUFORA, UK). Contact address is : P.O. Box
314, Penn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP10 8DH, Great Britain.

11.25: Internationa1 Fortean Organization (INFO)
P.O. Box 367
Arlington, VA 22210-0367
Raymond Manners (President & Journal Editor)
Publication is INFO Journal
Founded in 1965 by Ronald Willis
A non-profit corporation established for the educational and scientific
study of Fortean phenomena. INFO investigates the strange and
unreasonable events that happen in this world, including UFOs, lost
civilizations, physical anomalies, Atlantis, Bigfoot, vanished
civilizations, etc. Today, INFO continues the work of Charles Fort to
collect, record, and publish reports of strange occurrences. Their
findings are published in the INFO Journal. INFO holds an annual
convention, called FortFest, in the Washington D.C. area.
Annual membership fee includes the "INFO Journal" is $12.00 in the U.S.
and $16.00 for foreign countries. INFO maintains files on all of its
investigations, cases, etc. Slides, books, and tapes are for sale and
back issues of "INFO Journal" are also available. The INFO Research
Service performs funded research for the media while the INFO Research
Library is open to scholars.

Organisation formed by abduction researcher Budd Hopkins to provide
support and a forum for abductees to discuss their experiences. Contact
address :
PO Box 30233, New York, New York, 10011, USA.  Phone and fax: +1 212-

11.27: Island Skywatch
164-22 77th Road Flushing,
New York 11366 : Bill Knell (Director)
718-591-1854 (24-Hour Hotline) . The New York UFO Report : Island
Publication is Skywatch Journal
1989 by Bill Knell
A tax-exempt organization whose goal is the scientific and objective
study of the UFO phenomenon. Membership ($25.00 per year) includes one
year subscription to the "New York UFO Report" and the Island Skywatch
Journal, one copy of "Hidden Truth: The UFO Story" (a two-hour video
history about UFOs written by Bill Knell), the opportunity to attend
free local meetings, free training as a UFO investigator, and the
opportunity to investigate Island Skywatch cases.They offer a wide
variety of books, audiotapes, video tapes, for sale. Bill Knell has
cable TV UFO show "UFOs Over Long Island" on the Brookhaven Cable TV
system every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. (channel 35).UFO Abductee Support
Group offered as well.

2457 West Peterson Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60659
Mark Rodeghier (President)
George Eberhart (Librarian & Archivist)
Publications are : The Journal of UFO Studies and International UFO
Reporter (IUR)
Founded in 1973 by Dr. J. Allen Hynek

A non-profit organization whose goal is to promote serious research
into the UFO phenomena through the expertise of an international group
of scientists, academians, and volunteers. This organization has a
worldwide network of field investigators that interview witnesses,
examine physical evidence and gather any other relevant information.
The major purpose of CUFOS is to act as a clearinghouse - aplace where
UFO experiences can be reported and researched. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who
was con- sidered one of the world's pre- eminent authorities on the UFO
phenomenon, first became involved with UFOs as Scientific Consultant to
the U.S. Air Force from 1948 to 1968, and was Scientific Director of
CUFOS until his death in 1986.  He coined the phrase "close encounters
of the third kind" and acted as technical advisor to director Steven
Spielberg on the movie of the same name.
CUFOS maintains the world's largest repository of data about UFO
phenomena, second only to the US Government! This material includes
more than 50,000 cases of UFO sightings and a library of more than
5,000 books and magazines, which cover all aspects of the UFO
phenomena. CUFOS promotes various activities, projects, publications,
symposiums, conferences, seminars and field trips to various UFO-
related locations and sells journals, books, audiocassette tapes, and
other publications.
The "International UFO Reporter (IUR)", published bi-monthly, reports
on current sightings, news and articles on current UFO topics. CUFOS
also publishes the annual "Journal of UFO Studies" which presents a
collection of scholarly papers on the UFO phenomenon. A $25.00
contribution entitles a member to become an ASSOCIATE of CUFOS and to
receive the "International UFO Reporter" for one year. The Center
publishes the International UFO Reporter

11.29: The Massachusetts Center for the study of Aerial Phenomena
43 Harrison Street Reading,
Massachusetts 01867 Contact
Jim Melesciuc
617-944 0686
A loose-knit organization comprised of researchers who wish to remain
unaffiliated with any specific UFO group and concentrate  efforts in
individual fields of interest; many members do belong to other UFO
groups, such as CAUS, MUFON, CUFOS, etc.

11.30: Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena
Based in Denver, Colorado. Director is Micheal Corbin.
They can be reached at +1 303-431-8796.
P.O. Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO  80034-0928
MICAP is an international membership group dedicated to the scientific
exploration of the UFO phenomenon. Membership is $30.00 per year and
includes a subscription to CONTINUUM.

For application, call 303-431-8797, or write to MICAP at Box 172, Wheat
Ridge, CO  80034-0172.

11.31: Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON)
103 Oldtowne Road Seguin, Texas 78155099
Contact Telephone Number Publications
Founded Number of Members
Walter H, Andrus, Jr.

Founded in May 31, 1969 with a membership of 2500 Originally based in
Illinois it was called the Mid-west UFO Network, changing its name
around 1972 to Mutual to represent its growing role as a national and
international group.

MUFON has local groups in each State within the USA and has
representatives in many countries outside the USA. Current membership
number is around 4000. MUFON publishes 12 issues per year of the A4
MUFON UFO Journal : MUFON Field Investigator's Manual. The annual
membership fee is 25 US Dollars or 30 Dollars for overseas members.
MUFON runs a bulletin board service, contact the office for details.

MUFON is non-profit, international, scientific organization devoted to
studying and researching the UFO phenomenon. MUFON sponsors and
conducts worldwide conferences, seminars and symposiums. MUFON members
believe that a concentrated scientific study by dedicated investigators
and researchers will provide the ultimate answer to the UFO enigma.
State Director oversees the activities of Field Investigators through
State Section Directors.  An International Co-ordinator and seven
Continental Co-ordinators work with Foreign Representatives in each
country to investigate UFO activity. MUFON is the "parent organization"
for numerous, smaller UFO research groups across the United States and
around the world. Since 1970 has sponsored an Annual International UFO
Symposium where scientists, engineers, university professors, and
authors lecture on their particular specialization to solving the UFO
enigma. The copyrighted symposium proceedings are published annually
for worldwide distribution. Back issues of symposium proceedings are
available. Anyone interested is invited to join MUFON by submitting a
membership application and dues for approval.

Other MUFON Branches:
New Zealand Director for MUFON,
 [email protected] (Murray Bott)
 PO Box 27117, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1030, New Zealand  Phone: 64-9-

11.32: Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc. (MUFON-NC)
602 Battleground Road
Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092
George D. Fawcett (State Director)
Founded  in February 1, 1990; non-profit corporation whose goal is to
investigate and research the UFO enigma. MUFON-NC accepts reports of
sightings, visitations, etc. and will investigate those cases with the
most merit. MUFON-NC holds quarterly meetings in North Carolina on the
first Sunday of February, May, August and November on a rotating basis
in different cities; meetings generally run from lpm until 6pm.
To join: $10 self-addressed, stamped envelope with 45 cents postage to
the above address; you get forms for both MUFON and MUFON- NC.

Granville Angell (Treasurer)               Robert H. Hair
Route 2, Box 252D Vale,                    314 Wilson Street
North Carolina 28168                       Eden, North Carolina 27288
704-462-2303                               919-627-4184

11.33: National Investigations Committeee on UFOs (NICUFO)
14617 Victory Blvd Suite 4
P.O. Box 5
Van Nuys, California 91411
Dr. Frank E. Stranges, PhD. (President)
Publishes the UFO Journal : Inter-Space-Link-Confidential NL
Founded in July 1967
A non-profit organization whose aim is to conduct research into, and
provide education about, the fields of UFOs, Space, and Science
phenomena.  Members are available to provide lectures throughout the
world. Monthly meetings, as well as two UFO seminars per year, are held
at NICUFO headquarters in Van Nuys, California. One of the world's
largest collections of UFO slides, books and tapes.  For
more information materials write: I.E.C. Book Department, P.O. Box 73,
VVan Nuys, California 91408.
Anyone interested in becoming a State Director should contact NICUFO.
Annual membership fees are $25.00 ($30.00 foreign) and includes a
subscription to the UFO Journal magazine, which is a quarterly
publication.  Also available is the Inter-Space-Link- Confidential-
Newsletter for $60.00 per year.
Based upon their experience, members may serve in one of the following
positions: Consultant, State or Provincial Director, State Section
Director, Foreign Representative, Field Investigator, Research
Specialist, Amateur Radio Operator, Astronomer, Field Investigator
Trainee, Translator, UFO News Clipping Service, Contributing Subscriber
or Associate Member  (under 18 years of age).
MUFON trains its Field Investigators and provides them with the "MUFON
Field Investigator's Manual". Amateur Radio Networks are used to
receive and disseminate UFO sighting reports and current UFO
information. The time and frequencies of these broadcasts are published
in the "MUFON UFO Journal."

11.34: The National Sighting Research Center (NSRC)
P.O. Box 76
Emerson, New Jersey 07630
Bob Sylvester (Co Director)
Publishes the National Sighting Yearbook since 1988.
A non-profit organization composed of 6 part-time research specialists
with expertise in microcomputer-based data base management systems
(DBMS), statistical analysis, micro telecommunications, and trend
analysis. The NSRC acts as an information- gathering organization which
compiles massive amounts of data and disseminates it in the form of
computerized reports, including information in statistical and
graphical form. The goals of NSRC are to provide the professional UFO
investigator or researcher with a computerized, highly graphical
database summary of all reported sightings of anomalous aerial
phenomena within the United States and a clearinghouse for UFO sighting
report data; periodically release other publications, in-depth reports
requested by other researchers and organizations.

11.35: Nevada Aerial Research Group (NARG)
P.O. Box 81407
Las Vegas, Nevada 8918G-1407
Val Valerian
Publishes the Leading Edge : NARG AMual Journal
A worldwide, New Age organization with researchers and investigators 12
countries and 37 states. The primary goals of NARG are to provide
information on developments in our civilization which affect all of
this planet, to investigate all processes that impede evolution, and
promote an increase in the awareness level of the mass human
consciousness. The NARG investigates, radionics, psycotronics, mind
control, alien interaction, gravitational and crystalline technologies,
overt and covert intelligence operations, systems above and below the
surface of the planet, conspiracies, advances in physics, planetary
power structures, foreign technology, brain machines, implant
technology, human abductions and animal mutilations. Leading Edge is
only available from Arcturus Book Service, PO Box 831383, Stone
Mountain, Georgia 30083-0023, 404-297-4624.  Published
6 times a year.This is the source of the MATRIX materials.

11.36: North American Circle
PO Box 61144, Durham, NC 27715-1144

11.37: North American Institute for Crop Circle Research (NAICCR)
NAICCR was formed in 1990 after requests for information about North
American crop circles had reached epidemic proportions.  UFOROM
associates, who had been regularly investigating reports and
discoveries of UGMs (Unusual Ground Markings), including traces very
similar to crop circles, responded to inquiries by formalising a sister
group devoted to research into UGMs.

NAICCR associates investigate UGMs rationally, and prepare reports on
their findings.  NAICCR distributes a list of known North American
UGMs, based on information provided to NAICCR by co-operative
researchers throughout the continent.  A comparable list of British
UGMs has never been available in this manner.  NAICCR also publishes an
annual report of North American UGM activity, with analyses and

NAICCR will continue to function in the future at about the present
level of activity, though it would be preferred if UGM cases would
once again be studied as special cases of UFO cases, as was the case
before tthat category of UGMs was raised to a separate category because
of British research.  NAICCR may perhaps merge back with UFOROM, if
this is the case, since UFOROM had been investigating UGMs as a matter
of course.

NAICCR                              NAICCR
Box 1918                [or]        649 Silverstone Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba                  Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada   R3C 3R2                    R3T 2V8, Canada.

11.38: Northamptonshire UFO Research Centre (NUFORC)
This is a local group covering the county of Northamptonshire within
England.  Common name is NUFORC. Formed in 1986. Number of members
about 20. Chief officers are Stephen Gamble (Chairman); Susan Pollock
(Secretary) and Elsie Oakensen (Treasurer). Contact address : 30
Stonebridge Court, Lings, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.

Formed in 1973, the Northern UFO Network or NUFON was a loose
federation of local UFO groups throughout northern England. At the peak
about 20 groups were members. A small newsletter called Northern UFO
News was published by the group. Although the federation of groups no
longer exists, Northern UFO News is still published by Jenny Randles.

11.40: Omega Communications
P.O. Box 2051 Cheshire, Connecticut 06410
John W. White, M.A.T. (President)
Sponsors public  events (seminars, lectures, symposiums, etc) to
promote discussion about the UFO experience. Since 1987, Omega
Communications has produced an annual symposium, "The UFO Experience"
where numerous researchers and contactees are invited to talk. These
proceedings are published in audio and video format available for sale.
Audio and videotapes of previous conferences are available. Audio tapes
are $9.00 each while videotapes are $29.95 each . Each tape is
approximately 90 minutes in length. Video tapes are available only in
VHS format.

11.41: ParaNet (Paranormal Network) Information Service
ParaNet Information Service
P.O. Box 172
Wheat Ridge, CO  80034-0172

Voice Phone - 303-431-8796
Data BBS Phone - 303-431-8797
Publication is The Continuum    :
Founded in 1986

ParaNet started on January 1, 1986 in a bulletin-board system called
"The Other Side" It was one of the first BBS that gathered together
various information for the pourpous of research on the paranormal.
Jim Speiser was the Director of ParaNet 1986-88 at the time and
wanted to bring together the three factions of paranormal debate
(the skeptics, the believers, and the undecided) for public
discussion of paranormal. He created ParaNet as neutral ground for
the exchange of information on the paranormal.In 1988 Speiser turned
over the directorship to Michael Corbin.

Current Status
ParaNet's basic goles are reflected in its motto:  "Answering
Questions, Questioning Answers". ParaNet offers investigator's raw
material, in the form of sighting reports, which comes from data
supplied by the public. The network concept provides the investigators
and its users with immediate, one-on-one contact, and instant access to
a global communications medium.  ParNet also keeps it users informed
major, fast-breaking stories involving the paranormal. ParaNet can be
accessed in six countries on three continents.

The People of ParaNet
ParaNet provides access to experts through their electronic system. Its
research  branch is headed by Robert B. Klinn, a veteran investigator
who worked for the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek. ParaNet also provides a
conference on the UFO abduction experience hosted by Dr. David Jacobs,
a UFO historian and author. Many different groups and researchers of
the paranormal use Parenet for information exchange and discussion of
ideas. Among some of them are the Bay Area Skeptics, the South Shore
Skeptics, Marge Christenson, T. Scott Crain, Dan Drasin, Stan Gordon,
Barry Greenwood, Budd Hopkins, Linda Howe, Phil Imbrogno, Dr. David
Jacobs, Dr. Donald Johnson, Philip Klass, Bruce Maccabee, Maj. James
McGaha, Dr. Mark Rodeghier, Robert Schaeffer, Tracy Torme, and Dr.
David Webb, Don Ecker, Vicki Cooper and and many others.

The Future of ParaNet
In the future ParaNet plans to expan their network to even more
cournties, increasing public education and scientific-oriented
research and investigation unequaled in  the field. Their focus will be
directed at bringing various credible existing organizations from
around the world into a better orgonized research effort. ParaNet will
also turn its attention to more investigative  reporting. Paranet plans
to acomplish this unser their new organization known as  MICAP  (Multi-
national Investigations Cooperative on  Aerial Phenomena). (see MICAP)
MICAP will be a separate non-profit research/educational vehicle with
investigative ability.

CONTINUUM is a publication put out quarterly by ParaNet It costs $18.00
per year.It is a very informative and diverse publication.

Internet Mailings:
To get the current postings from ParaNet send a mail message to:
[email protected]
with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line.

Information about ParaNet and MICAP can be obtained by phoning 303-431-
8796, or by writing to them at P.O. Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO  80034-

To access ParaNet via computer and modem, call 303-431-8797 and you
will be guided through the registration process and be given choices of
which level of membership you wish to acquire.

ParaNet's files are available on floppy disks or hard copy. Their
catalog is available for  $10.00 and contains a full listing of all
available files, books, and videos. Contact Michael Corbin at:
ParaNet Information Service
P.O. Box 172
Wheat Ridge, CO  80034-0172

11.42: Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the Unexplained (PASU)
6 Oakhill Avenue
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
Stan Gordon (Director)
PASU Data Exchange
Founded in 1981
A volunteer, non-profit scientific research unit conducts
investigations of strange or unusual occurrences, with emphasis on UFOs
and UFO-related activity. PASU members donate their time and equipment.
PASU is a statewide clearinghouse for reports of UFO sightings and is
comprised of individuals with training or experience in the fields of
science, engineering, technology or medicine who act as field
investigators. Monthly meetings are held to share information. PASU has
on file thousands of cases from Pennsylvania that include UFO
sightings, creature reports, unusual animal killings, unexplained
photographs and other anomalies. PASU attempts to
send field investigators directly to the scene of an occurrence to
gather information and interview witnesses. The "PASU Data Exchange"
newsletter contains information regarding investigations conducted into
unusual incidents that have occurred in Penn.

11.43: PNET
Based in Melbourne, Australia. Bulletin board system, echos some
Paranet material. Sysop : Brian Evans, contact Brian by Internet mail
[email protected]

11.44: The Portland UFO Group (PUFOG)
P.O. Box 998 Wilsonville, OR 97070
Jennifer Brown - Jacobs (Director)
PUFOG Newsletter Founded in 1989
500 Members
A non-profit UFO organization whose monthly seminars are open to the
general public; maintain no membership and are unaffiliated with any
other UFO organization. PUFOG is an information group that conducts
seminars on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Mt. Hood Community College,
Gresham, OR. These seminars present knowledgeable  speakers on UFOs and
related subjects. Those who attend their seminars pay an admission fee
and receive the PUFOG newsletter.

11.45: Roundtown UFO Society
Roundtown UFO Society, PO Box 52, Circleville, Ohio 43113 Multi-

11.46: Royal Priest Research
P.O. Box 10546
Sedona, Arizona 86336
Lyssa Royal
Publication is: The Prism
Founded in 1975, an independent research group with no members. Lyssa
Royal mixes generally- accepted research techniques skills with less
provable methods, such as channeling. Thus far, their research has
produced two books, "The Prism of Lyra - An Exploration of Human
Galactic Heritage" (130 pages) and "Visitors From Within" (171 pages).
Lyssa Royal organizes and conducts weekly sessions, private
consultations, and special events. She offers tapes of her numerous
channeling sessions which discuss various topics and  extraterrestrial
beings both physical and nonphysical. Each tape is 90 minutes and
$12.00; complete set (9 tapes) is $75.00.
"The Prism" is periodic newsletter which details news, list of recent
channeling tapes, books, etc.

11.47: The Search for EXtraterrestrial Intelligence
Office of Space Science and Applications
Michael Braukus
(Phone:  202/358-1547)

Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif.
Michael Mewhinney
(Phone:  415/604-9000)

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Mary Hardin
(Phone:  818/354-5011)

11.48: Sirian Rainbow Lodge
P.O. Box 2108
St. Petersburg, Florida 33731
Liah GoldenHawk (Co Founder)
L. Baird (Bookkeeper)
Pulbication is Solar Trek; founded in 1990.
Primarily an extraterrestrial outpost program, provides information
from the alien point of view. The Sirian Rainbow Lodge is the
StarSystem Sirian Outpost; interested in sharing all types of positive
ET Alien knowledge. ET & UFO Network where Contactees and others may
share eexperiences, contacts and opinions. Focuses on believing and
possibilities, rather than proving any theories; focuses mainly on
occupants of UFOs and alien knowledge.
The Lodge is led by the Bennu who is an alien of the Nordic type from
StarSystem Sirius. To raise money, the Lodge sells books and booklets
by the Bennu and "Solar Trek", the ET Alien Quarterly Journal.

11.49: SKYNET
257 Sycamore Glen
Pasadena, California 91105
Ann Druffel (Project Co Ordinator)
Publication is Skynet Guides; Founded in1965; 50 - 100 members.
Established to serve as a tracking system for UFO reports in the Los
Angeles, California area. Its original purpose was to receive UFO
reports at the time that witnesses were viewing the objects, thus
centering their efforts on real-time viewing, photographing,
monitoring, rather than relying on after-the-fact analysis.
Upon joining, members agree to contact other SKYNET members whenever an
unusual sighting is  occurring for members to view, photograph and
monitor the object in real-time while not having to wait for an after-
the-fact presentation. This contacting of other SKYnet members that a
sighting is occurring is the only obligation of members. All calls from
the public receive an in-depth phone interview by an assigned SKYNET
official and if warranted, further field investigations are conducted.

Commonly called SOBEPS and the leading group in Belgium. Senior
Officers : President : Michel Bougard, Secretary : Lucien Clerebaut.
Contact address
74 Avenue Paul Janson, B-1070, Bruxelles, Belgium.

11.51: Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE)
Office of the Secretary
P.O. Box 3818,
University Station
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-0818
Laurence W. Fredrick (Secretary)
804-924-4905 : 804-924-3104
Publishes the Journal of Scientific Exploration and The Explorer .
Established in 1982. A tax-exempt group that investigates various
anomalies, including UFOs. Although its president Professor Peter
Sturrock of Stanford University, all contact with SSE should be made
through Laurence W. Fredrick. The goal of the SSE is to gain further
understanding of anomalous phenomena (including UFOs) and to share this
knowledge with the public. The Society considers anomalous phenomena to
be incidents that appear to contradict existing scientific knowledge;
regarded by the scientific community as being outside their established
fields of inquiry.  They use the "Journal of Scientific Exploration" as
an avenue to discuss anomalous phenomena and present research results
to the scientific and scholarly community; its members are drawn from
practitioners of science who have acquired a first-hand knowledge and
understanding of the scientific process. The Society holds annual
international meetings and periodically scheduled regional meetings.
To promote co-operation, and to accommodate other levels of activity
and interest, the Society has created the categories of "Corresponding
Member" and "Associate".  "Associates" receive the "Journal of
Scientific Exploration" (two issues a year) and "The Explorer" (two
issues a year). An Associate may submit letters and other items for
publication in the Newsletter, may submit articles for publication in
the Journal (each article must be sponsored by a "Full Member"), and
may attend Society meetings by arrangement with a "Full Member". A
person wishing to become an "Associate" may do so by completing an
Application Form and sending it with a check for the annual dues to the
"Full Membership" is reserved for those associated with major
universities, government entities or corporate research institutions
who have an established reputation in a traditional branch of science.
"Emeritus Membership" provides the privileges of Full Membership to
similarly qua]ified retirees at a lower annual rate.
"Student Membership" is limited to graduate students enrolled in
academic institutions.
"Corresponding Membership" is open to members of designated
A "Corresponding Member" receives, and is entitled to submit articles
to the "Journa] of Scientific Exploration".

11.52: The Societv for the Investigation of the Unexplained (SITU)
P.O. Box 265
Little Silver, New Jersey 07739
Nancy Warth (Membership Secretary)
Publication is Pursuit
Founded in 1965 by Ivan T. Sanderson
A non-profit, tax-exempt organization; collects data on unexplained
events, promotes proper investigation of both individua] reports and
general subjects, and reports significant data to its members. SITU
studies unexplained events that orthodox science does not (or will not)
SITU maintains reference files which include original reports,
newspaper and other clipping correspondence, audio tapes, films,
photographs, drawings, maps, etc. Copies of these items a available to
members only.  Membership fees include the magazine "Pursuit", which is
published regularly.

11.53: System Ready
7154 North University Drive Suite 116
Tarnarac, Florida 33321
Concentrates on building devices which can be used to detect UFOs.
Their book, "Detecting UFOs" details these devices.

11.54: Transcendental Communications A Division of LAMAT Research
444 North Amelia #9C
San Dimas, California 91773
Don Grantharn (Director & Systems Operator)
714-599-6769 : 714-599-6270 (Operates at 300/1200/2400 BPS) : 714-599-
5045 Transcendental Communications Newsletter
A scientific, investigative organization interested in UFOs and related
phenomena. Transcendental Communications is the largest UFO-related
computer network bulletin board system (BBS) on the west coast. The aim
of Transcendental Comrnunications is to get the word out to those
interested in current UFO information; a clearinghouse for books,
documents, publications, audio ar video tape interviews, seminars,
documentaries and UFO films and footage.
The main focus of Transcendental Communications is the operation of a
BBS through which interested parties can participate in on-line
conversation. read various reports, news items or articles, or leave
messages for other members. Transcendental Communications publishes the
"Transcendental Communications Newsletter" which outlines topics that
have been discussed on the BBS and provides current UFO-related
articles. FAX number available so that interested parties can send them
copies of reports, inforrnation, etc.
Basic Member Dues       $13.50
System Member   $39.50
Full Member $49.50
Newsletter for one year; list of publications, audio and video tapes;
six months BBS access

11.55: UFO Contact Center International (UFOCCI)
3001 South 288th Street #304
Federal Way, Washington 98003
Aileen Bringle (Director)
The Missing Link
June 1981
A non-profit organization dedicated to helping people who have had
traumatic, bizarre experiences or sightings of UFOs. A secondary goal
of UFOCCI is to promote public awareness of the UFO contactee
UFOCCI works with each contactee to help them understand their
experiences via hypnosis, group meetings and open seminars. Each year,
over the Labor Day weekend, UFOCCI conducts a conference called
"Jorpah" (which means 'Cosmic Gathering') in which the past year's
activities are summed up and discussed. These gatherings are held at
different places throughout the country. The date and time of these
conferences are announced in The "Missing Link" newsletter.
UFOCCI holds monthly meetings the fourth Saturday of each month.

Associate Directors (by State and Canada):

Ak  Thomas Wilson 845 West 70th Anchorage, Alaska 99518  ph:907-522-3
Az  Helene CharboMeau P.O. Box 1369 Safford, AZ 85548-1369  ph:602-428-
   Ray Jordan 3831 North Paradise Road Flagstaff, AZ 86004  ph:602-
   774-6334 Tom Dongo Box 2571 Sedona, AZ 86336  ph:602-282-562 1
Ca  Mark Andrews 811 Victoria Costa Mesa, CA 92627  ph:714-645-7046
   Michael & DoMa Farrner 123 Henshaw #402 Chico, CA 95926  ph:916-
   894-3327 Ron Rodriquez 3948 Berrywood Santa Maria, CA 93455
   Allen Drake 13222 Louvre Street Pacoima, CA 91331  ph:818-896-3572
   Robert Shiepe 2865 Corning Street Los Angeles, CA 90034  ph:213-
Co  Jackie Blue P.O. Box 1015 Paonia, CO 81428  ph:303-527-4412
   AM Ulrich P.O. Box 117 Paonia, CO 81428  ph:303-527-3257
De  Cary Dickey P.O. Box 5535 Wilmington, Delaware 19808  ph:302-994-
Il  Carolyn Baum-Hawtree 1732 New Lenox Road Joliet, llinois 60433
Io  Jason Hooten 525 Avenue D Fort Madison, Iowa 52627  ph:319-372-5558
Ma  Robert Poutenis Route 9 Box 586 Pownal, Maine 04069
Md  Patrick O'Connell 12628 Black Saddle Lane Germantown, Maryland
     20874 ph:301-972-1980
Mo  Barbara Becker 6219 Enright Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63130
   Claudia Sanderson-Jones 606 N.E. 114th Street Kansas City, Missouri
     64155 ph:816-734-9000
Ne  Kristy Buckles 3701 NW Conifer Court Lincoln 68521 ph:402-489-3 162
Nv  Valdemar Valerian P.O. Box 81407 Las Vegas, NV 89180-1407
Nj  Linda Dudar 20 Jackson Avenue Washington 07882  ph:201-689-7144
   Maryellen Kelly P.O. Box 1874 Champaign 61820 ph:217-359-9343
   Katie Sandberg Route 4 Box 1065-42 West Plains 65775  ph:417-256-
Nm  Mary Ellen Masters 504 Kiva Avenue Aztec 87410  ph:505-334-9841
   Cliff Stone 1421 East Tilden Roswell 88201 505-625-0920
   Terri Shupenko 731 East 10th Street Erie 16503
   Dennis Viglo 326 College Street Youngsville 16371 814-563-4322
   Herrnan L. Langley P.O. Box 422 Smyrna 37167 615-459-0165
   Brent Raynes 326 Haggard Street Waynesboro 38485 615-722-5976
Tx  Anne Bower 815 Peach Spring Houston 77088 713-931-0930
   Harv Howard P.O. Box 904 Manchaca 78652 5 12-282-203 1
   Judy Stryker 3409 Ruth Road Fort Worth 76118
   Sunshine Williams P.O. Box 162485 Austin 78716
   Donna Brown P.O. Box 337 Vidor 77670-0337 409-769-5828
   Goldie King P.O. Box 4455 Pasadena 77501 713-475-2785
   Donna Tietze P.O. Box 260 Friendswood 77546-0260 713-482-8641
Ut  Kaye Studstrup 2114 East 6805 South Salt Lake City 84121
Wa  Lozanna Elwood 3001 South 288th #304 Federal Way, 98003 ph:206-946-
   2248 Jarnes C. Van Avery 6226 110th Avenue N.E. Kirkland 98033
   Linda Houston N7576 Timber Drive, Rib Lake 54470  ph:801 -263-2551
   Dr. Robert & Felicia Moore P.O. Box 825 Marshfield 54449 715-387-
Wy  Sheri Gould 705 South Burritt, Buffalo 82834 307-684-2755
   Shirle Klein Carsh 6973 -129th Street Surrey, B.C. V3W 9A9 604-597-
??  Bill Hamilton III 249 North Brand Blvd Suite 651 Glendale 91203
   Heidi Duval & Henrietta Raines P.O. Box 12 Crested Butte 81224

11.56: UFO Fllter Center
618 Davis Drive
Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620
Neil Gilchrist P.O. Box 764 Nelson, B.C. VlL 5R4 604-825-9292
Francis L. Ridge (Director) :
812-838-3120 / 812-838-9843
Publication is: UFO Intelligence Summary and was founded in 1971
A one-man effort which investigates UFO activity, mainly in the Indiana
area. The goals of this group are to conduct a systematic computer
study of UFO data from a six-state region: Indiana, Illinois, Missouri,
Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee; this study covers sightings beginning
before 1947 to the present.

11.57: UFO Information Retrieval Center (UFOIRC)
3131 West Cochise Drive #158
Phoenix, Arizona 85051-9501
Thomas M. Olsen (President)
602-997-1523 : 602-870-3178
Publication is: Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports
Founded in: 1966
A non-membership organization which collects, analyzes, publishes and
disseminates information about UFOs. UFOIRC also compiles statistics,
conducts research programs, sponsors photo exhibits, maintains a 200-
volume Library, and provides special educational services geared to
children and students.
UFOIRC publishes books, symposium proceedings, reprints of magazine
articles, and a bibliography of currently available information on the
UFO phenomenon.

11.58: UFO Investigators League
Box 753 New Brunswick,
New Jersey 08903
Timothy Green Beckley
Publishes: UFO Spotters Newsletter
Started in 1990
A new organization under the auspices of Timothy Green Beckley who is
striving to expand his international network of investigators who wish
to investigate UFO cases in their areas.
Members receive membership card. investigators certificate, field
manual, and a subscription to the "UFO Spotters Newsletter". Membership
is $20.00 per year.

Internet Contact: [email protected] (Elite Enterprises)
          Modem: 312/604-8161  (24 HOURS)

Information Director : Dale Goudie. Contact address : P.O. Box 832,
Mercer Island, WA, 98040, USA. see also Computer UFO Network. Phone
+1 206 721 5035

11.61: UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis
P.O. Box 31544 St. Louis, Missouri 63131
John Schroeder (President)
Helen Hanke (Secretary)
Publishes the The UFO Enigma.
A non-profit organization formed in 1968 to investigate UFOs and to
collect and disseminate information germane to the UFO phenomena. They
hold meetings at the Farm and Home building, 110 West Lockwood (at
Gore), Webster Groves, Missouri at 2:00 p.m. on the second Sunday of
the months September through May.
This group operates in close cooperation with MUFON, CUFOS, and with
numerous organizations around the world in order to coordinate UFO
research and information.

11.62: Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFOROM)
UFOROM is a private, non-profit and volunteer organisation which is
involved in rational discourse, investigation and research on UFOs and
related phenomena. It was formed in 1975.  All types of UFO-related
phenomena have been studied by UFOROM, including traces, crash-
retrievals, abductions and cattle mutilations.  In addition, some
UFOROM associates also study fortean and psychic phenomena.  UFOROM
publishes an annual survey of UFO activity in Canada, comparable to the
Ferrughelli reports on American cases.  Case data is provided by co-
operative Canadian researchers across Canada.

UFOROM is not open to general public membership.  However, independent
investigators and researchers throughout North America and particularly
in Canada are associated with UFOROM by way of their contributions of
case information and data from their own areas.  Such contributions are
welcomed and readily acknowledged by UFOROM.

Although UFOROM does not publish a journal or newsletter for general
distribution, associates frequently exchange information on an informal
basis.  This information is made available through articles and reports
published in UFO magazines or books, written or edited by UFOROM

UFOROM is associated with an irregular ufozine titled the SWAMP GAS
JOURNAL. [See UFO Publications section]  It is available in hard copy
through zine exchange or for a "cost" of one International Postal Reply
Coupon per issue.  As an experiment, the most recent issue also has
been made available in electronic format via INTERNET by posting a
request to: [email protected]

UFOROM associates are involved with the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO
Studies (CUFOS), the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and various other
organisations.  UFOROM functions independently, but operates with an
understanding of complete co-operation and information exchange with
interested and serious researchers in their specialised areas of

UFOROM is devoted to the rational and objective study of UFOs and
related phenomena, as well as other controversial phenomena such as
crop circles.  All views on these phenomena, including both proponent
and contrary standpoints, are considered.  In this regard, UFOROM
associates tend to engage in dialogue with both "believers" and
"debunkers".  It is hoped that such attempts to "bridge the gap"
between the two sides of the debate will encourage more constructive

Correspondence for UFOROM can be snailmailed to:

                            Box 1918
                        Winnipeg, Manitoba
                          Canada  R3C 3R2

11.63: United Aerial Phenomena Agency (UAPA)
P.O. Box 347032
Cleveland, Ohio 44134-7032
Allan J. Manak (Chairman)
Rick R. Hilberg (Vice Chairman)
Founded 1966
A non-profit organization dedicated to the investigation and study of
UFOs and related subjects. Its two publications are "Flying Saucer
Digest" (quarterly) and "Weirdology" (bi- monthly). UAPA sells a wide
variety of books, maps, back issues, rare items, etc. A catalog is
available for $1.00.

11.64: Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science
UNARIUS Academy of Sciences
145 South Magnolia Avenue
El Cajon, California 92020-4522
Dr. Ernest L. Norman (Co Founder)
Ruth E. Norman (Co Founder)
Charles Spaegel (Vice President)
Publishes the UNARIUS Light Magazine since1954.
A non-profit, New Age organization which has pioneered the teaching of
Past Life Therapy since 1954. This teaching is given to the student
through a curriculum that attunes the truth seeker to the high
frequency energy maintained by the authors, who are Advanced Spiritual
Beings living on the Inner Planes. UNARIUS receives most of its
information and instructions through channeling with the Higher Beings
(Space Brothers). UNARIUS writes, publishes, and distributes a complete
course of study describing the New Sciences of Life. This course
material is covered over 100-plus texts of the UNARIUS Academy of
Sciences; augmented by over 100 video programs.  The course material
covers missing piece's of man's prehistory, the enigma surrounding the
dilemma of unresolved problems in science, politics and religion, and
the future for mankind in the 21st century.
Class sessions are held at the UNARIUS Center on Wednesdays & Sundays
at 7:00 p.m.; class fee is S10.00. Some courses are also available on
TV stations throughout California. All of the materials are directly
related to the UNARIUS goal of achieving Higher Awareness.
One of this group's main tenets is that there are superior
extraterrestrial forces which control the Earth's destiny and which
know the fate of mankind. With the teachings provided by UNARIUS, they
feel that each person can become cosmically attuned to higher spiritual
forces and can become aware of Reality and what is in store for humans.
UNARIUS teaches that the Interplanetary Confederation, a coalition of
33 existing planets, is building 33 spacecraft that will form a giant
city and will descend to Earth in the year 2001. This "building" or
"city" will descend on land purchased for this purpose in the southern
California area and will be a gathering spot for people to come and
learn about Cosmic Awareness. In addition to students, interested
parties can join UNARIUS for $50.00 per year.

11.65: Victorian U.F.O. Research Society Inc. (VUFORS)
AVUFORS is the largest UFO society in the Southern hemishpere and has
been in existence since the 1950s. (membership approx. 400)
Regular discussion nights are held and the Society publishes a
quarterly magazine called The Australian U.F.O. Bulletin which
details UFO related information from Australia and abroad.

       Overseas (non Australian) $US20
       (Personal cheques cannot be accepted unless an additional
       $US5 is included to cover bank charges - We request you remit
       bank cheques or International Postal Orders)

       Membership entitles you to receive a copy of "The Australian
       UFO Bulletin", our quarterly magazine to members. The
       bulletin contains information from within Australia and

       Total number of members is currently around 400.

       The "Australian Flying Saucer Research Society (Victorian
Branch)" was formed on the 17th of February, 1957 as a branch of the
"Australian Flying Saucer Research Society" and later that year was
reorganised as the "Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society" with
Mr. Peter E. Norris L.L.B. as President. In 1968 the name was again
altered - this time to the "Victorian U.F.O. Research Society".
The current executive has been in place since 1978.
The Society has held a dispassionate attitude on U.F.O.s, claiming
it is a scientific problem deserving closer attention.
Membership of this Society - which maintains the largest membership
of any U.F.O. organisation in the Southern Hemisphere - is open to
all who are genuinely interested in the subject.

Significant cases studied:
       - The Frederick Valentich disappearance (1978).  Frederick
Valentich was a twenty year old member of the Royal Australian Air
Force who disappeared on a solo private flight across Bass Strait
after radioing that an object was hovering on top of his Cessna 182.

       - The Knowles Family Encounter.  The case of a family on a
car trip across the Nullarbor Plain in South Australia who were
buzzed by a UFO that at one stage lifted the Knowles car into the
air only to drop it to the road seconds later.

Postal Address:             Internet contact:
       P.O. Box 43                    email: [email protected]
       Moorabbin                      phone: +61-3-6076849
       Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3189       fax  : +61-3-6076198

=== Disclaimer
Disclaimer: Please Note that I don't claim that any of this research
strictly as my own. It comes from many books, articles, electronic
postings and people. I have tried to always include where the source of
the information at the bottom of the sections when I could.

=== FAQ Requests
If you wish to request the current copy of this FAQ, Please include in
your email message the maximum number of lines per message systems mail
program can handle so I won't crash your mailbox.  Also remember this
is a big FAQ, make sure you have the disk space. Just so you know I
don't plan on doing any major work on this FAQ till December, I need to
catch up on other work. Send Request for FAQ's ONLY to:

[email protected]

=== FAQ Suggestions & Corrections
If you have any suggestions or would like to add something to the FAQ,
MIXED IN. I  already have the latest version. So please just slectively
edit the approprate portions of the FAQ into your message, and include
the section numbers. Also please send me any corrections you may have
for the FAQ. If you or your orgionization is mentioned in the above FAQ
and you feel I have misrepresented you please let me know so I can
correct the problem.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *