+ The following article appeared in the Thursday,       +
+ October 3, 1991 edition of the LEWISTON MORNING       +
+ TRIBUNE, which serves the Lewiston Idaho, Clarkston   +
+ Washington area. Also Washington State University and +
+ the University of Idaho both 40 miles to the north.   +
+ Clarkston and Lewiston are in the Snake River Canyon  +
+ area of southeastern Washington and Northern Idaho,   +
+ 20 miles north of Oregon. Elevation is aproximately   +
+ 600 feet in their dessert canyon, which has a mild    +
+ snow-free climate. The Snake river and Clearwater     +
+ river converge there, the gateway to Hell's Canyon.   +
+ Spaulding is a small town aprox. 6 miles from         +
+ Lewiston, due east following the Clearwater river,    +
+ and highway-12. Spaulding is near the split of        +
+ highway-12 and highway-95 which runs north and south  +
+ eventually along the Nevada Test Site / Area-51...    +

Lewiston Morning Tribune - Lewiston, Idaho - Thursday, October 3, 1991

                      UFO SEEN TWICE NEAR SPAULDING
By SANDRA L. LEE of the Tribune

Joseph J.S. Feathers, who holds a doctorate in anthropology and operates
a 1,200-acre ranch near Spalding with his wife, saw what would commonly
be called an Unidentified Flying Object over his Spalding home Monday

"I wasn't going to say anything about it. People always think you're in
the lunatic fringe," Feathers said Wednesday.

But then he read in the Lewiston Tribune that Sarah G. Kureger and
others had watched two unidentified multicolored objects in the sky for
three nights. The objects they saw were most active Monday night.

He was walking up the front steps at his home, Moon Rising Ranch across
the Clearwater River from Spalding Park, a few minutes after 8 Monday.
An "intense glob of bright orange-yellow light" appeared just east of
the house. It was perhaps 4,000 feet in the air and 200 feet high by 100
wide in an irregular shape, he said, pointing out that his estimates
were based on only a few seconds of visibility.

It was shaped irregularly, and there was a large, dark object, perhaps
20 to 40 feet high, moving into it from the south.

The picture he drew from memory for the Tribune was of the traditional
saucer shape.

It was totally silent, Feathers said. The whole thing -- the bright
light and the dark shape -- moved out of sight behind the roof of his
A-frame home. By the time he got to the end of the deck, it had
vanished, he said.

The moon is waning, and it hadn't risen yet. And the moon is never as
bright as that light, he said. But he doesn't know what it could have

"I've got no reason to lie," he said simply.

Another person called the Lewiston Tribune Wednesday night to report
seeing a group of three UFOs last night in the sky over the Cherrylane
area, about 10 miles east of Spalding. That sighting also was a few
minutes after 8pm.


* THE U.F.O. BBS - *