SUBJECT: U.K.Close Encounters of the Third Kind No 7.        FILE: UFO2083

                         Rachels Story

Rachel Jones says aliens removed eggs from her womb during a
painful operation on a spacecraft. The pretty housewife has been
unable to conceive and believes the infertility may be a result
of the experiments.

Rachel, 30, says she has been whisked away by aliens Three times.
She was first taken on board a craft at the age of four and endured
intimate medical examinations at the age of 14 and 24. On one trip
she was shown an image of a futuristic space city.

The Norfolk housewife, whose name as been changed to protect her identity,
has suffered three miscarriages and been unable to have a child. It
was through hypnosis last weekend that she discovered that her first
encounter with aliens was when she was four. Previously, her only
recollection of UFOs was being followed by one at the age of 14. Then
at the age of 24 she saw a white light outside her bedroom window.
When she woke the next morning she found a painful hole in her navel
which oozed clear liquid. Rachel says that a large grey alien, wearing
a skull cap and a blue suit, operated on her in a darkly  lit room.
He had no facial features other than eyes and a nose like a bulldog.

"It was only after regression that I discovered what had happened,"
she said. "They inserted a needle into my stomach like doctors do
with pregnant women. I think they were taking eggs from me. "It was
frightening at first and I remember feeling I couldn't move. They
were trying to keep me calm and let me know that they didn't want
to hurt me. I don't think it is their intention to harm but I felt
I was being used as part of a biological experiment.

"Although I am very fertile, I have never been able to fully conceive
a child." Rachel, who has been married twice, was told she would be
visited again in her 30s. "I suppose it could be when I'm 34 they've
come every ten years. I'm not frightened at the prospect. "what does
annoy me is that the Government is trying to cover up the whole thing."

from The People 20/02/94

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *