Crack Air Force pilots have learned how to fly a captured UFO and the
Pentagon is so impressed by its awesome performance that it is building
a whole squadron of them.

A military insider says the new FXA fighters will be deployed initially
on aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf in case Saddam Hussein gets too
big for his britches again.

They have proven to be incredibly effective, says the source. They have
an anti-radar capability far more enhanced than the Stealth fighter.

In fact, they're invisible to most radars and are barely visible to the
naked eye.

The new UFO - or Unlimited Fighting Object, as the pilots are calling it
- is so technologically advanced it doesn't have a fixed power source with
moving parts.

The engine looks like the inside of a TV set - all printed circuits and
computer chips. It flies by using the magnetic field around the earth for

The weaponry they carry is awesome, too, says the insider. It is not based
on our own projectile systems such as missiles or bullets, but on sonic
energy to destroy personnel and buildings.

Classified photos of the new fighter show what appears to be a small satellite
dish on the nose of the craft. The dish emits high frequency sonic waves that
can shatter a person's nervous system causing immediate death or set a sky-
scraper vibrating so violently that it crumbles to the ground.

The F-XA seems to absorb or reflect anything thrown at it, says the military

Plans to build more of the unconventional craft have been hampered by the
fact that the mechanics of the UFOs flight are of unknown origin.

Those engineers are brilliant and think they know everything there is to
know, says the insider. but, boy, did they get a surprise when they opened
up that baby. I never saw so many blank looks.

But they're getting close. It won't be long before they perfect the program.
That is, if the American public is willing to pay for it.

Sources believe the U.S. government has already spent several billion dollars
on the project. They can't keep it a secret very much longer, says the source.
I don't think even the president knows everything that is going on.

Intelligence reports suggest that the F-XA has already seen action over the
skies of IRAQ. I have no doubt that the military is testing the plane's
abilities on the Iraqi frontier, says the source.

If we go into Baghdad again, there won't be any doubt about the outcome.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *