SUBJECT: U.K. Close Encounters of the Third Kind             FILE: UFO2072


                           Peter's Story

Peter Gregory says he was whisked away in a flying saucer and shown
"the end of the world" by beings from the 37th Century. He claims
pollution and natural disasters had left the earth covered in lifeless
swamps. forcing mankind to live under ground.

At his home on the Lincolnshire coast, where the 54 year old writer
says there have been more than 30 UFO sightings, Peter recalled the
journey in April last year. "I opened my eyes and appeared to be
in the control room of an enormous flying machine. "There was a loud
humming, the place was bathed in light and it pulsed with a strange
rhythm, beating in time with my own heart"

He believes he was transported from his home to the craft "in a huge
whirlpool of colors". "They flickered and danced in front of my eyes
in a never ending display of hues and patterns." Once on board, his
"hosts" appeared to be human except for abnormally long fingers,
which had no nails. "I walked slowly towards them and tried to touch
one of them but my hand went straight through him," said Peter. "The
leader was a little taller than his companions about 6ft and slender,
with bronzed complexion. His hair was shoulder length and reddish
brown. "He wore a small silver band around his forehead with two small
lights on each side. His lips were tinged blue."

The three man crew wore grey uniforms with high collars and three
quarter length sleeves. An insignia, resembling the letter M or W
was emblazoned on each man's breast pocket. But Peter's astonishment
soon turned to horror when he was shown the future of the world on
a giant viewer screen."It showed a planet which is no longer inhabitable
air had become unbreathable and pollution so great that man had been
forced to live  in a artificial underground world. "The sun still
shone but only through a thick blanket of pollution the ozone layer
had been destroyed and there was no protection from ultraviolet rays.
"By the year 3600 where the UFO travellers came from the only trace
of mans occupation was rubble scattered across the surface."

This final vision seized Peter with panic but he now believes nothing
can be done to avert the end of the world. When he was returned home
by the craft his heart was beating wildly and he had broken out in
a cold sweat. Peter accepts that many will scoff but insists it
really happened. "I've been called a crank and a liar but what I experienced
was no dream or delusion. "You can see the beginnings of it already
the spread of diseases, global warming and breakdown of law and order.

From The People 20/02/94

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *