SUBJECT:  A Bumper UFO year for the UK.                      FILE: UFO2069

UFO activity over Britain is at a all time high,say experts.
Ufologists recorded more sightings than at any time sense records
began, 70 in Jan alone. Last year the M.o.D. received 258 reports
at its London UFO unit. It looks like it will be the busiest
year yet for the British UFO Research Association.

There are five centers of activity in the UK they are in Lincolnshire,
Yorkshire, Cheshire, and the north east of England. In Bonnybridge,
near Falkirk, there have been more than 200 reports since Nov 92.

The last in Jan 94 was captured on video. It is now being examined
by the M.O.D. Malcolm Robinson of UFO group Strange Phenomena Investigations
said "The film is very exiting and we're hoping the M.O.D. can shed
some light on it.

A high proportion of sightings can be explained but it still leaves
a lot of genuine UFOs." Investigator Tony Dodd, an ex-police officer
claims to have seen at least 60 UFOs in the UK and cites cases of
Britons being abducted.Hundereds of people believe they have been
kidnapped and experimented on by aliens. These include doctors
policemen, lawyers and nurses,"intelligent people"

The People newspaper have sent a dossier of abductees to the M.O.D.
Malcolm Robinson can be contacted by writing to 41 The Braes, Tullibody,
Alloa FK10 2TT. Tony Dodd can be contacted on the UFO hot line
0756 752216. or by post at The British UFO Research Association,
Bufora, Suite 1, The Leys, Leyton rd Harpenden Herts.

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *