SUBJECT: EC on lookout for UFO's.                            FILE: UFO2067

From Sunday Post 2:1:94

        Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's the latest
extra-terrestrial idea beamed up from the European Community.

        The EC has put forward a new plan to spend money on the
creation of a Euro center for the observation of Unidentified
Flying Objects.

        The Trade and Technology Committee of the European
Parliament (TTCEP) is proposing it should be located somewhere in

        It also proposes the center should have the status of a
European Institution and a management board with representatives
of each Euro nation on it.

        The European Parliament is to consider the proposition
this month.

        MP Sir Teddy Taylor, who describes the project as a
horrendous waste of funds, says, "A study has already been done by
the TTCEP on whether aliens from other planets have been operating
in the extra-terrestrial environment".

        This issue is being left just now as the committee
concluded that while there might be a real prospect these aliens
are all around us, there is no great urgency as no proof of their
existence can be discovered.

        "It doesn't seem to be the most urgent task facing Europe
when it has 17 million unemployed"

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *