SUBJECT: TID-BITS OF TRASH:                                  FILE: UFO2033

    Non-subscriber  William  Steinman  has  come  out with a book called "UFO
Crash  at  Aztec  (New Mexico)", co-authored by Col. Wendelle Stevens from the
depths  of his prison cell. This tome is about the alleged saucer crash of May
25th,  1948, in which the remains of sixteen dead aliens were allegedly found.
The  book  is  available  from  UFO Contact Newsline, 8721 Santa Monica Blvd.,
Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA  90069. Price: a very hefty $18.95!

    Pete  Mazzola,  co-founder  of  the  Scientific  Bureau  of Investigation
(SBI),  died  of brain cancer on June 10th of this year. With his passing, the
SBI,  which  had  several hundred members at its peak, is now defunct. We knew
Peter slightly...

    An  organizational  meeting  of  the New York Fortean Society was held in
what  appeared  to  be  a very large closet in midtown New York City, on Sept.
19th.  Almost  fifty  people  attended,  including your humble editor, and the
audience  was practically sitting on each other's laps. Predictably, John Keel
was  elected  president  of  the  organization, and all of us who attended are
considered founders. Wheeee!....

* THE U.F.O. BBS - *