Life will never agin be the same for Faye Knowles and her three sons.
It was altered forever in a few horrifying minutes on a lonely road
through the Australian outback - where they were plucked off the
Earth by a UFO!

Their bloodcurdling ordeal, already labeled the Nullarbor Incident,
is unquestionabley one of the best documented alien encounters ever

One expert on sightings of alien crafts said an official report
claiming the UFO was nothing more than a meterorite shower is "pre-
posterous and a scandalous attempt at a cover-up."

The expert cited evidence that clearly proves the encounters were
genuine. They are:
                 A. The care they were riding in when it was snatched
                    up by the glowing UFO is heavily dented where its
                    roof came in contact with the alien craft.

                 B. Scientists are at a loss to identify the talc-like
                    dust that covered the car when police found it.

                 C. Descriptions of the oddshaped UFO given by a fishing
                    trawler that also encountered it hundreds of miles
                    away in the Indian Ocean are identical in every resp-
                    ect to those given by mrs. knowles and here three
                    sons sean, wayne and Patrick.

                 D. And all efforts by investigators to prove the two
                    separate sightings are coincidental hoaxes or a biz-
                    arre case of multiple hysteria have been miserable

We were a bit skeptical at first, said Police Sgt. Jim Furnell in Ceduna.
I've always had reservations about UFOs. But after investigating, we're
trating the reports very seriously.

For the Knowles family, the minutes that would change their lives began
ticking off in the pre-dawn hours as they traveled a barren highway across
Australia's vast Nullarbor Plain on a trip from Perth to Melbourne.

Suddenly a shimmering craft streaked out of the sky and followed the
Knowles car as it raced down the road at 120 m.p.h. - then clamped itself
to the car's roof!

I reached out and touched the thing, the 48 year old mom told reporters.

It felt warm and spongy and it smelled like dead bodies.

Her 24 year old son Patrick said he heard a humming and then saw a dark
mist begin filling the car.

We started yelling and screaming, but our voices had changed, he said.
They were deep voices and very slow like in a dream.

Then the massive craft picked our car up and shook it like a toy! We
had our dogs with us and they went crazy. Then the thing released us
and the car slammed to the ground so hard it burst a tire.

The glowing UFO hovered near the car for several minutes before it sud-
denly shot in to the heavens with a fantastic burst of speed. The
terrified family drove 400 miles to the town of Cedunna where they rep-
orted their harrowing encounter to Sgt. Furnell.

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *