In his CAJI newsletter, Cooper
stated that "No one likes to be a
fool, but most ufologists are ex-
actly that. I keep saying to do
research, to investigate, but no
one does it. They just sit around
and call each other names.'' This
reporter, representing UFO
Magazine, attempted to contact
Cooper to verify his claims by
leaving a message on his com-
puter service.
 Cooper read the message and
called about an hour later. When
I answered the phone, Cooper
growled, "What the hell do you
want!?" When I attempted to ex-
plain that I was doing a story for
UFO and wanted to verify his
claims, he shot back, "What are
you writing for your f***in'
trashzine?" I then said that I had
received a copy of the CAJI
newsletter and he replied, ''I
would be very careful if I was
you. That newsletter is

  Cooper then stated, "I don't
trust you or anyone you are
associated with. " The only
response I was able to get con-
cerned the allegation that Bob
Lazar ran a speed lab. "John
Lear told me that out of his own
mouth .  .  . I got the information
from a man named Cory and
eoff who are good friends of
John Lear. "

 Just at that moment the phone
rang with the call waiting feature,
and Cooper refused to hold 'til I
could find out who was calling.
He refused to speak any further
and hung up. This seems out of
character for a person who claims
that his information is legitimate.
 As UFO Magazine was going
to press, and as we expected,
Cooper's newest newsletter at-
tacked this writer and the
magazine. Cooper now claims
that Cory Testa was intimidated
by UFO regarding the claims that
Bob Lazar is involved with drugs,
and that UFO or myself or both
are a part of Cooper's paranoiac
''secret government.''
 The absurdity of this speaks
for itself. But for the record,
UFO will attempt to get Testa's
version of this. Researching and
accurately reporting facts are not
Cooper's strong  suit.-D.E.
And UFO MAGAZINE CO-Publisher says. . . .

 There you have it. Don Ecker's ar-
ticle, documentary reports researched
and produced by George Knapp of
KLAS-TV and what Cooper has
published in his CAJI newsletter are
part of a growing information base
which should demonstrate why we
have chosen not to give space to the
often false and specious claims that
Cooper purveys.

 It is not our intention to single out
individuals and ''pick on'' them; it's
simply very important that the truth
or the closest thing to it be establish-
ed. A close reading of our
whistleblowers series, as it pro-
gresses, will demonstrate that there
are people in this field who have set
themselves up for examination and
whose claims of truth are, at best,
cleverly-mouthed chunks of pro-
paganda; some if not most will be
found wanting. Milton William
Cooper has threatened, lied about
and attacked a number of people in
the UFO field (I'm included, as is
Don Ecker). Along with slander and
lying, he has a clear history of con-
tradicting himself, backtracking when
caught in those contradictions and
then attempting to patch up his story
with a turnaround position based on
sudden new claims that, true to style,
cannot be checked out.

 A Bill Cooper could not maintain
a foothold in any other field. Such a
bullying personality would
have been "run out of town" long
ago. But the fact that this man and
others like him still can command
some audience and are seen as hav-
ing some veracity and authority
denotes a sore lack of discrimination
on the part of many in the UFO
arena, if not outright foolishness.

 But it should be likewise emphasiz-
ed that this syndrome also testifies to
our collective frustration with the lies
and secret machinations of some
powerful persons in the U.S. govern-
ment, cultivating many people's will-
ingness to listen and 'follow just
about anyone who purports to be
defending the Constitution and who
vocally demands accountability from
the very government officials in
whom we should be able to place our

  It's so very important: Dedication
to the absolute truth, to
the finer points of democracy, when
exercised without caution and
discernment, plays right into the
hands of those who would short-
circuit those very precious qualities
we hold dear. "Users" of all political
persuasions will exploit the emotional
fervor of the crowd to further their
own selfish and inhumane ends.
(Some names to remember: Adolf
Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Joseph
Stalin, Joe McCarthy.)

 It's imperative that
we - and I include everyone who
shares the vision of UFO Mag-
azine-short-circuit such per-
niciousness at its very core, striking
at the heart of demagoguery with
persistent courage and honesty.
 Only personal commitment to
humane and truthful ideals, and the
willingness to expose the truth, can
successfully overcome The Big Lie.
UFO Magazine honors just such a
commitment. -  Vicki Cooper


 When I began to look at Cooper's
UFO-related information, our pur-
pose was to examine his claims and
see how valid they were. This
endeavor started with Cooper's CAJI
newsletter, and his claims that people
such as Bob Lazar, John Lear, Bill
Moore and others were engaged in
various illegal or unethical acts.

 But back in April and May of
I990, Lazar, for instance, had NO
criminal charges even pending. Ap-
parently Lear was targeted by
Cooper only because he appeared on
the George Knapp special and expos-
ed some of Cooper's bogus informa-
tion over the air.

 When UFO tried to contact
Cooper, he immediately blew up.
Sure enough, before too long he
launched a smear campaign against
the magazine and this writer. Cooper
has even called the magazine and
threatened to sue unless we print a
complete retraction of Part One,
published in UFO, Vol. 5, No. 4.
Never a word that parts of
the story (in his opinion) are wrong,
not a word that he wants his side
told in these pages. Instead, in his
latest newsletter, Cooper has resorted
once more to smearing, innuendo
and libel. He even engages in an in-
credibly sophomoric, juvenile display
by making scatological parodies of
my name, George Knapp's, and
Vicki Cooper's.

  I, for one, wiIl not be intimidated.
UFO Magazine wilI continue to
report the truest facts available, and
what is nice about reporting facts is
 . . they can be shown to everyone
at any time.

  What is really sad about this story
is the $act that I agree with much of
what Cooper says when he is speak-
ing about an erosion of Constitu-
tional civil liberties. There are bizarre
things afoot in the land, each day
becomes more uncertain, and the
public is simply not being told the
true $acts. However, one thing about
the First Amendment, that although
it guarantees freedom of speech, it
does not allow the screaming of fire
(with no fire) in a crowded theater.
Cooper has been screaming fire on
rainy days, and the problem with
that is . . . What do you do when a
real fire starts? Just like the kid who
always cried wolf, no one came when
the wolf finally showed up.

  What it appears we are dealing
with is demagoguery. Demagoguery
in any form, with people following
blindly, is always a dangerous
development. Examine everyone's in-
formation, do not accept anything
without checking it to the extent you
are able, and then check it again
from another angle, if possible.

  UFO Magazine's opinion is that
this field is fraught with enough
dangers; tread carefully while walk-
ing down this path.

 During this investigation UFO
Magazine has found that much of
Cooper's material is entirely
fabricated, lifted from others'work,
or facts he's selected and twisted to
support his own story. Several times
Cooper has told those who have
disagreed with him or questioned his
information,  ''I will crucify
you. . ." At what point will some-
one allow a demagogue to in-
timidate him or her into silence? At
what point will truth be the final
casualty in a war of words with

  I will report the truth as long as
we publish, and if necessary suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous
slander.  At some point the
public will learn that each
demagogue DOES have his 15
minutes in the sun, but then the
public learns WHAT IS THE
TRUTH. - Don Ecker


 I've served most of my adult life
as an intelligence operative (In-
telligence Officer, Delta Force; Com-
mander, Special Operations, Viet-
Nam: Commander Special Forces,
Latin America; Principal Agent,
NSC-ISA). Unlike William Cooper, I
can prove this identity. I have been a
Pilot for more than 30 years. My
assignments have taken me all over
the globe including Africa, Asia,
Middle East, Latin America, et al.
Much of this time has been spent out
in the open under the stars. I have
never witnessed a UFO in the classic
saucer sense, but I believe they exist
nevertheless (Even Jimmy Carter says
so). While in England, enroute to
Bangladesh, I bought and read
Above Top Secret, which strengthen-
ed my personal convictions.
 This past month the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers and Na-
tional Intelligence Counter In-
telligence Association included UFO
reports (Belgian Air Force Colonel
Wilfried de Brouwer) in their
monthly INSUMS (Intelligence Sum-
 As a Chemical, Biological, Nuclear
trained officer, I know that "the"
government lied about gassing sheep
in Montana with GB-Agent, infecting
San Francisco with a virus, and the
proposed use of underground nuc -
lear demolitions to construct a new
canal in Nicaragua. They denied
Frank Powers U-2 over Russia,
SR-71, and Stealth. Why wouldn't
they cover-up UFOs (classic or other-
 I obviously don't know much
about flying saucers, even though I
have more than a dozen friends, in-

cluding pilots, who are eye witnesses
to UFO sightings. I know a lot more
about people and I certainly know
the intelligence system. I have ex-
amined military records on Bill
Cooper. I have spoken with him and
listened to him on telephone recorded
audio tape. I feel compelled to add
my opinion to that of George
Knapp, Ed De Mar and others. I am
absolutely convinced that Cooper is a
charlatan. There is no doubt that he
has information concerning govern-
ment cover-up, which is easily
vacuumed from the presentations
and publications of others.
 When I retumed from Burma's
Golden Triangle with videotape of
overlord Khun Sa accusing U.S. of-
ficials of being his best customers,
Cooper started saying that drugs
were funding the secret government
UFO campaign.
 Only God and Cooper know if he
actually observed a UFO, but I don't
buy his story about being a part of
Naval Intelligence. I have a Top
Secret Crypto clearance with access
to Special Intelligence, which is clear-
ly imprinted on my records. None of
the Cooper file shows him to have
these basic intelligence clearances,
without which he would be denied
access to classified materials.
 I also have been granted coded
clearances which open doors when
combined with a "need to know" to
highly selected ''compartments'' of
information. If Cooper were real, he
would have long ago referenced the
proper codes that deal with informa-
tion he says was available to him. 1
believe Bill Cooper is a fraud. There
is enough wrong with the govern-
ment. Cooper types only hurt honest
efforts to gain truth. His fare would
be more accurately billed as ''enter-
 As Chief of Special Activities on
the Army General Staff, I regularly
briefed the U.S. Army Chief of Staff
and the other generals. I know and
have experience working with Ad-
miral Isaac Kidd (former Com-
mander in Chief, Atlantic) and his
There were no enlisted men on the
"briefing team." Field grade officers
(Major and up) normally furnish in-
formation to these key decision
makers. Classifed information is
carefully guarded, especially the com-
partmented information that Cooper
refers to.
 Without the proper coded access
and a need to know, you don't get
  I don't buy Bill's "testing" the
government by mixing up code
names (Majestic vis Majority). Every
time someone produces information
contradicting Cooper, he changes,
adds to, or reveals yet another per-
sonal revelation he read in the cloak-
ed documents way back when. St.
John should have had such access.
Cooper has more twists than a
snake. He is also dangerous. I listen-
ed to a telephone answer tape where-
in Cooper badgered, bribed,
threatened, cried, and then later
allegedly slashed the tires on a man's
Cooper talks and acts like a
number of other fakes I know. They
seem to want someone, anyone, to
do anything that might threaten them
since to be that important would
enhance their own self-image. In the
absence of real threats they conjure
them up. I don't begrudge whatever
popularity or success he may
garner- that is show biz. But I do
feel he is hurting the credibility and
honesty of sincere researchers at a
time when we are facing a true peril
from within. The secret government
needs to be exposed and expunged
before it turns us into economic
slaves through King George's "New
World Order.'' Cooperites dull our
cutting edge of truth. I exhort
William Cooper to stop his Bush-lip
and focus his energy and resources
on unmasking the real villains.
 This is the first time I have written
a letter to the editor. Strange that
with all that is going on, it would be
to a publication I haven't read,
about a person I hope-if there are
ETs-will soon be beamed up.
 Please send me info on your
magazine.  It wasn't on our Pentagon
reading list, but maybe it should be.
                  James "Bo'' Gritz
                  Center for Action
                  Sandy Valley, NV

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You bet Colonel. Send $18.00 for a years subscription to;

UFO Magazine
1800 S. Robertson Blvd. Box 355
Los Angeles, Ca. 90035

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