SUBJECT: B.LANGDON RESPONDS TO LEAR                          FILE: UFO1824


Brad Langton's Response to the John Lear Document (Lear.Txt)
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The text that follows represents my views on Lear.txt and are not
necessarily those of Paranet or any of its other users or staff.

Brad Langton / February 4th, 1988

Sec: B - UFOlogy
04-Feb-88  03:27 AM
Subj: Contentions on EBEs (R)
To: John Lear

First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to
participate in the interview of 02/03/88. I do however, feel that
its appropriate that I make a statement of my own regarding the
issue at hand.

During the interview, I tried to rem(ain) helpful to those users
who have clamored for more information. I believe that I have met
this responsibility.

For myself, I'm afraid that I find a great deal of the material
wanting in proof, or even reasonable expectations for such an
advanced culture. (You) said that these are the facts, but without
proving these facts in some objective, verifiable way, you must
understand that your allegations are without substance. If you are
sincere about establishing the validity of your claims, you're
going to have to g(et some)credible witnesses, dates, times,
records, physical evidence, and whatever (else by any) means
possible to support what you are saying.

I'm not saying that within the framework of your story, there are
not elements of strangeness that have been reported in other media
(during) the last 40 years. All I'm saying is that the statement
without proof is doing more to harm credible UFO research than it
is helping it. I hope this was not your intention, but lets look
at this objectively, the story makes a lot of the material you read
i(n the tabloids look reasonable by comparison.  For example,
Aliens)  Align with US to Harvest Human Enzymes!" You've got to
admit, that sounds pretty silly.

My final point is one that regards my beliefs about intelligence
in the universe and is no more valid than your contentions, but
given a civilization "BILLIONS" of ye(ars old they hardly) need
bodies let alone spaceships... the more primitive instincts would
be barely a race memory. I can't buy the "backside of an
evolutionary curve " theory either. I don't even know what that
means! De-evolve? De-evolve to me is nonsense. Evolution is(a
process that goes) in the direction of greatest survivability. We
can argue that point until the end of time and never meet minds...
its like philosophy, you either believe
the contention or you don't.

I'll grant you that the UFO issue has been around a long time and
yes, the government DOES cover things up very well.. but judging
from the initial impact this story had, gauged against more
reasonable inspection after the initial
shock wears off, users that were leaning in the direction of
supporting more active efforts to learn (more about UFOs are
skeptical) themselves.

I'm afraid I can't swallow this story John, I've thought about it,
I've talked about it, and I've read other peoples views on it, and
it just is too fantastic to believe.... EVEN IF ITS TRUE!

That last point is important, if you do have some (solid facts.
This) is not the way to garner support.

I respect your right to express your beliefs, but please respect
our rights to have a high degree of proof before going off
half-cocked in a blitz to stop the aliens!!

Brad Langton Paranet Lambda

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *