SUBJECT: LEAR DISCUSSION-EBE's                               FILE: UFO1818




The following hypothesis discusses the significance of UFO occupant
activities to human civilization and development. To understand the
terminology and concepts discussed in this paper, readers are
encouraged to review the following works: UFO Crash at Aztec by
William Steinman and Wendelle Stevens, particularly the addendum
in the back of the book titled "The Bennewitz Story" (pages
78-604); The Roswell Incident by William Moore; Leonard
Stringfield's Status Reports II and III on UFO crash/retrievals;
John Lear's "LEAR.TXT" on Paranet computer bulletin board; the
updated transcript of Linda Howe's documentary "Strange Harvest"
(page 64); Jerome Clark's article in the April 1988 issue of Fate
magazine: "UFO Crashes, Part IV", and Communion by Whitley


In December of 1987, airline pilot and UFO researcher John Lear
published a letter on Paranet.     Based on his research,   Lear
concluded that extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE's) are
malevolent beings from space who have orchestrated a deceptive,
"well-planned invasion of Earth for its resources and benefits."
Lear's scenario reads like the plot of a science fiction horror
film: The EBE'S have perpetrated a "grand deception" on humans to
hide their true motives which are to create human-alien
crossbreeds, presumably for sinister purposes, and consume human
biological matter.  According to Lear, the EBE'S terminate any
humans who might interfere with them.
    Because John Lear appears to be sincere in his research and
has impressive credentials, urologists are seriously examining his
statement.  For example, Jim Speiser, Paranet's administrator, says
in his introduction to Lear's letter, "John...has contacts in
sensitive positions that could conceivably allow him access to
information of this type."
    Lear may have contacts that have provided him with accurate
data, but his speculations and hypotheses are presented with the
same authority and confidence as his alleged facts, even though his
conclusions seem extremely questionable.
    Rather than being sinister or malevolent, is it possible that
EBE'S are members of an advanced evolutionary level of life who are
tending this planet as a garden?  Might they be cultivating human
life, not as a food source, but to give human beings the
opportunity to become, through their choices, potential members and
contributors to the EBE's' advanced level? Could this planet be one
of numerous planetary "gardens" established by the EBE's for such
a purpose?
    In this context, all EBE activity could be seen as benevolent.
However, certain aspects of their work might seem frightening or
traumatic to a human mind, depending on that mind's level of
development and comprehension.     Does the plant understand when
gardener uproots it to replant it in better soil, or prunes and
grafts to ensure proper improved growth?
    In the field of science, a single set of data has often been
interpreted in profoundly different ways.  When we are dealing with
obviously advanced technology, how can we be sure that we are
interpreting what we see with any accuracy?  Can those who base
conclusions about advanced beings only on what is measurable or
verifiable by current technology ever see more than a limited
picture?  Even if John Lear's facts are correct concerning
underground CIA-alien facilities, body parts floating in vats of
amber liquid, etc., the facts do not necessarily warrant Lear's
horrified conclusions.
    Is it possible to arrive at a valid conclusion based solely
on "hard evidence"?  Perhaps not, but we should not adopt a purely
spiritual approach either, as do many UFO contactees and
"channelers" or we risk arriving at pleasant metaphysical fantasies
that do not jive with observed phenomena.
    Lear posed the question, "What is the big picture, anyway?"
(Lear.txt).  In attempting to answer this, we obviously need a big
frame of reference.  Perhaps examining some of the details that
Lear discussed will give us that perspective.

*     *     *    *  *

    John Lear suggests, along with Budd Hopkins, that EBE's may
be on the "backside of an evolutionary genetic curve." They base
this on the EBE's having, for example, a lack of hair and teeth,
fewer fingers and toes, and atrophied or missing digestive and
reproductive organs.  Isn't it possible that just the opposite is
true--that the absence of digestive and reproductive organs are
signs of evolving and outgrowing the need for "primitive" organs?
Rather than the EBE's needing to  revitalize themselves by
inbreeding with humans and/or consuming extractions from human and
bovine tissue, isn't it possible that they are experimenting with
hybridization and tissue samples for our sakes?
    If you consider the possibility that UFO occupants may have
been involved in the creation of free-willed human beings from the
very beginning, couldn't their present genetic work be an effort
to correct the severe damage that we have inflicted upon our
genetic structure?  Maybe the EBE's are seeking ways to undo the
effects of generations of unrestrained primitive behavior
(territorialism, wars,selfishness, etc.), drug usage, pollution,
food additives, etc.?
    Could EBE's represent the goal toward which human beings have
the capacity to evolve if they choose?  This may be difficult for
some to accept if they see the EBE's appearance as "strange" by
human standards. Could it also be hard to think about because our
egos have difficulty with the notion that human beings do not
represent the height of evolutionary advancement in the universe?
Lear himself notes how difficult it was for the human mind to
accept that the Sun does not revolve around the Earth.
    Lear acknowledges that EBE's may be as much as a billion years
ahead of human beings in advancement.  How does this jive with his
statement that "the EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their
digestive system is atrophied?"  It seems more probable that a
digestive system is simply not required for a space-dwelling
organism.  (Just think of the time that leaves them free to do more
significant work than preparing food, eating, digesting, and
eliminating.)  And if they are so advanced that they can create
life in a laboratory, why would they need reproductive organs?
    Lear concludes that EBE's are deriving sustenance from enzyme
or hormonal secretions applied to their skin.  Aren't there other
possible explanations for these applications? This is pure
conjecture, but could they be applying these secretions to their
skin as a means of analyzing them, that is, using their own bodies
as test subjects?
    Let's take a look at so-called mutilations for a moment.  A
significant point in researcher Linda Howe's examination of animal
mutilations comes in an update to her documentary "Strange
Harvest."  In the transcript of that film (update 1st broadcast,
May 25, 1980), Howe says she received information from a psychic
in Albuquerque.  The psychic correctly predicted that a deviation
would occur in the surgical method used by the aliens, "...which
is...a necessity in order to arrive at a success in formulation of
a serum-like concoction which will be returned to mankind during
a time of need." (Howe p. 64)  Linda Howe might be commended for
her courage as an investigator in quoting a psychic.  The point is
that there may be beneficial reasons why the EBE's are performing
their surgical operations. It is interesting that when a tribe of
American Indians were once asked what they thought of "mutilations"
occurring on their reservation, they replied simply, "The star
people know what they are doing, and should be trusted."
    Before continuing to speculate about the motivations of UFO
occupants, we have to ask ourselves, is it possible to understand
what EBE's are and what they are doing if we don't know what human
beings are?
    Consider, if you will, that the true nature of man is a "life
force" or mind (often referred to as a "soul") encapsulated in a
physical body. Could the human mind itself be the creation of a
higher evolutionary level (the EBE's)?  Could the human mind be a
perennial that experiences successive seasons of growth on a
planet's surface just as a perennial plant experiences seasons of
growth in a garden?
    In this context, reincarnation is not a religious concept.
It is merely one way of describing how a mental being (man) can
experience evolutionary growth and development by progressing
through various physical vehicles.
    If this is the case, then nothing is lost when the physical
body dies. The "life force" or mind is not  destroyed, but merely
transferred to another body, or possibly somehow put in storage.

    Many close encounter records indicate that the EBE's, although
aware that nothing is lost when the human body is destroyed, are
reluctant to destroy a human body,even though they have done so in
certain circumstances.   Ironically, although most humans regard
physical body as a person's totality, we are inclined to destroy
each other senselessly, and wantonly.
    UFO occupants seem to understand far more than we do about the
difference between mind and body, and how to work with both,
separately or together.  It appears that they can extract the
consciousness (mind, soul) of a person from the body which is
housing that consciousness.  In addition to the numerous accounts
of physical "abductions", UFO literature is filled with incidents
where humans reportedly experience being taken outside of their
physical bodies.
    In addition, some humans feel they have encountered the same
UFO occupant on different occasions, even though the individual
they "recognize" has a totally different appearance.  This could
suggest that the EBE's can also transfer their own consciousness
or mind from one body to another, like changing clothes.
    We can see that the variety of UFO occupant types may not
necessarily represent different species from different galaxies.
The various vehicular types may simply show different levels of
development.  It seems likely that the more advanced minds of this
highly evolved level are the ones in the more advanced bodies..
    UFO occupants who appear to be in human form, including the
so-called "Nordics,"  may in fact be advanced humans from other
productive gardens (planets) who have been allowed to work with the
EBE's, even though they haven't yet advanced enough to earn more
evolved vehicles.  The presence of such individuals may come in
very handy at times, as in the famous Travis Walton case where a
large human-looking occupant was able to restore calm to Walton.
    John Lear states that UFO researcher William Moore has a
videotape containing an interview with a colonel connected to
MJ-12.    The colonel says that the EBE's claim to have created
Christ.  Once again, Lear draws a negative conclusion from this,
speculating that the claim "could be an effort to disrupt
traditional values for undetermined reasons." (Lear.txt)
    But what if the claim is true?  If the primary concern of
EBE's is the cultivation and nurturing of human minds, then isn't
it conceivable that Jesus could have been one of them in human
"clothing"?  Considering recent evidence that human mothers have
been artificially inseminated by extraterrestrials to produce
hybrids, isn't this a possible explanation for Jesus' alleged
virgin birth?  Wouldn't such a hybrid vehicle have given him a
greater capacity to stay in touch with his "father," and even
perform what humans would see as "miracles"?
    Consider that the Bible, divested of its traditional religious
interpretation, may actually be a record of close encounters.
According to this record, the extraterrestrials apparently worked
closely with the ancient Israelites and saved them from the
terrestrial power of the Egyptians.  But the EBE's didn't hesitate
to wipe out thousands of the Israelites when they were disobedient.

If you see this in the light of the EBE's trying to teach humans
how to become more refined and more evolved, the first step being
simple disciplines and leaving a strong impression on human minds,
it's food for thought.  Only human bodies were lost, not minds.
It also puts Lear's alleged altercation between humans and EBE's
at the Dulce underground base in a different light.
    Maybe we should be asking:  Are we growing in the right way?
How should we conduct ourselves in the presence of these
individuals and how should we conduct ourselves with each other?
What do we have to gain by treating EBE's as hostile invaders?
What is the real purpose of these visitations?    Since we seem to
be far less advanced, maybe the only way we can gain is by
concluding they are here for our benefit.

                        April 1988

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *