Houston - Stunned scientists says they now have absolute proof that life exis-
ts on Jupiter. They're receiving distress signals radioed from the devastated

Off the record, NASA higher ups are theorizing that the signals were prompted
by the recent battering of Jupiter by comet fragments.

These signals can only be coming from an intelligent life form, says Dr. Lucas
Mirsch, a highly respected planetary astronomer with close ties to NASA.

Contrary to what we've believed for years, we're not alone in the solar syste-
m. And based on what we can tell from the mathematical pattern of these signa-
ls, the inhabitants of the largest planet in our galaxy are pleading to Earth
for help.

Dr. Mirsch says NASA officials have absolutely confirmed that Jupiter is the
source of the eerie signals, which began in late June - just weeks before Sh-
oemaker Levy 9 comet fragments began to pummel the giant planet.

Since the signals started before the bombardment began, it appears these be-
ings knew the comet was about to hit.

And since the disaster, the transmissions continue to come, one every 76 mi-
nutes and 35 seconds.

They last exactly 13 seconds each.

NASA has investigated every possibility that this could be a hoax, says Dr.
Mirsch. State of the art computerized sensors have traced the point of origin
to the exact position of Jupiter's orbit.

There's simply nowhere else they could be coming from.

One of the decoding specialists who has analyzed the mathematical pattern of
the sounds says he and his staff are 99 percent sure the message is an S.O.S.
of some sort.

It's difficult to explain to a layman, said the expert.

But the frequency with which certain numbers occur in a coded message give us
clues about its general content.

Although we can't give an exact word for word translation, we can say with
reasonable certainty that life and death urgency is being communicated.

NASA won't officially comment but Dr. Mirsch says there's not much the agency
can do to help.

Originally, before the comet fragments struck, the signals appeared to be
coming from two separate transmitters, he says.

But since July 20, when the heaviest damage took place, they've only been com-
ing from one, indicating that the other may have been knocked out of commissi-

All we can do now is pray that Jupiter survives this terrible cosmic assault,
and that our two worlds can make contact at some time in the future.

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *