Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) is reporting that the NSA has CONFIRMED
that the US Air Force project code-named Aquarius is UFO-oriented. In their
latest CAUS BULLETIN, editors Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett state the

  One of our members, Clifford Stone, received copies of letters sent to
Senators John Glenn and Peter Domenici affirming that this was so. Stone
requested the assistance of the Senators when the NSA became balky at
responding to his requests on Aquarius. This comes as a striking reversal to
previous statements about the non-relationship of Aquarius to UFOs.
Apparently, the NSA does have their own "Project Aquarius" which they claim
doesn't relate to UFOs. Feeling pressure from public inquiries which confused
the NSA's "Aquarius" with the rumored Aquarius/UFO project, the NSA seemingly
has decided to "spill the beans" on the Air Force. Why this happened is
unknown since a simple "no" to the senators probably would not have gone any
further. The NSA may have felt that with the number of inquiries coming in
suddenly on Aquarius, there may have been a "smoking gun" in someone's hands
that would have rendered additional denials into the category of "bald-faced

The significance of this revelation is this: 1) The Air Force, contrary to
public claims, continued investigating UFOs covertly at least until 1976. 2)
The document which first tipped investigators off to the existence of Aquarius
is now rendered much more credible. That document also spoke of something
called MJ-12, a rumored high-level brain trust signed into existence by Harry
S Truman in 1947 to study the UFO phenomenon. The next part of the Big
Breakthrough is reported to be an admission by the Pentagon of the continued
existence of MJ-12.

I can now tell you the media to keep your eyes on for further revelations, if
any are forthcoming: The New York Times, and 60 Minutes. There are unconfirmed
reports that the latter TV magazine will be featuring a very revealing story
on the UFO front sometime this month. There are CONFIRMED reports that the New
York Times Science editor has heard rumors flying around the Pentagon to the
effect that either A) there will be an official announcement, or B) a
whistle-blower is about to blow.

In the same vein, last night I had a phone conversation with Major James
McGaha, co-founder of Tucson Skeptics, Inc., the same group that today awarded
the first "Fuzzy" to former state rep Jim Cooper (see <N>ews). Last year
before going public with our info on Aquarius, I showed the document to the
Major, whose reaction was quite interesting. When I told him last night that
the document had been reportedly confirmed by Sen's Glenn and Domenici, his
reaction was somewhat different. "The letters from the Senators are probably
forged", he said. "You know, its like those letters from Sen. Goldwater that
were circulated, to the effect that he had been denied entrance to some
building at Wright-Patterson AFB, which was supposed to contain alien bodies.
Those letters made the Senator look ridiculous! I'd be willing to bet some
aide of his just pulled a joke."

ParaNet has confirmed that the Goldwater letters were no joke. The Senator has
admitted in several interviews that the event really took place.

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *