SUBJECT: GB SENTINEL ARTICLES                                FILE: UFO1675

The following two articles appeared in the Gulf Breeze Sentinel
on April 26, 1990.  They relate to the continuing UFO sightings
that have been occurring in the Gulf Breeze, FL area over the
past few years. A photograph showing a large "light" in the sky
was also presented.



  Multiple sightings and photographs help scientists locate the
size and distance of the red glowing object that flew over Gulf
Breeze on Wednesday, April 18, 1990.  Several of the thirty-plus
witnesses who saw the object also video taped the sighting
which further aids the investigation.  Using the 35 mm photos
of the object, the angle of elevation and distance to the object
was calculated to be approximately 3.4 miles when first seen
to approximately 1.7 miles when the object disappeared.

  An optical study is now being conducted by a leading expert
from Washington, D.C., Dr. Bruce Maccabee.  If, upon further
study, the image on the 35 mm negatives proves to be .0625 mm,
then the object was about 15 feet wide.  The brilliant red glow of
the object was also witnessed by officers John Rhodes and Don
Stevens who said, "It was not an airplane or helicopter, it was
a very bright red light at least several miles away. We don't
know what it was."

  Doug Wilkes witnessed the object and later reported to Police
Chief Brown, "I'm ex-military and an expert on helicopter profile;
this was no helicopter or flare or anything that I could identify."

  From April 11 to April 18, there were five multiple witness
sightings involving as many as 60 people, four videotapes and
dozens of photos.



  Andy O'Daniel came to the Sentinel last week to share his
UFO sighting of Wednesday evening, April 11th.

  Andy said he was just stepping out of the dugout about 9:00 p.m.
when he saw a bright red/orange light rise from the trees
behind left field.

  It went straight up, stopped, then came over the ball park and
stopped again "as if it was checking things out," said Andy.

  Then it moved south out of sight. "I don't know what it was,"
said Andy.  "But I know what it wasn't and it wasn't a plane,
helicopter, or balloon."

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *