The following was provided by  Mr. Edward Walters, a central
figure in the Gulf Breeze UFO flap.


July 13, 1989

This testimony from Antonio Huneeus and Manuel Fernandez
demonstrates that Willy Smith's efforts to debunk the Gulf
Breeze sightings have been motivated, emotional and fraudulent.

Antonio Huneeus said, "In Feb. 1989, I mailed a letter to Willy
Smith with a fake Gulf Breeze type UFO photo which was done for
research, showing a UFO hovering over the N.Y. Chrysler Building.
I told Smith that I knew the photographer and even forwarded the
photographer's phone number. I knew the photo was a fake and
only thought it was an interesting copy that Willy Smith would
like to see.  Later, (Feb. 27, 1989) Willy Smith mailed out a
statement about the photo and said, 'Here is a copy of one of the
photos allegedly taken by Ed Walters.'  I, Antonio Huneeus want
to go on the record and report that Willy Smith's statement is
not true and he knows it."

Manuel Fernandez is the professional photographer who made
the fake photos.  Manuel said, "It is not true that Ed Walters took
the (Chrysler Bldg.) UFO photo.  Willy Smith even called me and
asked if I could fake some more. He sent me a color daytime
print of Ed Walter's yard and asked me to fake a Gulf Breeze type
UFO on them.  I was suspicious but made the photos and sent
them (slides) to Willy Smith.

With his fake photo evidence in hand, Willy Smith wrote a letter to
Robert Reid on April 6, 1989.  Smith said, "I wonder if the
3 photos, taken in the same exact location as the Nov. 11, 1987
photos which I have received anonymously from Gulf Breeze,
were sent by you."  W. Smith also wrote a letter to Dr. Maccabee
in which he repeated that he received these photos "anonymously."

Manuel, the photographer said, "I did not send the 3 photos
anonymously, this is not true.  I made them at Willy Smith's
request, using the print that he sent of Ed's yard.  I don't want
anything to do with Willy Smith, he is not telling the truth and
I won't cover up for him.  This is not what a true scientist would

Willy Smith as been a constant fountain of fake stories that he
supports with fake evidence.  Willy Smith has even changed his
educational background from an Engineering PhD by claiming
to have a Masters in Astronomy and Physics and a PhD in
Physics.  Two letters from the U. of Michigan verify that he does
not have a Masters in Astronomy and Physics nor a PhD in

Since Willy Smith has exposed himself as a hoaxer, I will treat
him as such and ignore him.  There are serious UFO questions to
be studied from which Willy Smith has disqualified himself.


Antonio Huneeus
Manuel Fernandez
Edward Walters

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *