SUBJECT: UFO TRIVIA TEST #3                                  FILE: UFO1611

                       UFO Trivia Quiz - 3

Freshman Level:

1. Who is best known for his investigations of humanoid reports
  and the report of the UFO wave of 1947?

2. Which UFO research organization was founded by  a Northwestern
  University professor?

3. Which UFO research organization was founded on May 31, 1969,
  and attributes its phenomenal success as the world's largest
  such group to its "grass roots" nature?

4. On what famous formation of lights did the U.S. Air Force
  spend a great deal of time, manpower, and money to investigate?

5. The magnitude of what 1950 hoax resulted in 60,000 book sales
  and an embarrassment to the field of UFO research?

Graduate Level:

1. What MIBs?

2. Which newspaperman and author collected some of the earliest
  documented sightings of UFO's?

3. In 1946, what nation experienced the most ghost rocket activity?

4. Which organization is part of the French National Center for
  Space Studies?

5. Joe Simonton filled a jug of water for entities which confronted
  him and was then given what?

Ph.D. Level:

1. Define orthoteny?

2. Which astronomer became famous in connection with the Allende Letters

3. What explanation was offered for the crashed disc at Spitzbergen

4. At the age of 20, which ufologist won the Jules Verne award
  in 1961?

5. In truth, what was the sound recording of the Redlands,
  California UFO?

Adapted from UFO Trivia by James Melesciuc, 1985 (V. Tilly '89)

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