Date _____________________       Witness _________________________________

1) What books have you read on the UFO subject? ____________________________


2) Are you familiar with: Whitley Strieber? ____.  Budd Hopkins? ____.

   Project Bluebook? ____.  MJ-12? ____.

3) Have you found that tabloids (Enquirer, etc.) offer information on UFO
   incidents that you can't get elsewhere? ____.  Do you have a favorite
   tabloid? ____.

4) Where do UFO's come from? _______________________________________________


5) Have you reached a conclusion as to why they are here? __________________


6) Are particular kinds of people selected for UFO encounters? _____________


7) Do you think psychic people have a better chance of seeing a UFO than
   others? ____.

8) Would an astrologer be able to predict the likelihood of a UFO encounter
   for a client? ____.

9) Do you feel you were destined to have an UFO experience? ____. Why? _____



10) How can UFO's go so fast? ______________________________________________.

   How can they just vanish into thin air? ________________________________.

11) Do you have an impression of what an alien looks like? __________________


12) Did you see the movie: "E.T." ____.  "Coccoon" ____.  "Starman" ____.
   "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" ____.

   Do you feel these portray what aliens are really like? _________________.

13) Do you suspect that aliens live their lives much like we do? ___________.

14) Is it fair to assume that alien visitors mean us no harm? ______________.

   Why do you feel that way? _______________________________________________


15) If you could select a friend right now to be in the same circumstance,
   would you want him or her to experience what you did? ____.  Why? _______


16) Have you ever tried a past-life regression? ____.  What did you find out?



17) Have you attended a "channeling" session? ____. Were you impressed? _____


18) Have you ever had an episode of being outside your body? ____.  What hap-
   pened then?


19) Is there a particular color that has a special meaning for you? ____. Why


20) Have you ever had "Tarot" cards read for you? ____.  Did they turn out to
   be accurate?

21) Has anyone ever done "automatic writing" for you? ____.  What did you

22) What happens after this life is over? ___________________________________


MISC. _______________________________________________________________________




INVESTIGATOR ________________________________________________________________

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *