(4890)  Fri 27 Sep 91  7:24p
By: Dale Anderson
To: Everyone
Re: Belgium UFO Update
@EID:1013 013444e5
@MSGID: 1:19/19.22 28e3ce73
@PID: XRS!% 4.51+
"OMNI" published by:

OMNI Publications International Ltd.
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$23.95 / 12 issues

The following article appears in the July 1991 issue of 'OMNI' magazine.  Page
75, 'Antimatter' section.  Subject matter, the Belgium UFO sightings.

*Begin Article*

                               UFO UPDATE:

                Belgium's military has begun to work hand
                in hand with private groups to track UFOs

                            By Beth Livermore

 Life in the tiny kingdom of Belgium is anything but harmonious.  In fact,
ferocious rivalry between the Flemish up north and the Walloons down south has
dominated Belgian politics for centuries.  But according to UFO activists, a
mysterious triangular craft may do much to change this.  Belgians from the
north and the south, it seems, have put aside their differences to form what
some call the most coordinated UFO investigation to date.

 It all began on November 29, 1989, when hundreds of people from two Belgian
towns - Eupen and Wavre - reported sighting a dark gray deltoid shape, one
white light per tip, gliding across the night sky.  The mysterious object, with
a wingspan of 50 to 100 meters, was apparently silent, says Michael Bougard,
president of Belgium's Society for the Study of Space Phenomena (SOBEPS), a
nonprofit citizens' organization.  "And no one reported seeing it land."

 By March, adds Bougard, "everyone from farmers to teenagers to high-ranking
military officers and professors claimed to have seen the UFO."  In addition,
on March 30, controllers at a radar station in Glons detected a foreign object
on their screens.  They quickly contacted colleagues at a station in Ghent.
The second station confirmed the presence of a slow-moving blip.

 "At this point it had become a scientific problem deserving serious
investigation," says Professor Leon Brenig, a physicist at the Free University
of Brussels.  "It couldn't be steel coming back into the atmosphere because the
edges were smooth, not bent.  It couldn't be a NATO aircraft because its
capacity for flight seemed to outreach current technology.  I decided it was
worth my time."

 Apparently the military agreed.  Belgium's Air Force contributed two F-16's,
an expert crew, and instruments to a hunt later that spring.  Scientists and
citizens participating in the effort formed four watch groups, each responsible
for calling sightings into headquarters, an airport southeast of Liege.  The
airport tower, in turn, alerted pilots, who flew planes equipped with infrared
cameras in pursuit of the triangle.  The pilots failed to get photographs
because of the deltoid's reported great speed.

 Nonetheless, the effort goes on: Engineers and physicists at the Free
University are analyzing radar images of the object.  Belgium's Air Force
training school, the Ecole Royale Militaire, is analyzing UFO photos with
computers.  And botanists are examining burn patterns in fields where the
triangle was reportedly seen.

 "This investigation is unprecedented - its gone further than any I know of,"
says Walter Andrus, international director of Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON).
"We are impressed that Belgium's military cooperated.  That is a major step."
Indeed, adds Lucean Clerebaut, SOBEPS's secretary-general, while the French
have a government office dedicated to UFO study, "this is the first time that a
national authority has worked with a private society in researching UFOs."

 Whether or not the Belgians eventually unravel the mystery, the unusual
official effort may affect the perception and pursuit of UFOlogy worldwide.

 According to MUFON's Andrus, for instance, in the United States, "every
military and intelligence agency we can identify has been involved in
investigating UFOs since 1947, but they will not share their information.  If
nothing else, we hope the efforts of the Belgians will embarrass the U.S.
government into admitting some of what they know," he says.

*End Article*

I pose this question: Will our military and government officials learn from
this unique example of Belgian cooperation with the general public?  Let's hope
so, it's time we were told the entire truth of how much and what is known.
It's time we were treated as intelligent and responsible people who are tired
of living in the shadows of reality.


* Origin: \_Speculation sometimes leads to Confirmation_/ (Quick 1:19/19.22)

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *