BBS: Fortean Research Center
Date: 09-23-92 (21:13)             Number: 1718
From: DAVID BENN                   Refer#: NONE
 To: ALL                           Recvd: NO
Subj: sightings                      Conf: (10) FIDO UFO

Hi!  I've been an observer of this echo for the past month or so, an
finally have decided to speak up.

Someone (sorry can't remember names worth a damn.) was asking for info
on other peoples sightings.  I'm a fairly skeptical person who doesn't
beleive anything I read, and only half of what I see, but I have seen 3
aerial objects that I can't explain.

The first occured several years ago when I was about 10 or so...a friend
and I were laying on our backs, staring up into the night sky, and
showing off how smart we were to each other by identifying stars (ie.
big dipper, orion, etc).  After a while we noticed that directly
overhead a "star" was twinkling away, changing from red to green to blue
to white, etc. etc....So what, stars are supposed to twinkle, but then
the "star" started went in a quick U ( about 2" long) shape
from it's originl position to a point about 1/2"(relatively speaking)
away from it, and then looping back along the U to the start.  It
repeated this movement several times while we watched it.  Every 15-20
seconds it would start moving again and take about 5 seconds to make
it's loop.  I noticed it first, but didn't comment on it.  My friend
noticed it too and finally spoke up and pointed the "star" out to me and
said "What star is that?".  I said that I had already been watching it
for about 5 minutes and he said "good, I thought I was seeing
things...How the hell can a star move like that?  It ain't no star if
you ask me." we then started thinking of what it could be and
decided it had to be Bug-Eyed Monsters in a UFO...scared oursleves and
went inside.  No one inside would believe us (but then again how many
adults would) so we dropped the subject.  All in all we watched this
movement for about 20 minutes.

My second and 3rd sightings were much more definite.  They occured in
the spring of '88. Background..I was living on a farm about 60 miles
from Whitehorse,Y.T (7 miles from Carcross).  The farm was/is located in
a valley between two lakes.  The road is about 200' up the side of one
of the mountains and the valley is about 1 mile wide before going up
another mountain.  The nearest neighbour was 4 miles away.  There were 7
of us living on the farm at the time.  3 bachelors and a couple with two
young children.  About 300' from the house we had our barns (down the
hill, level with the valley floor).  Enough geography.

The first sighting was just after the morning milking (goats) and
chores about 11 am.  Three of us were heading back up to the house when
an object came over the mountain behind the house, flew over the house
about 200' high, flew over us , across the valley and up and over the
other mountain.  It was a bright silvery-white disk, about 30 -35' in
diameter, made no sound at all, and took only about 5 seconds to make
it pass over us.  We all saw it at the same time, stopped dead in our
tracks and turned to follow it , watching until it disappeared over the
crest of the far mountain.(BTW..the mountains are both about 10,000'
high).  We then looked at each other and asked "Did you just see that?"
at the same time.  We were all very calm about the whole thing, sort of
shook oursleves and continued on up to the house.  We didn't really
talk much about it because none of us had any idea what it was other
than a "flying saucer".  The other people living there didn't see
anything from inside the house.

X SLMR 2.0 X I'm in shape...round's a shape isn't it?

--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Basic'ly Computers: Mooo-ing Right Along. (1:153/9)
* Tossed by SFToss v1.02 on 92/10/02  02:45:33
BBS: Fortean Research Center
Date: 09-23-92 (21:47)             Number: 1719
From: DAVID BENN                   Refer#: NONE
 To: ALL                           Recvd: NO
Subj: sightings..continued           Conf: (10) FIDO UFO

(Continued from previous message...)

Two nights later just after the night milking(10 pm...yes lazy farmers
who didn't like getting up at dawn :) )...I had locked up the animals in
their barns (except for the billy goat...he fancied himself a "gaurd
dog" and wouldn't stay inside, so we fianlly stopped trying to lock him
in at night.  He was usefull in warning us of bears and such)..and was
cleaning up the milking stuff when two others in the house said"It's
back!) and ran to the windows to watch it. By the time I got there I
could see it heading towards the barns with a strong white light coming
down from underneath it. It was totally silent as it moved. As it
crested the tops of the barns it came down in front of them and the
billy goat let out a holler. Thinking of reports of cattle mutilations,
etc.  We (Three of us (one who hadnt' seen it the first time) headed
down to the barns to check on the animals.  I didn't see it take off,
but it was gone by the time we got down to the barns.  The animals were
fine, but the billy goat was a nervous wreck for the next week or two.
He would jump at the slightest sound.   We figured that it suprised him
by suddenly appearing over top of him.  We found no markings or tracks
anywhere around the barns that we could see.  So after we satisfied
ourselves that everything was OK we went back inside.(After forcibly
locking up the billy.)

The next day we got a visit from a firend who live on the other side of
the mountain at our backs, also a farmer.  During our casual b.s ing
over coffee he asked "Did you see anything odd last night?"  We looked
at each other and then I asked "why?"  Apparently about 10pm the night
before he and his wife we had just gone to bed when a "very bright light
like a searchlight lit up the bedroom." (Direct quote)  It came from
outside.  So he went to the window and couldn't see the source of the
light...he figured it was overhead.  He grabbed his gun and headed
outside but the light was gone...he saw a light dissapear over the crest
of the mountain(between us) but could say what it was.  Both he and his
wife commented on the fact that there was no sound whatsoever.  We told
them what we had seen, but since she was scared and he was adimant that
those things don't exist cuz god only made man, we dropped the subject.

A few days later while in town I stopped in at a friends (local J.P.)
who was also a farmer to see about buying a few of her ducklings. While
haggling over a price she mentioned that they had been woken up by a
hell of a noise coming from their animals and they thought they saw a
light but weren't positive.  They thought the light was coming from the
road (obscurred from their view by trees and brush) but they didn't hear
a vehicle.  All their animals we wide awake when they checked on them
which they found odd because the birds go to sleep about 5 pm. at that
time of year.  I told her about our sighting and the other farmer's, but
she said that if we were right she didn't want to know about it.

At the time I found it odd that we three were the only farmers in the
area (except for a ranch over the mountain across from us) and had all
had an odd experience.  Also we all emphasised the lack of noise.  If
anyone who has lived in the North or the sticks can attest to it is very
quiet. We could hear a car coming about 3 miles away and during the cold
clear nights of early spring it is absolutely silent.  As a "related
note" a local trance medium claimed to have been in contact with some
aliens at about the same time, who she claimed were only there for
observation and quite harmless.  She/they also claimed to use something
on or in the mountains as a fuel source and were charging their
batteries(or equivalent).

All I can say on the matter is that I saw some form of aircraft that is
unlike any normal one I have ever seen or heard of.  It travelled
silently, quickly, and moved with purpose.  It was either "manned" or
piloted remotely.  I figure that if a God did create us and the universe
they wouldn't have gone to all that trouble just for mankind, so I have
never doubted that somewhere "out there" other living beings exist.
Maybe they are responsible for what I saw, maybe not.  I tend to believe
that whatever the craft was it didn't come from here.  So...this is my
report and concludes my $0.02 worth.  I'll try to provide further info
to anyone who is interested, but can't see how I can do that without
drawing maps.



 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *