� Area: UFO ������������������������������������������������������������������
 Msg#: 669                                          Date: 11-24-92  17:42
 From: Don Kircher                                  Read: Yes    Replied: No
   To: All                                          Mark:
 Subj: K2...again

          Copyrighted Radio Transmissions from Aliens

   K-2; the alleged alien base in the Plumas National Forest is
branded a hoax by default when the recorded radio transmission is
found to be a copy of a tape which was available in bookstores
across the country.

                           Key Words
Phoenix Project,K-2,Underground Base,Alien,Plumas National Forest
Pilot Point, PP report #920627, hoax

   From the moment I became aware of the Roswell case I have
maintained an ongoing interest in crashed ufos, direct contact,
and abductions. I tend to be more open to statements than some,
taking an innocent until proven guilty attitude, rather than the
more adversarial "show me" stance. ( I am not from Missouri ).
This means I listen to everything. I save everything. I cross
index everything. But I challenge very little. The jury remains
out until something is produced which can withstand the
scientific method, or is good enough to go before a courtroom
judge. The result is a very large "wait and see" file, and
occasionally a solidly closed case.

   My wait and see attitude combined with a healthy dose of dumb
luck has permitted me to move the K-2 report squarely from the
wait and see file into the closed section. Cross indexed under

   I have closely monitored the netmail concerning the K-2
report since the story first broke in June. Direct e mail
with the spokesman for the Phoenix Project and conversations with
other interested parties have consumed a sizeable portion of my
storage space. Yet I remained unwilling to send the Phoenix
Project the money it desired for an original copy of the reports.

   Conversations with David Brune led to an arrangement for him
to send me his copy of the K-2 report along with a copy of the
taped radio transmission which led the Phoenix Project to
investigate the K-2 site to begin with. I received the packet in
early October and was surprised to find the contents of the tape
familiar to me.

   It should be noted that the tape received from David is
labeled K-2 Radio Transmission Monaural (58:20) and was associated
with a descriptive paper noting its origin having been recorded
on June, 5, 1989 at 0200 PDT from shortwave frequency 16.222
Megahertz at Forbestown, California. A note  from the technical
data states that "Oscilloscope observation of the recorded signal
reveals the presence of pulsed digital information impressed on
the predominant analog audio signal components". It then goes on
to say that "This digital data may be encrypted".

   This description of the K-2 radio transmission is
inconsistent with my own findings. The actual contents of the K-2
tape are a monaural reproduction of a tape which I purchased
several years ago from a local bookstore. I am happy to say that
after some digging in my garage I was able to locate my STEREO
commercial production tape, and that it is still in good
condition. My own tape is labeled ASTRAL SOUNDS and was
copyrighted 1973 by The American Research Team. The tape was
distributed under license by POTENTIALS UNLIMITED, INC.
Potentials Unlimited marketed a wide variety of self help/self
hypnosis/subliminal message tapes in the late eighties. Their
products were available in the big chain bookstores such as
Waldons and B Daltons. The original intent of the ASTRAL SOUNDS
tape was to synchronized sound with brain wave frequencies for some
interesting effects during listening/meditation.

   Both tapes have been donated to Paranet for the listening
pleasure of serious researchers. If you have been considering
purchasing ANYTHING from the PHOENIX PROJECT. I strongly advise
you to reconsider.


Donald Kircher

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