SUBJECT: UFOs: POLITICS & DECEPTION                          FILE: UFO1528

By Vince Johnson

"There is a genuine UFO phenomenon and it is not explained by the
revelations of alleged government agents.. nor is it explained by
the cultists of UMMO. Some of the most remarkable sightings are
actually complex hoaxes that have been carefully engineered for our
benefit. The witnesses are merely the victims and instruments rather
than the authors of the hoax."  - Dr. Jacques Vallee

On February 6, 1966, near a suburb of Madrid, a group of Spanish
soldiers observed a circular luminescent object land near an ammo
dump. The disk was approximately 30' in diameter and bore an unusual
symbol (three vertical lines with a central horizontal line) on its
underside. After the object shot off, three deep rectangular
impressions were found at the landing site.

A year later in another Madrid suburb, a lens-shaped object with a
dome on top was seen traveling along power lines just above tree top
level. This object was also emblazoned with the same symbol seen by
the Spanish soldiers. Two photographers sent pictures to the
newspaper Informaciones, and several months later additional
pictures were delivered by a third photographer. As with the earlier
incident, landing marks (including a scorched area and a metallic
powder residue) were found near the area of the sighting.

During the next few days, residents of the area discovered several
strange objects, shiny metal cylinders with a central disk portion.
When opened, the cylinders were found to contain a tough plastic
strip embossed with the same symbol seen on the underside of the

A reward for the recovery of more of the mysterious objects was
posted by a Henri Dagousset, with instructions that the objects be
forwarded to one Antoine Nancey in Madrid. One of the objects was
turned over to a Spanish UFO researcher by a man named Antonio
Pardo, who just happened to be one of the photographers who had sent
photos of the UFO to Informaciones.

Curiously, investigators who attempted to locate Dagousset, Nancey,
and Pardo met with no success, they did not exist. When the
cylinders were analyzed they were found to be constructed of earthly
materials. The photos of the alleged UFO were analyzed by the French
satellite imaging company, SPOT, who concluded that the photos  were
fakes. The UFO model in the photos was determined to be 8.5 to 10
inches in diameter and was suspended 10 feet from the camera. In one
photo, the suspension string was revealed after enhancement. In
short, the entire affair was an elaborate hoax, but the story does
not end there.

Shortly thereafter and continuing for several years, documents
bearing the same symbol as the hoaxed photos were mailed to numerous
European UFO researchers. These documents came to be known as the
UMMO documents. UMMO was supposedly the planet of origin of both the
UFOs in the hoaxed photos and the documents. The UMMOians mailed
hundreds of pages of data on their technology, their planet, and
their philosophy. The author(s) of these documents were obviously
knowledgeable in college-level physics, although the UMMO computer
technology as described in the documents was considered advanced by
1960s standards, but is crude by comparison to 1990s computer

A cult-like group (including several credentialed scientists) formed
to study the UMMO documents and spread the word of the UMMOians. The
UMMO phenomenon spread across Europe and Latin America. Among the
UMMO revelations was the existence of a counterpart or mirror
universe to our own, much akin to Billy Meier's DAL Universe.
Comparisons between UMMO and the Meier's alleged Pleiadian contacts
are unavoidable. Since the whole UMMO story is a hoax, one could
conclude that the same group of hoaxers could be behind the Meier
case. If so, the level of expertise in hoaxing convincing UFO photos
has risen considerably. The most obvious question is, who is doing
the hoaxing and why?

It was feared that UMMO was a means for East-Bloc intelligence
agencies to establish contacts with Western scientists, which is
also a possible explanation for the Meier affair. Consider this,
Meier quit taking UFO photos a few years ago, coinciding with the
end of the Cold War.  The KGB, who certainly possessed the expertise
necessary to produce convincing UFO photos, could have simply pulled
the plug on the operation due to the changing political climate.

Another possible explanation involves one of the more bizarre
characters in U.S. political history. According to noted UFO
researcher Dr. Jacques Vallee, several French UFO investigators
believe they have uncovered a link between the ongoing UMMO
activities and scientists associated with the shadowy Lyndon
LaRouche organization. LaRouche has organized a number of European
front groups that would have had both the financial resources and
technical expertise to perpetrate a hoax of this magnitude.

Most readers are probably unfamiliar with LaRouche, a radical neo-
Nazi who controlled a "political cult" that raked in as much as $80
million a year. Fundraising activities occurred in almost every
airport, where LaRouche disciples would solicit donations under the
banner of "Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales" and "Beam Weapons/ Fusion
Energy Now!". Ultimately, it was LaRouche's illegal fundraising
schemes (credit card scams, fraud and theft) that landed him in a
cell in the federal penitentiary where he now resides..

Just because LaRouche advocated some bizarre policies, such as his
belief that the Queen of England was the boss of the international
drug trade, and as recently as the late '70s advocating a nuclear
war with the U.S.S.R (he considered 150 million American deaths as
"acceptable"), he was in frequent contact with some of the more
radical elements of the Reagan administration. Indeed, LaRouche was
probably the intellectual author of President Reagan's SDI program.

Dennis King, author of "Lyndon LaRouche and the New American
Fascism", described LaRouche's successes thusly:
"The major media had failed over the years to vigorously unmask
LaRouche. Jewish and Black organizations and the left had largely
ignored his dramatic political inroads in the early 1980s, blithely
allowing him to operate his international network of hate from
midtown Manhattan with nary a protest. Reagan administration aides,
GOP operatives, Teamster leaders, and others on the right had
treated him as just another political ally, to be used as needed.
When the Klan endorsed President Reagan, it immediately received a
blistering denunciation from him. But when NBC exposed the
administration's ties to LaRouche, the White House response was that
it would continue to meet with whomever it pleased".

The links between LaRouche and the Republican Party become confused
when in 1984 LaRouche became a Democrat, running in Democratic
presidential primaries. Thousands of LaRouchians ran for office in
Democratic primaries, disrupting Democratic party activities from
coast-to-coast. The Democrats seemed unable to respond to the
LaRouche disruption, which U.S. Senator Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)
described as "..a breakdown in our political immune system". Local
LaRouchian Claude Jones was elected Chairman of the Harris County
(Houston) Democratic Party, apparently because his name was the most
WASPish on the ballot. Local Democrats endured the embarrassing
spectacle of stripping their Chairman of all authority by
temporarily changing their by-laws. It could easily be inferred that
LaRouche's disruption of the Democratic Party had the blessings, if
not the complicity, of the GOP.

All attempts to expose LaRouche resulted in a bevy of slander,
libel, and civil rights lawsuits against the offending news
organization. One such legal blitz caused the Washington Post to
delete all references to LaRouche's Nazi philosophy in reporter John
Mitz' story on the connections between LaRouche and the Reagan
administration. When mentioned at all by the media, LaRouche was
usually described as a "conservative Democrat".

What does all this have to do with the subject of UFOs? A disturbing
trend in UFOlogy has been surfacing in recent years. More and more
UFO lecturers have begun to incorporate political ideology into
their presentations. Terms like "Trilateralists, Council on Foreign
Relations, The New World Order / One World Conspiracy and Zionists"
are used with increasing frequency in UFO lectures and publications.
The fact that these terms have been the buzzwords of extreme right
wing fringe groups should send off alarm bells loud and clear.

Take the case of George Green. Mr. Green claims to have seen "flying
saucers" in a hanger at Edwards AFB in 1958. After his discharge,
Green went about making his fortune in financial services, and most
recently, publishing. On October 18, 1989 Green claims to have had
direct telepathic contact with the Pleiadian Commander Gyeorgos
Ceres Hatonn, whose precise title is "Commander-in-Chief, Earth
Project Transition, Pleiades Flight Command, Intergalactic Fleet -
Ashtar Command : Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council on Earth
Transition" (we'll just call him Hatonn for short).

Hatonn's communications (via psychic channeling) have filled up 26
volumes of Green's "Phoenix Journal". Among the revelations: Hatonn
has a computer that allows him to keep up with the day to day
activities of every human on Earth; Hatonn is here to help; Pray to
Hatonn. Green also publishes the "Phoenix Journal Express" "for more
up to the minute information" i.e. first person narratives allegedly
channeled telepathically from Hatonn (the English is really stilted
in spots so it must be from aliens). Hatonn is deeply concerned
about U.S. economic policy, U.S. income tax structure, the
International Monetary Fund, the CFR, the Trilateralists, and of
course, the Zionists. Hatonn apparently has a lot in common with
right wing neo-Nazi fringe groups.

Watching one of Green's videotaped lectures can be enlightening. He
spouts the usual fringe right litany, and occasionally lapses into
the standard LaRouche rhetoric about beam weapons, AIDS, and the
menace of the Zionists. He mentions the ongoing research of his
friend, Eustace Mullins, an associate of both the neo-Nazi Sons of
Liberty and the LaRouche organization. Oh yes, he spends a few
minutes talking about Billy Meier's purported Pleiadian UFO

Green's wife Desiree then takes the podium. Desiree, according to
her biography, "..has been elected by the 'Lighted Command' who
refer to themselves as 'The Hosts from Heaven, sent of God/Creator'
as one of their public spokespersons for sharing the WORD contained
within the Phoenix Journal series. She presents the Cosmic spiritual
knowledge regarding our Divine Spiritual Heritage Within" (their
punctuation). What this boils down to is about 15 minutes of an
uninterrupted stream of pseudo-religion, new age cliches and
psychobabble. During Desiree's lecture, Green grins incessantly,
either due to husbandly pride, or more likely from barely being able
to keep a straight face at this nonsense being presented as fact.

Another interesting example is  Dr. Fred Bell. Bell not only claims
to be in contact with the Pleiadian Semjase of Billy Meier fame, but
to have had sexual liaisons with her. He was  recently a guest on a
local radio talk show to promote his appearance at a metaphysical
festival here in Houston. Bell recounted some of the teachings of
the Pleiadian "Space Brothers", although, curiously, the name of His
Supreme Cosmic Highness Hatonn wasn't mentioned. It didn't take long
before the usual kook-right propaganda began, including the
obligatory slam at "Zionists". The host, to his credit, cut Bell off
and apologized to his listeners with words to the affect of "I
thought he was going to talk about UFOs".

A pattern is developing. People interested in the subject of UFOs
are hooked by talk of "Pleiadian Space Brothers" and then subjected
to fringe right political propaganda. The fact that these neo-Nazis
can proselytize an unsuspecting audience has apparently made
infiltration of UFO organizations a political objective of these

After meeting with Robert (Area 51) Lazar, Jacques Vallee began
receiving letters from a "colonel" in the Las Vegas, inviting him to
spend a month (all expenses paid) with a group of  people who were
preparing "a major belief change in America". The incentive for
joining this group was "to establish contact with the aliens".
Vallee was instantly put-off by this group's letterhead featuring a
Nazi styled eagle clutching SS (sig runen) lightning bolts.

Says Vallee:
"Another aspect many researchers in this field (UFOs) have
studiously avoided is the link between the more eager proponents of
imminent extraterrestrial contact and the American extreme right. It
could well be the same kind of fanaticism that leads people to join
neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, or survivalist movements in the American SW
also induces them to believe in the imminent arrival of aliens from
the sky. But it could also be that some intelligence agency, or some
rogue group within such an agency, has been bending the latest
paranoia of some extremist political movements to its own ends as
useful, convenient testbeds for covert psychological experiments".

In his excellent book "Revelations", Vallee recounts the Bentwaters
(England) case to illustrate his point. As described by many of the
witnesses, the incident could certainly have been a set-up to gauge
the response of military personnel to this apparent CE3K. The case
of the Gulf Breeze Six also raises questions for Vallee. Were these
six soldiers deliberately exposed to materials that led them to
believe a major UFO incident would occur at Gulf Breeze? The fact
that the Gulf Breeze Six were simply discharged without disciplinary
action should raise an eyebrow or two, considering that they all
held high security clearances and their going AWOL could have
represented a major security breach. Vallee believes that the U.S.
has developed a convincing-looking UFO which is "being actively
tested on military personnel, thus the persons who control the
experiment can always contain the repercussion if the story ever
leaks out".

There is an abundance of circumstantial evidence to indicate that
UFO hoaxes are being perpetrated by persons or organizations with
substantial resources. The anti-Semitic focus of some of these
hoaxers should arouse immediate suspicion. The fact that many UFO
enthusiasts believe in a pantheon of alien entities that features
blonde, Nordic-looking "Aryans" from the Pleiades as the cosmic
"good-guys" in an interstellar battle between good and evil should
give an indication of how successful these groups have already been.
In addition to the hoaxers' ability to infiltrate and influence UFO
organizations, anti-democratic factions within intelligence agencies
can conduct psychological and unconventional warfare experiments
without scrutiny under the guise of UFOs. Due to the success of
frauds like Messers. Green and Bell, ardent cadres of zealous "true
believers" can be depended upon to embarrass  serious UFO
investigators, while diverting attention from and casting doubt on,
serious UFO reports, which may in fact be the hoaxers' ultimate

When confronted with self-proclaimed heralds of Pleiadian Space
Brothers, it would be advisable to remain skeptical. If there are
alien visitors who wish to establish contact with the human race,
they could certainly do so much more effectively than with the
political extremists, kooks and scam artists that are currently
acting as their ambassadors.

Notes: The UMMO symbol can now be seen being sported as tattoos on
those noble defenders of European culture, the skinheads. They won't
know anything about UMMO or Pleiadean Space Brothers, however. For
them, the symbol is a stylized "HH" .. for Heil Hitler.

Lyndon LaRouche is again seeking the Democratic presidential
nomination, garnering a whopping 1% of the primary vote. Despite his
incarceration, he still has the financial resources to run 30 minute
political programs on national TV.

(This article originally  appeared in the February 1992 edition of
HUFON REPORT, the newsletter of the Houston UFO Network)

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *