SUBJECT: MIUB ENCOUNTER                                      FILE: UFO1522

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 ���������/   From The Files of Odyssey!   \�����������������������������Ŀ
 �            Category: UFO                                               �
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 �  �          The Man Who Shot A Humanoid                            ��� �
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One inclement evening in November 1961 Paul Miller and 3 companions were
returning home to Minot, North Dakota, after a hunting trip.  What they could
only describe as 'a luminous silo' landed in a nearby field.  At first they
thought it was  a plane crashing - but had to revise their opinion when the
'plane' abruptly vanished.  But as the hunters drove off the object reappeared
and 2 humanoids emerged from it.  Miller panicked and fired at one of the
creatures, apparently wouunding it.  The other hunters fled.

On their way back to Minot all of them experienced a blackout and 'lost' 3
hours.  Terrified, they decided not to report the incident to anyone.

Yet the next morning, when Miller reported to work (in an Air Force Office) 3
men in black arrived.  They said they were government officials - but showed
no credentials - and remarked unpleasantly that they hoped Miller was 'telling
the truth' about the UFO.  How did they know about it?  "We hava a report,"
they said vaguely.

"They seemed to know everything about me, where I worked, my name, everything
else," Miller said.  They asked questions about his experience as if they
already knew the answers, yet oddly they said nothing about the wounding of
the humanoid.  They seemed instead to be fascinated by the clothes Miller had
worn when he saw the UFO, even going to his house to inspect them.  They left
such a lasting impression of menace that Miller did not dare tell his story
for several years.


 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *