The following article was originally published in the science magazine
OMNI.  It is reproduced here exactly as it appeared in its original form,
without so much as a misplaced comma, period, or question mark.

From "OMNI"--December 1990

                                                         by Dennis Stacy

       The field of UFOlogy has changed drastically over the past 20 years--
 and so has the language used to describe extraterrestrials, UFO witnesses,
 and alien ships.  In the Forties and Fifties UFO buffs described their
 observations of mysterious objects in the night sky, bandying such terms
 as FLYING SAUCER and LITTLE GREEN MEN with aplomb.  In the Sixties these
 UFO stories, recorded by the Air Force in its notorious Project Blue Book,
 became legion around the world.  Finally, in the Seventies, UFO advocates
 got into the physicality of the phenomenon, reporting "nocturnal lights,"
 "daylight discs," and even electronic blips racing across radar screens.
 Seventies UFO fans also referred to "close encounters," including the
 consciousness-raising "close encounters of the third kind," in which humans
 and aliens meet.
       But UFOlogy has gone through a radical change, and in the Nineties the
 terms of the past are largely obsolete.  During the past decade, for
 instance, literally thousands of people have come forward to say they've
 been kidnapped, or "abducted," by short, large headed, thin-lipped entities
 with saucer eyes.  Yet others report weird "crop circles," mutilated cattle,
 and frightening "men-in-black."  If you've fallen behind the times, you can
 now catch up with the UFO lexicon below.

 ABDUCTIONS: Occur whenever a human speciamn is taken aboard a UFO against
             his or her will.  Those reporting the experience are reffered
             to as 'abductees.'

 ANIMAL MUTILATIONS: Typically refers to surgically mutilated cattle
                     carcasses found primarily throughout the American West
                     and Southwest.  Horses, pigs, cats, and other animals
                     may also be attacked.  Soft external tissues like the
                     eyes, lips, and sexual organs may be excised with
                     almost laserlike precision.  Internal organs and tissue
                     like the heart and, on occasion, fetuses may be removed
                     as well.  The animal carcass is frequently found in a
                     remote area, devoid of blood, after hovering lights have
                     been seen above.  Many law-enforcement agencies
                     attribute animal mutilations to wild animals or satanic
                     cult activities, though few arrests in that context have
                     ever been made.

 CONTACTEES: Unlike the abductees, contactees have reported almost
             universally benevolent experiences.  Commonly, the Aryan-looking
             aliens they report warn against nuclear war and pollution and
             criticize man's materialistic ways.

 COSMIC WATERGATE: New Brunswick nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman may not
                   have coined the phrase 'cosmic watergate,' but he claims
                   to have used it more often than any living UFOlogist.
                   First used in the wake of the Republican break-in at
                   Democratic headquarters in the Watergate complex,
                   Washington, DC, the term refers to an alleged government
                   cover-up of aliens and UFOs.

 CRASHED SAUCERS: According to rumor, several crashed flying discs were
                  recovered and secreted away by the military authorities
                  over the years.  Some UFOlogists claim that alien bodies
                  have been retrieved as well.

 CROP CIRCLES: Strange swirled cirlces in Britain's breadbasket first
               appeared in significant numbers during the summer of 1980.
               Last year alone more than 500 such circles surfaced, many
               showing a growing complexity of evolution in terms of
               patterns and display.  Explananations range from the
               meteorological to the supernatural.

 GRAYS: So-called because of their pallid, dolphinlike skin and complexion.
        The most commonly reported alien humanoid entities, Grays are
        typically described as dwarfish in stature with oversized, fetuslike
        heads; large, slanted black eyes; and scrawny limbs.

 HYPNOTIC REGRESSION:  The process by which UFOlogists hypnotize abductees
                       to help them recall details of the core abduction

 IMPLANTS: Tiny, BB-shaped monitoring devices inserted during the standard
           abduction and subsequent physical examination of humans by alien
           beings.  Usually inserted through the nasal passages and other
           obscure orifices of the victim, implants have reportedly been
           lodged in the brains of some abuctees and, in at least one
           instance, in the penis.

 MEN IN BLACK: Long a staple of the dark side of UFO lore, the notorious MIB
               first surfaced in "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers," a
               1956 book by the late UFO entrepreneur Gray Barker.  Posing as
               governemt agents, Men In Black suddenly appear on a UFO
               witness' doorstep, demanding photographic negatives or other
               UFO evidence while warning the witness to keep quiet about
               what he may have seen.  MIB typically appear in pairs or
               threes and dress in conservative dark suits.  They typically
               drive black Cadillacs or some other large, dark-colored
               American sedan.

 MISSING TIME: An episode of amnesia reported in association with a UFO
               abduction or close encounter.  Such gaps in awareness commonly
               surface in a piecemeal fashion, most vividly as a result of
               hypnotic regression.

 NORDS: The second most prominant type of UFO occupant reported after the
        diminutive Grays.  The nordic aliens--or Nords, for short--
        customarily resemble human beings of Scandinavian descent.  They have
        blue eyes and blonde hair and, unlike the malevolent Grays, are
        generally percieved as neutral or benevolent.

 TECTONIC STRAIN: The earth's surface is made up of several large, floating
                  plates constantly colliding in slow motion with one
                  another.  The result: active tectonic strain released as
                  earthquakes and volcanic activity.  Some researchers have
                  suggested that geomagnetic fields produced by the tectonic
                  strain create the strange lights sometimes interpreted
                  as UFOs.  Under certain circumstances, theory has it, the
                  geomagnetic fields could directly affect the human nervous
                  system, intiating visual, auditory, and spatial
                  hallucinations that might be interpreted as an interaction
                  with UFOs and their occupants.

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *