SUBJECT: 01/90 SIGHTING IN DENVILLE, NJ.                     FILE: UFO1402

          MUFONET-BBS network - Mutual UFO Network
               Investigative Sighting Report

Report---------  1402.UFO
Date-----------  December 5, 1990
Location-------  Denville, New Jersey

This sighting took place on December 5, 1990, at approximately 8:35 pm.

The witness was driving home, heading west on East Hanover Avenue.  There were
other cars on the road, traveling in both directions (there are two lanes in
each direction).  Approximately at 20 degrees to the right of the witness's
path lay a patch of foggy luminosity, about 45 degrees above the horizon.  The
patch disappeared after a few seconds, to be replaced by a very large orange
cloud, illuminated from inside.  It was very bright, then dimmed briefly in

The cloud very quickly flared back to the original intensity for a short while
longer, flickered once, and went dark.  A dark patch in the sky could be seen
marking where the cloud had been.  The entire sighting lasted for a little
over a minute.  The sky this night was clear, with stars easily seen.  other
motorists did not seem to stop or slow down.  There were no fires in the area,
as the fire trucks were in their garages that night.  The area under where the
cloud was is residential, with no major power lines or towers in the vicinity.
There were no reports of explosions or the like.

If anyone has information on this particular formation, or others like it,
please send the information to the Mutual UFO network, 103 Oldtowne Road,
Seguin, Texas 78155.


 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *