SUBJECT: 08/86 SIGHTING IN WINCHESTER, KY.                   FILE: UFO1355

Report #: 201
Date Sent: 12-10-1986

    DATE:  12 AUGUST 1986
    TIME:  2100 TO 2200 HOURS
    CFN#:  0323

 Although authorities don't have any answers yet, an anonymous caller to the
Winchester Police Department Wednesday may provide some clues to the cause of
a bright flashing light and house-shaking boom many county residents reported
Tuesday night.

 Clark County Sheriff Gary Lawson, whose department is investigating the
incident, said the caller said "that he did shoot off a Class B fireworks
left over from the Fourth of July... It was a rocket-type firework that could
go one to two miles in the air and then explode."

 Lawson said the caller said he had the explosive in his home and was afraid
to keep it there any longer and that he "didn't mean to alarm anybody."

 Several residents along the Flanagan Station Road said that between 9 and 10
p.m. Tuesday they heard a boom, like an explosion.  Some saw a bright flashing
light and others reported smelling strong odors, much like gun powder.

 Rumors began Wednesday that a meteor had fallen in the area, that an air-
plane had crashed or that a B-52 aircraft had caused the strange light and
sound.  It was reported that a meteorite or perhaps a piece of a Japanese
satalite had been tracked by radar down the eastern coastline and into Clark
County.  People jokingly suggested that UFOs had landed or that the Russians
were invading.

 Lawson and other members of his department searched the area in the
southeastern Clark County on foot and covered a 40 square mile area by air,
but could find nothing.

 "We were flying about 2,000 feet up and had a pretty good view, but we
couldn't see anything unusual," he said.

 This morning the incident remained a mystery.

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *