SUBJECT: CUFON UFO SIGHTING REPORT                           FILE: UFO1351

Report #: 196
Date Sent: 12-01-1986
 Subject: BURIEN, WA

    DATE:  30 NOVEMBER 1986
    TIME:  0155 HOURS
    CFN#:  0318

John Williams of KIRO television called CUFON - UFO Information Service with a
report that he had received from a witness near Burien, WA.  The witness
reported seeing some kind of object in the southern sky coming at him with
smoke coming out the back of it and appeared to break apart.  There was one
light and it then broke off in like 4-5 different off shoots with smoke on
each one.  The witness and his mom with several others said it appeared to be
a parachute that went right over their heads, but it was moving very very
quickly.  The metal object with a parachute on it went over their heads and
the other off shoot pieces went in different directions.  What appeared to
be a parachute the witness did not think was as it went over his head very
very fast.  John Williams also stated that after receiving the report he
called the Sea-Tac duty officer at FAA and he said that it could have been in
cloud lightning because there were no military aircraft in the area at that

CUFON - UFO Information Service then called the witness to get his direct
report.  The witness stated that he was over at his parents when he saw a
bright light coming out of the south.  He thought it was one of the lights
from a jet coming into the airport at first as they are right by the airport,
but realized it couldn't be because the Sea-Tac Burien airport would be
farther to the east.  Then his mom came out and he pointed it out and her
description of it was the best, she described it as a sparkler where you are
looking at the center of it with smoke coming off it.  As the bright light
started dimming you could still see the smoke.  It seemed to break up and he
lost track of all the other pieces save one.  It looked as if they had flown
off it.  The one big piece came sailing out and it looked like a parachute
with something on the end of it heading from south to north slightly northeast
over their heads at what seemed like an incredible velocity.  It looked, shape
wise, like a parachute.  The fact that it seemed to be going so fast made him
think it had to be some kind of space craft or something.  He never saw it
descend, it just shot across the sky.  Observation was 30-45 seconds.

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *