# 890210:  Near Terre Haute, IN.  Event date, September 28, 1989, 12:30 A.M.
    A couple and young child were returning home when they noticed a
grouping of bright lights in the sky which, growing in intensity, hurt their
eyes.  Three miles farther, they pulled off the road to observe the lights
more closely.  At that point, a triangular vehicle approached and hovered 25
feet overhead.  Yellowish lights were at the corners, blue lights along the
perimeter and a green light centered underneath that was bordered by two red
lights.  A soft humming lowered in pitch as it descended.  The husband leaped
into the truck, but it failed to start.  As the object reached it's closest
point - 25 feet - a blue glow surrounded it.  After what was later
determined to be about three minutes, the vehicle slowly drifted behind them
and out of sight.  The following day the witnesses were greatly fatigued.
The husband experienced a persistent headache.  Their wrist watches and the
truck's dashboard clock all had lost three minutes.

(Analysis:  The couple had called a local airport, police and relatives
immediately afterward.  Collateral contacts supported the witnesses'
veracity.  The wife's dreams of a UFO encounter beforehand and certain fears
expressed since are of ongoing concern, and the family is being loosely
monitored.  A case of potentially high significance).


 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *