FYFFE, Ala. (AP) -- Some northeastern Alabamans profess to be bewildered by
an unidentified flying object -- a fast, silent craft described variously as
looking like an airplane or a banana with lights on it.
  Police Chief Junior Garmany, who went with Assistant Police Chief Fred Works
to check out reports to his office, said the object was still hovering when
officers arrived Friday night.
  "We got out of the car and we turned off the engine and the radio," he said.
"When we started towards it, it began moving away."
  People from Grove Oak to Lickskillet were left Tuesday with speculation, but
no explanation, as to what they had seen.
  Garmany said the craft was "bigger than a jumbo jet," covered with green,
white and red lights and "going about three or four hundred miles an hour." An
Oak Grove woman described the object as shaped like a banana with the arch
upright. "There was a red light on each end and a white light in a line between
them. The top of the curve was outlined in green light," the woman, who asked
not to be identified, told the Fort Payne Times-Journal.
  According to the newspaper, the sheriff's office got another call from a
Lickskillet resident who said, "You better get a deputy over here quick. I
don't know what it is, but it's scaring the hell out of my bird dogs."

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *