CASE # 102689TN - Location: 60 miles west of Nashville on Interstate 40.  Lead
Investigator: John Komar, SD. While driving from Nashville to Memphis on a
clear, sunny day, three occupants in a car noticed two very bright sun-lit
objects in the sky southwesterly from their location, at approximately 5:00
p.m.  The witnesses stated the objects "were very bright as if they were
reflecting the sun."  The objects, each believed to be at least 1 1/2 times
the size of the "Goodyear blimp", were stated to be approximately 1500 feet
above the ground, with one being higher than the other.  The seemed to not be

    Actual duration of the sighting was about five minutes.  The witnesses
stopped watching the object for a moment, and when they looked again the two
objects had disappeared.

    The primary witness has training as an aircraft pilot, and has been
employed by an airline company for a number of years in different locations
throughout the country.  This witness firmly states that the objects he had
seen were not aircraft, helicopter, nor dirigible.  No sounds were reported to
have been heard.  Distance to the objects was about 3-5 miles.

    There might be another witness to this sighting, or a similar craft on
around the same date. Below is a message I received from Jerry Woody, MUFON
member in Alabama. (Jerry also runs a ParaNet BBS):

Message number 2057 in "MUFONET"
Date: 03-07-90  19:57
From: Jerry Woody
To:   John Komar
Subj: Re: Tennessee Sighting Report

Hi John;

This sounds very similar to a sighting I had in Hartselle a few months ago. I
'ran it up the pole' by writing to some Hartselle Users here on the Frontier
but nothing came of it and I dismissed it as an aircraft. Now I'm not too
The date, unfortunately, is unknown since I had dropped reporting the object
but probably occurred 2-3 months ago. Kathy was driving South on Hwy 31
through the town of Hartselle in North central Alabama. I was reading a
magazine in the passenger side when a metallic reflection directly in front of
and up caught my eye. I glanced up at it and saw a fairly small object
vigorously reflecting sunlight and shaped somewhat like a 'crooked, bent
finger'.  I went back to reading when it dawned on me that something wasn't
right. It had no tail section and wasn't going quite right for a normal plane.
Too much reflection like it was rotating, spinning, etc. I looked back up just
to see the object apparently turn. The metallic reflection was replaced by a
small dark circle which in a space of 2 seconds closed in on itself and the
entire object disappeared.  This occurred approximately. 3pm. Sky was sunny
with some high Cirrostratus in the Western Sky. I estimate the object height
at 2500 to 3000 feet. Jet aircraft contrails was observed at app. 10000 ft. +
where the condensation level was.  This object created no contrail and was
certainly no small light plane. The object was observed for a total of perhaps
10 seconds.  The sky was clear and blue in the background and when it
disappeared it left without a trace.


 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *