Article 1136 of alt.alien.visitors:From: [email protected] (Robert
Trevelyan)Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitorsSubject: Crop Circles in
WiltshireMessage-ID: <[email protected]>Date: 2
Aug 91 16:07:51 GMTSender: [email protected].
uk (Robert Trevelyan)Organization: IBM AIX Systems Support Centre,
UK.Lines: 62    On July 17 the largest and most extraordinary of all
pictograms appeared in a wheatfield below Barbury Castle, an Iron age
hill-fort near Swindon. Nothing had been in
the field at Barbury Castle at 9 p.m the previous evening when local
pilot had flown over it .The formationconsists of an enormous
equilateral triangle (with side of about 180 ft)which encloses a
doubly-ringed circle. Rings are widely separatedand ea
ch about 7 ft wide. Each angle of the triangle is bisected by pathways
leading from the centre of the formation to circular designs, each
different, beyond each apex. One design is a plain ring (38 ft diam).
The second is a ring of similar size like
a flower with six petals. The third is a spiral which opens out in six
steps, like a ratchet, each time it turns through 90 degrees; this is
of similar size to the other designs.    Obviously Meaden's theory
that the circles are caused by a naturally
occurring atmospheric vortex could not possibly survive acceptance of
this great geometric design as the genuine phenomenon, and the next
day he made a statement to the media to the effect that he believed it
a hoax. This was inevitable. However all
the other researchers are in complete agreement that the pictogram is
genuine and represents yet another stage in the evolution of this
bizarre phenomenon. Apart from physical characteristics being the
same, the dowsing reactions in the pictogram ar
e very strong and definite. The whole formation seems to be charged
with an almost tangible energy.  A keen circles watcher had been
cropwatching with two friends at Beckhampton at about midnight when
they had seen a pulsing light moving silently acr
oss the sky. During the course of the next hour they saw five more
such objects, some white and some pulsing green, red and white. All
were silent though at times they seemed comparatively close to where
they stood. At one time a dark object flew swi
ftly and silently overhead, blotting out the stars. The three were
quite frightened by this strange display, and likened what they'd seen
to a sequence from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".  Some of
their sightings were in the direction of Barbu
ry Castle which is just five miles away, but at the time of telling
this story were quite unaware of what had been found in the fields.
Other reports are still being received of anomalous lights in the sky
in that area on that night. In the morn
ing two other pictograms were also found within about three miles of
the magnificent one at Barbury Castle. On the following night it is
reported that Wroughton, a town about two miles away, was shaken by a
loud aerial explosion which caused all the
lights to go out, and cars failed to start. The area rapidly filled
with army vehicles which appeared to be looking for something, but the
power soon came back on again and normality was restored.      What is
going on in this part of Wiltshire ??? +
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y means but are my      || own personal views on this subject .
|| Robert Trevelyan   UKnet: [email protected] || AIX
Communications    VNET: TREVELR
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