SUBJECT: CROP CIRCLE REPORT                                  FILE: UFO1214

Message number 455 in "SYSOP"
Date: 11-27-90  23:17
From: Mark Eilert
To:   John Komar
Subj: Report of Sighting

I left a report of an unusual cirlce found in an alfalfa field by a farmer in
Kansas using your Report Sighting Program.  I did not witness this circle,
but it was reported to me by the farmer (my father in-law) over the
Thanksgiving holiday when I was in Kansas.  The 18 foot diameter circle (18
inches wide) appeared in July 1990, sometime between the time when the
alfalfa was cut down and the time it was raked (several days).  The color of
the "residue" was blue-grey and very different than the color of the newly
cut alfalfa and the growing alfalfa plants.  The farmer, who has lived on and
farmed this land for all of his life (over 50 years) has never seen anything
like this before.  He showed the circle to his wife and to a neighbor before
destroying it with a rake.  He did not take any photographs of the circle,
but he did keep a small jar of the alfalfa plants with the residue coating
He is willing to give the sample to anyone interested in analyzing it.  He
has given me permission to report his finding.  His name is:  Robert
Ackerman, Sr.
             Rural Route #1
             Park, Kansas  67751
             (913) 673-4617
I have seen the sample and agree that it is unusual.  It has the appearance
of a fungus or mold growing on the alfalfa, which would not necessarily be
unusual except that it appeared "overnight" and that it was in the shape of a
perfect circle which covered not only growing alfalfa plants but also a newly
cut windrow of alfalfa.  Please call me at 873-5951 (work) or 872-8393 (home)
if you have any questions.
                                Mark Eilert
P.S.  I enjoy this BBS very much and appreciate your service. Thanks!


Date of Sighting: July 1990

Sighting Time: unknown

Duration of Sighting: n/a

Place of Sighting: state of Kansas, Sheridan County, near town of Park, in the

Brief physical Description: Unusual circle found by farmer in newly mowed
alfalfa field.  Diameter of circleapproximately 18 feet.  Width of band of
circle approximately 1.5 feet (18 inches).  The color of the circle was blue-
grey which contrasted with the green and b

Brief location of sighting: Alfalfa field near Park, Kansas.  Approximately 0.5
miles from farmer's home.

Where and what they were doing: My father in-law was raking alfalfa windrows

Noticed the object? My father in-law noticed the color of the circle.

What witness thought object was at first: No idea.

Reaction/Action during/after sighting: n/a

Object description and actions:
A blue-grey coating on the alfalfa plants.

Lost by: n/a

Real Name & Age: Mark Eilert, age 30
Street: 590 G Street
Town/City: Millington, TN
Country: USA
telephone: 901-872-8393
Occupation: Naval Officer/Civil Engineer
Employer: U. S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps
Education: BS Agricultural Engineering from Kansas State University
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major: Agricultural Engineering
Special Training: Facilities Management
Vision: 20/20
Colorblind or Eyeglasses: no/no
Hearing: good
Health During: n/a
Health After: n/a

Viewed from: a

Viewed Through: j


Area/Terrain: a

Sky Condition: n/a

Precipitation: a

UFO Direction: n/a

Ufo Elevation First Seen: n/a

Ufo Elevation last seen: n/a

UFO distance when closest: n/a

UFO altitude closest to ground: n/a

position of UFO: n/a

Also in Area: n/a

observed object or light: n/a

# of, Shape of and color of: blue-grey circle on the ground

Sound: n/a

Smell: none detected

Speed: n/s

Real size: n/a

Apparent size in relation to star: n/a

Apparent size in relation to the moon: n/a

Bright as: n/a

Did object/light... 16

Witnesses: two

Did object/light... 16

Other Agencies: no

name use: a

Date: 11/27/90

Other Agencies:
name use: I did not witness this, but my father in-law reported it to me over
the Thanksgiving holidays


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