SUBJECT: Am I an Abductee?                                   FILE: UFO1083


 Neither nervousness, heat, nor physical exertion seemed to be responsible.
All of my good shirts are permanently stained.  When my armpits were
on a roll, the sweat would pour forth at a rate roughly equal to
that achieved by crying; perhaps between 4 to 8 ounces in a half hour.
This had been an embarrassing situation for me for quite some time,
and when I mentioned it to Carolina during my visit with her, she
told me that I should drink the juice of a whole lemon in warm water
every day.  I tried that a few times without noticeable success, so
I gave up.  I had also invested a small fortune in a vast array of
brand-name antiperspirants, but to no avail.  Now suddenly, on July 18,
the perspiration stopped, however I didn't realize as such until July 19.
Whether this is psychosomatic or real, I will be eternally grateful
that my sweating ordeal is finally over!  Thank you!!!

On July 19, I developed a rather painful pimple, deep below the skin
in my pubic hair region.  It struck me as really strange that I should
develop another one in that same general area, so shortly after my
first.  Prior to the first, which I placed at a few months earlier,
I had never had anything like that.  My skin in that area is nothing
like the skin on my forehead or upper back, which tends to be more
oily.  Furthermore, this was not an ordinary pimple; it was very
deep and painful.  For most of the rest of the day, I tried to place
a time-frame on the occurrence of the first pimple. Eventually, I
came to the conclusion that it had happened sometime in mid to late
March, using my journal and computer calendar as a reference.  I
found this as somewhat noteworthy, since that coincided with my first
unusual nocturnal experience.

Sometime during the next few days, the Goodyear Blimp flew over.
I was sitting at the computer when Jim called me into the front room,
bringing it to my attention.  I would say that the event was slightly
unusual, because I've never seen the blimp this far removed from
a major metropolitan area; we're about 50 miles north of San Francisco.
It was travelling from the Southeast to the Northwest, heading directly
toward us at a leisurely pace.  I ran and grabbed the camcorder and
recorded it as the blimp proceeded to fly directly over us.  We could
clearly hear the whirring of its engines as it passed our exact zenith.
I am not exaggerating when I say directly over us!  We both wondered
where it might be going to, for at its present course, it would be
over the ocean in a matter of minutes, and the nearest major city
north of us is Portland OR, nearly 600 miles away.  I'm sure this
event can be explained rationally, but I decided to mention it because
of its unusual nature, and the proximity in time to my strange nocturnal

During the course of writing this document, I have had several flashbacks
to strange memories.  In one memory, I seem to be quite frustrated
that I can't see as clearly as I'd like, because I'm not wearing my
eyeglasses.  I thought this was taking place in an alien craft.  In
another memory, I seemed to be getting a lecture about the anatomical
differences between the alien's brain and ours.  He was very interested
in a small part of my brain, lying at its center, which he described
as "primitive."  I think it may have had something to do with emotion,
and they didn't have that part of the brain.  In contrast, he showed
me an image of a part of their brain which we do not have; it was
an extra small lobe in the occipital region, overlying both right
and left hemispheres equally.  I have the feeling that it was used
for communication.  I don't know how old these memories are, and
I don't know if they're memories of dreams or of reality.  I am beginning
to seriously doubt my sanity. As I had written earlier, my life has
been dotted with minor strange anomalies, most of which I have filed
away as "unsolved mysteries", and forgotten.

I have several early memories, centering around the age of three,
which might be suggestive of an early abduction experience.  Then
around the time I reached puberty, a lot of strange things started
happening.  There have also been a few occurrences during my high
school years and continuing into adulthood.  A summary of these
anomalous experiences will be the subject of a future essay. I want
to stress my honesty about everything contained within this narrative.
I have neither fabricated or exaggerated a single word of the experience.
I consider myself to be a happy, well adjusted individual.  I have
a small circle of close friends, and a healthy family life.  I am
normally a high achiever both at work, and in school.  I try to balance
my intellectual lifestyle with a healthy proportion of outdoor physical
activities.  I have never needed the services of a psychologist, and
there is no history of mental illness in my family.  It has only
been within the past few months that my life seems to be slipping
downhill.  I would like to resolve this situation by reaching some
conclusion as to the reality of my experiences, so I can get on with
my life.  I would like to know if I am going crazy, perhaps due to
some undiscovered brain tumor, or if this could possibly be real.
This essay is a desperate plea for help.

If there are any qualified UFO researchers, psychologists, or otherwise
interested parties who feel like my case warrants further investigation,
and would like to help me come to terms with my experiences, I can
be reached at:Chris Sargent(707) 585-8076WWIV Net:  82@7706I reserve
all rights to this essay.  No part of it may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author.
I hereby grant permission for the electronic transfer of this file
to other Electronic Bulletin Board Systems, provided that this file
remains unaltered and intact.
End of Part 7

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *