SUBJECT: Am I an Abdutee?                                    FILE: UFO1077


    Three weeks ago I went camping with my best friend, the special
type of friend to whom you can tell anything, no matter how incredible
it may sound.  I had planned the weekend carefully; we spent two nights
nestled in the heart of an old-growth redwood forest at an environmental
campsite, far removed from the distractions of our ordinary lives
and of other noisy campers.

Within the secluded comfort of our wilderness setting, I proceeded
to tell her exactly what was on my mind: "I think that I may have
been abducted by extraterrestrials!"  After regaining her composure
over the initial shock, she listened as I recounted, in depth, the
numerous events which led me to consider such a preposterous idea.
I tried to illuminate my experiences by drawing parallels to recent
books which had been written on the subject, since my friend was
totally ignorant in the matter.  The campfire near its end, my body
growing tired after hours of discussion, she left me with one basic
thought when I had finished my tale: "Books by people like Whitley
Streiber and Bud Hopkins sell so well because people empathize with
the main character.

They are people who desperately want to believe that they too  have
been a part of the experience, and have touched the unknowable."
My friend obviously felt that I was deluding myself.    It is true
that I have had a life-long interest in the subject of UFOs.  I have
read a vast number of books written on the subject over the past
ten years.  The first UFO book I'd ever read was in the eighth grade,
one about George Adamski.  Even earlier, in 1969, I was preoccupied
with drawing pictures of "aliens" during the art period in first grade.

Stretching back to the earliest limits of my memory, I can recall
when, in 1964 or '65 at the age of 3, I ran screaming from the room
in terror as I watched an "alien" on an episode of The Munsters.
Of interest is that I had never been the least bit scared of any
of the regular Munster characters, but the sight of an extraterrestrial
absolutely horrified me.

My life has been dotted with minor strange anomalies, all of which
I have filed away as "unsolved mysteries", and forgotten.  I usually
deal with problems that way.  When any conflict occurs in my life,
I tend to ignore it first, hoping that whatever it is will blow over,
so I can forget it.  If the first step fails, I usually try to find
a book or two on the subject which might help me.  When a book doesn't
provide me with the necessary tools, I usually discuss that problem
with a friend.  It would seem like I have such a problem now, and
I am discussing it with you.    Something has been eating away at
me for the past six months or so, and I'm not sure exactly what it
is.  In one semester, my grade point average has dropped from an
outstanding 3.56 over the past 76.5 semester units in college, to
a rock bottom 0.00 for the 1990 Spring semester; I failed every class!
Also, I have taken to drinking far more often than I should.  I have
this fantasy that if I've had a few glasses of wine before I go to
bed, then I'll be useless to the nocturnal visitors, and they will
not bother me.  That might seem to be the case, because I have never
had an unusual nocturnal experience after drinking.  (Of course I
realize that there are probably people in New York who are convinced
that crossing their fingers will keep wild lions away!  In other
words, my statement is an illogical syllogism, in which the premises
do not warrant the conclusion.)  Additionally, my sleeping pattern
has changed drastically.  Over the past six months or so, I have
avoided sleeping each night until I was utterly exhausted. Currently,
I am staying up until about 5:00 am, and sleeping until 1 pm.  Although
I desperately need the extra income from a Summer job, I have avoided
getting one because I knew it would mean going back to a normal sleeping

I put to you the following dilemma:  Has my life-long interest in
UFOs finally caused me to go off the deep end, whereby I have deluded
myself into believing that I may have had numerous abduction experiences?
Or, have I truly been subject to numerous abductions throughout my
life, and my way of dealing with it has been to investigate the phenomena?
At this point in time, I would consider either hypothesis equally,
but I desperately want to know which is the cause, and which is the
effect!  In the following paragraphs I will relate my experiences
as accurately and as unbiased as I am able.  It is my hope that someone
reading this will provide me with further insights, or that this
document will spark further investigation, so that I can finally
know the ultimate truth behind it all, not only for my own peace-of-mind,
but for others who may be in a similar situation.
End of Part 1

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *