SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve                                 FILE: UFO1058


3.  The reason I know it flew silently is I was present on a
number of occasions when it was landing or taking off (I was
always taken inside and out of view of the runway at these
times) and at no time did I hear anything that sounded like a
conventional or any other kind of engine.

4.  I was working on their ______ several times when they
just_______.  However since I was there to work on them I
really didn't think anything about it.  Oh yes, they would
___________ again just as suddenly.  Also there were a number
of times that I was called out to work on ______ and could
not find anything wrong with it.

5.  On of the men that I knew were "Pilots" was just slightly
larger than me.

6.  Most of the test flights occurred in the daytime rather
than at night.

7.  The radio frequency they used at that time was in the
regular commercial VHF band and was a simplex frequency.  At
one time I had the Freq. written down but I have no idea now
what it was.  Anyway, i really think that someone with a
scanner could pick them up if they were to park on the road
to the east of the test site and use some kind of directional

8.  Before I send this letter I will try to get a USC&GS map
of the area and will mark the location of Area 51 on it.

9.  There was a Radar Station at the north end of the test
site near the town of Tonopah, Nevada.  A fellow from my home
town of _______,________ was an operator there.  His name is
__________  __________ .  We were talking about the test site
one day when he mentioned that he was always picking up UFO's
over the test site but was told to ignore them.  I remember
him telling about one that he picked up on the edge of his
RBI on the first revolution was directly overhead on the
second pass and was just going off the scope on the third
revolution of the antenna.

10.  For some reason I seem to remember that the Redlight is
spelled Redlight i.e. all one word.

11.  I always had the impression that the flight test area
was from Area 51 north because there is a natural valley that
runs in that  direction for 200 miles or so.  Also the area
to the south was more populated.  Also I entered Area 51 from
the north and there were a couple of times that i was
questioned about whether I had 'noticed' anything on the way

12.  I was reminded constantly that no matter what I saw I
could be in serious trouble if I ever talked about any of it.
I can't stress how much how tight the security was, it was
almost paranoid.

13.  I don't think this has anything to do with Redlight, but
I remember when I was a kid back in the 40's, on two
occasions I saw a story about UFO's included in the weekly
Pathe' News.  There was one story about a UFO that had
crashed somewhere and another story about a UFO that was
found in some farmers barn.  Both of those stories were given
the usual news treatment.  The reason that I am mentioning
this is that I recently read an article about the entire
library of Pathe' movie film being given to an institution of
some kind which would make it available to researchers.  I am
certain that if these film clips could be located they would
be useful.  Realizing that these stories appeared prior to
Blue Book and at a time of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon,
there is probably a better than even chance that they can be
located by someone willing to spend the time viewing a few
hundred hours of old news film.

14.  More on item #7, the air-to-ground frequencies were in
the 200mc range.  I believe there is a standard set of air-to
-ground or government frequencies either just above or just
below the 220mc ham band and their communications were on
those frequencies.

Well there you  have it ______.  I hope that I have shed some
light on some dark areas.  Should any other thoughts come to
mind that I feel may be important I will try to catch you on
the ____________.  Hopefully if I can get things settled down
to a dull roar I will be able to start checking in on a more
permanent basis.  Of course, should you have any questions or
want further clarification please contact me.


NOTE...Any information that would identify the sender or
recipient of this letter has been deleted in order to protect
them.  The original document contains both names and
addresses but will be given to no one without their
permission.  The reason Len Stringfields name is left in is
that he is a known UFO researcher and it cannot hurt him as
he was not the sender or receiver.

end of part 15

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *