SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve                                 FILE: UFO1056


I would think that I would be more afraid of picking up some
unknown form of bacteria than I would be of the life form
itself.  Well, today we can pick up, as I put the
germ fear aside. Yes.  I would certainly try to be friendly
once the first wave of fear passed me by.  What I fear more
than any visitor is that some farmer is going to get them
with a shot gun and do more damage than we can or want to
handle.  Also, some cowboy policeman trying to shoot his
first space man.  Because of that I should think that our
government would try to edcucate us as to the proper way to
handle any such situation.  That little bit of awareness and
education may save our planet form destruction.  If there is
clear evidence that we are being visited by intelligent life
forms, then the heads of our government are by far crazier
than I had imagined by trying to keep it a secret.  The
damage of hostile action on our part may not be repairable.

I'm sorry but I am not familiar with your group, but my
friend was very impressed by your speaker on tv as well as
the radio.  Because of that I am trying to share whatever
information and evidence that I have which is in fact all
first hand data.  I have illustrated the evidence and
information as it happened, and made note of where I

There are many items that I have not included in this
letter, only because this could turn into forty or fifty
pages.  At some time in the future, if you wish, I will take
my time and write every detail that I can remember.  I'll
also put it on tape for clarification.

I was told that you plan to open another branch in the future
in the Philadelphia area?  If that's the case I would
certainly be interested in some form of association with your
group.  I belong to no other and never had any desire to,
however, I understand that you are serious people, and worthy
of respect.  I regard the opinion of my friend very highly.
He is a professor of physics, and himself a very serious
person.  I would appreciate your sending me some literature
about your group, and your plans if any to enter the
Philadelphia area.  I think that you have selected a very
good location.  There are many very serious people there and
a good solid investigation group would be quite welcome.  I'm
certain that once you entered the area the support group
would be fantastic.  If you selected Philadelphia, then the
assured that you picked the right city for another branch.

Incidently, my experience in the E.T. world ended in 1980,
when I changed positions.  Have you had any reports of
material that I examined belonging to an air craft from
others?  And the ever present magnetic field, do you gave any
reports from others similar to that?  I have heard of others
saying that they have seen a cigar shaped air craft, and I
feel rather silly.  Perhaps that's not the word.  But, to the
best of my knowledge and sight, it appeared to be just that.
A cigar shaped craft.  Please note that in both cases, I had
never seen the front of the craft.  I can only assume that
the design was constant.  I'll close for now and hope to hear
from you.
I remain,

end of part 13

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *