SUBJECT: The Majestic Twelve                                 FILE: UFO1049


This report was typed onto disc verbatim from the original
document which was sent by John Lear via Federal Express and
arrived on October 8, 1988 by Bill Cooper.  I Bill Cooper do
swear that no changes were made and do swear that this is an
exact verbatim copy of the original.



I, William S. English, do hereby state and affirm that I
have met with Mr. John Olson Lear, on September 16-17, of
1988, and that we discussed my original report on my viewing
of the Grudge/Bluebook Report 13, in June of 1977.

I Further state that whatever opinions Mr. Lear form or
express on this matter are entirely his own, and that I stood
behind my statements made originally when I came forward with
this matter, and that I continue to stand behind my
statements to this date.

I further state that anyone saying that they have an
admission from me personally that this was a hoax is a liar
and that if I was in fact perpetrating a hoax I could have
found a better way of doing it.  Instead I have chosen to
allow time to either prove or disprove my claims on the
information on this matter.  Time it seems has proven the
validity of my statements.
I welcome the chance to defend my position in either public
or private debate and will continue to stand behind by
original report.


William S. English (signature)

William S. English
September 17, 1988
Gladys, Virginia

I Bill Cooper do swear that I typed this verbatim on to disc
on October 8, 1988 and do swear that no changes have been
made and do swear that this is a verbatim copy of the

end of part 6

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *