SUBJECT: E B E's                                             FILE: UFO1034


Unknown to just about everybody, a secret  American/Soviet/alien
space  base  existed on the dark side of the moon. By  the  early
1960s  human colonies were thriving on the surface of  Mars.  All
the  while the naive people of the earth were led to believe  the
Soviets  and the Americans were something other than the  closest
allies. But Cooper's story got even more bizarre and byzantine.

He  claimed that in 1963, when President Kennedy found out  some
of  what was going on, he gave an ultimatum to MJ-12: get out  of
the  drug business. He also declared that in 1964 he  would  tell
the  American people about the alien visitation. Agents of  MJ-12
ordered  his assassination. Kennedy was murdered in full view  of
many  hundreds of onlookers, none of whom apparently noticed,  by
the  Secret  Service  agent driving the President's  car  in  the

In   1969,  reported  Cooper,  a  confrontation  between   human
scientists  and  aliens at the Dulce laboratory resulted  in  the
former's being taken hostage by the latter. Soldiers who tried to
free the scientists were killed, unable to overcome the  superior
alien  weapons.  The  incident  led  to  a  two-year  rupture  in
relations. The alliance was resumed in 1971 and continues to this
day,  even as a vast invisible financial empire run by  the  CIA,
the NSA and the Council on Foreign Relations runs drugs, launders
money and encourages massive street crime so that Americans  will
be  susceptible to gun-control legislation. The CIA has  gone  so
far  as to employ drugs and hypnosis to  cause  mentally-unstable
individuals  to  commit mass murder of schoolchildren  and  other
innocents, the point being to encourage anti-gun hysteria. All of
this  is  part of the plot, aided and abetted by the  mass  media
(also  under  the  secret  government's  control),  to  so  scare
Americans  that they will soon accept the declaration of  martial
law  when  that  happens, people will be rounded up  and  put  in
concentration  camps  already in place. From there they  will  be
flown  to the moon and Mars to work as slave labor in  the  space

The conspirators already run the world. As Cooper put it,  "Even
a cursory investigation by the most inexperienced researcher will
show that the members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the
Trilateral  commission control the major foundations, all of  the
major media and publishing interests, the largest banks, all  the
major  corporations, the - upper echelons of the government,  and
many other vital interests."

Reaction  to  Lear  and  Cooper:  Whereas  Lear  had  felt   some
obligation  to  name  a  source or two, or  at  least  to  mutter
something  about  "unnamed sources," Cooper told  his  lurid  and
outlandish tale as if it were so self-evidently true that sources
or  supporting  data  were irrelevant. And  to  the  enthusiastic
audiences   flocking  to  Cooper's  lectures,  no  evidence   was
necessary.  By  the  fall  of the year  Cooper  was  telling  his
stories--whose  sources  were, in fact,  flying-saucer  folklore,
AFOSI  disinformation  unleashed during  the  Bennewitz  episode,
conspiracy  literature, and outright fiction--to large crowds  of
Californians  willing to pay $l0 or $15 apiece for the thrill  of
being scared silly.

Lear  and Cooper soon were joined by two other tellers of  tales
of  UFO horrors and Trilateral conspiracies, William English  and
John Grace (who goes under the pseudonym "Val Valarian" and heads
the Nevada Aerial Research Group in Las Vegas).

Few  if any mainstream ufologists took these  stories  seriously
and at first treated them as something of a bad joke. But when it
became  clear  that  Lear, Cooper  and  company  were  commanding
significant  media  attention and finding a following  among  the
larger  public interested in ufology's fringes, where  a  claim's
inherent  improbability  had never been seen as  an  obstacle  to
believe  in it, the leaders of the UFO community grew  ever  more
end of part 15

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *