SUBJECT: E B E's                                             FILE: UFO1029


The document gave no indication anywhere as to which government,
military  or scientific agency (if any) had prepared the  report,
titled A Briefing Paper for the President of the United States on
the  Subject of Unidentified Flying Vehicles. The title  did  not
specify which President it had in mind, nor did the document list
a date (so far as Howe recalls today) which would have linked  it
to a particular administration.

 The first paragraph, written--as was everything that followed--
in  what Howe characterizes as "dry bureaucratese," listed  dates
and  locations  of  crashes  and retrievals  of  UFOs  and  their
occupants. The latter were invariably described as 3 1/2 to  four
feet tall, gray-skinned and hairless, with oversized heads, large
eyes  and  no noses. It was now known, the document stated  on  a
subsequent  page, that these beings, from a nearby solar  system,
have  been  here  for many thousands of  years.  Through  genetic
manipulation they influenced the course of human evolution and in
a  sense  created us. They had also helped  shape  our  religious

The  July  1947 Roswell crash was mentioned;  so,  however,  was
another  one at Roswell in 1949. Investigators at the site  found
five  bodies and one living alien, who was taken to a safe  house
at  the Los Alamos National Laboratory north of Albuquerque.  The
aliens,    small   gray-skinned   humanoids,   were   known    as
"extraterrestrial  biological  entities" and the living  one  was
called "EBE" (ee-buh). EBE was befriended (if that was the  word)
by an Air Force officer, but the being died of unknown causes  on
June 18, 1952. (EBE's friend, by 1964 a colonel, was among  those
who  were  there  to greet the aliens who  landed  at  Holloman.)
Subsequently,  it would be referred to as EBE-1, since  in  later
years  another  such being, EBE-2, would take up residence  in  a
safe house. After that, a third, EBE-3, appeared on the scene and
was now living in secret at an American base.

The  briefing  paper said other crashes had  occurred  one  near
Kingman, Arizona, another just south of Texas in northern Mexico.
It  also mentioned the Aztec crash- The wreckage and  bodies  had
been  removed  to such facilities as Los  Alamos  laboratory  and
Wright-Patterson  AFB.  A number of  highly  classified  projects
dealt with these materials. They included Snowbird (research  and
development  from the study of an intact spacecraft left  by  the
aliens  as  a gift) and Aquarius (the  umbrella  operation  under
which the research and contact efforts were coordinated). Project
Sigma was the ongoing electronic communications effort. There was
also   a   defunct  project  Garnet,  intended   to   investigate
extraterrestrial  influence on human evolution. According to  the
document, extraterrestrials have appeared at various intervals in
human history-25,000, 15,000, 5000 and 2500 years ago as well  as
now--to manipulate human and other DNA.

One   paragraph   stated  briefly,  "Two  thousand   years   ago
extraterrestrials  created a being" who was placed here to  teach
peace  and love. Elsewhere a passing mention was made of  another
group of EBEs, called the "Talls."

The paper said Project Blue Book had existed solely to take heat
off  the  Air  Force and to draw attention  away  from  the  real
projects.  Doty mentioned an "MJ-12," explaining that "MJ"  stood
for  "Majority."  It was a policy-making  body  whose  membership
consisted of 12 very high-ranking government scientists, military
officers and intelligence officials. These were the men who  made
the decisions governing the cover-up and the contacts.

Doty  said  Howe  would be given thousands of feet  of  film  of
crashed  discs,  bodies,  EBE-1  and  the  Holloman  landing  and
meeting.  She could use this material in her documentary to  tell
the  story of how U.S. officials learned that the earth is  being
visited and what they have done about it. "We want you to do  the
film," Howe quotes him as saying.

When Howe asked why she, not the New York Times, the  Washington
Post  or  60  Minutes,  was  getting  this,  the  story  of   the
millennium, Doty replied bluntly that an individual media  person
is  easier to manipulate and discredit than a major  organization
with  expensive attorneys. He said that another plan  to  release
the  information, through Emenegger and Sandler, had been  halted
because political conditions were not right.

Over  the  next weeks Howe had a number of  phone  conversations
with Doty, mostly about technical problems related to  converting
old film to videotape. She spoke on several occasions with  three
other men but did not meet them personally.

Doty  suggested that eventually she might be allowed to film  an
interview with EBE-3. But the current film project was to have  a
historical  emphasis; it would deal with events between 1949  and
1964. If at some point she did meet EBE-3, however, there was  no
way she could prepare herself for the "shock and fear" of meeting
an alien being.

Howe,  of course, had informed her HBO contacts, Jean  Abounader
and   her  superior  Bridgett  Potter,  of  these   extraordinary
developments. Howe urged them to prepare themselves, legally  and
otherwise,  for  the repercussions that would surely  follow  the
release  of the film. The HBO people told her she would have  to
secure  a  letter  of  intent from the  U.S.  government  with  a
legally-binding commitment to release the promised film  footage.
When  Howe called Doty about it, he said, "I'll work on  it."  He
said he would mail the letter directly to HBO.

Then  HBO  told her it would not authorize funds  for  the  film
production until all the evidence was in hand and, as Potter  put
it,  Howe had the "President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary  of
State and Joint Chiefs of Staff to back it up" (Howe, 1989).  But
proceed  anyway, Howe was told. Now she was furious at  both  HBO
and Doty.

When  she called him at the base, he remarked that he  had  good
news  and  bad news. She and a small crew would soon be  able  to
interview  the  retired colonel (then a captain)  who  had  spent
three  years with EBE-1. The bad news was that it would be  three
months  before  the thousands of feet of film of  EBE-1  and  the
Holloman  landing/contact would be available.  Meanwhile,  before
she  could  screen  the footage, Howe would have  to  sign  three
security  oaths  and undergo a background check. She  would  also
have  to supply photographs of all the technical  assistants  who
would accompany her to the interview.

The  interview was repeatedly set up and canceled. Then in  June
Doty called to say he was officially out of the project. This was
a blow because Doty was the only one she could call. She did  not
know  how to get in touch with the others and always had to  wait
for them to contact her.

By  October  the  contacts had decreased.  The  same  month  her
contract  with  HBO  expired. All she had was  the  name  of  the
Washington  contact.  In March 1984 this  individual  called  her
office  three  times, although she was out of town working  on  a
non-UFO story at the time. "Upon returning home," she writes,  "I
learned  the  man  was contacting me to explain  there  would  be
further  delays  in  the film project  after  the  November  1984
election" (Howe, 1989).

For  Howe  that was the end of the matter, except  for  a  brief
sequel.  On March 5, 1988, Doty wrote ufologist Larry W.  Bryant,
who  had unsuccessfully sought access to Doty's military  records
through  the Freedom of Information Act, and denied that  he  had
ever  discussed  government UFO secrets or  promised  footage  of
crashed  discs, bodies and live EBEs. Howe responded by making  a
sworn  statement  about the meeting an producing  copies  of  her
correspondence from the period with both Doty and HBO.
end of part 10

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *