SUBJECT: UFO Cover-Up Live Transcript                        FILE: UFO140


Film of UFO Landing at Holloman AFB
Robert Emenegger, author & filmaker and Paul Shartle, former
security officer and chief of requirements for the audiovisual
program at Norton AFB were interviewed.  Robert said that in 1973,
while President of Gray Advertising, "I took time out to go to
Norton AFB and explore subjects for TV specials relating to the
defense dept.  While there, Paul told us about a film of alien craft
landing at Hollomon AFB three years earlier.  I saw footage of 3
disk shaped craft.  One of them landed and two went away.  It
appeared to be in trouble because it oscillated all the way down to
the ground.  However, it landed on 3 pods.  A sliding door opened,
a ramp was extended and out came three aliens.  They were human
sized, with odd gray complexions and a pronounced nose.  They wore
tight fitting jump suits and a thin head dress that appeared to be
a communication device.  In their hands, I was told, they held a

Paul indicated that the Air Force said it was theatrical footage
purchased to make a training film.  He said that he didn't think
that was true because the film looked too real and he had no record
of it even though it was his job to keep accurate records for all
audio-visual purchases.  It was just fortunate that they were
filming an acceleration test that day.

Revelations Concerning MJ-12 and 3 Aliens as Guests of the US
William Moore & Jaimie Shandara reported that the Truman document
establishing MJ-12 and Eyes Only document to president elect
Eisenhower were mailed to Jaimie.  Afterward picture postcards
mailed from New Zealand were received containing clues as to where
to look further.  These led to an FOI request from the National
Repository in Sutland Maryland where they got the
Cuttler-Twining document.

One of their informants in the intelligence community (FALCON) told
them further about MJ-12.  It was a policy making group on
extraterrestrial activities, contacts and UFO activities
headquartered at the Naval Observatory in Washington, DC.  They
make policies, get presidential approval and implement these
policies.  Part of their job was scientific advancement, but mostly
it was to keep track of data coming in on UFO's. The US Navy has
field responsibility relating to MJ-12 policies.  All information
gathered in the field is transmitted to the Navy for analysis.

While attempting to validate MJ-12, the circle of intelligence
contacts coming foreward grew to nine government agents who were
in secret, need-to-know positions.  Falcons position gives him
access to the MJ-12 infrastructure.  The President, Vice-President,
Jt. Chiefs of Staff, the White House Intelligence Unit, and other
select individuals are kept informed.

                           NSC ------ MJ-12
                           NIA ---- Acquarius --- CIA
                     |              |        |         |
               Parapsychology     DARPA     DCS     Area 51
               Research Unit        |               (Dreamland)
                            |       |      |
                          ARMY     ONI    AFIS

DARPA: Defense Advanced Rsc. Proj. Agency - The Pentagons chief
supporter of breakthrough computer research.
End of part 3

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *