I wish to thank all those people who have aided me in reaching
this point and for their patience and understanding.  I owe you
all more than I can ever repay.
  Finally, it does not matter who is right and who is wrong or
if a project name is in the wrong place.  It does not matter who
is working for who or what is really what.  It should be obvious
by now that something sinister and terribly wrong is going on
involving the government and the UFO phenomenon.  We must all
band together and expose it now.  I have done my part in the
best manner that I could.  I can add nothing else except my
testimony in Congress or a court of law that what I saw and have
written in this file is true and that I saw it.
  Everything in my previous file that does not conflict with
this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
some of it is from sources and research.  You may combine the
files to get the entire picture.  Throw out only that
information which conflicts with that contained in this file.
  There will be no further additions or corrections to this
information either now or in the future.  My file is complete
and stands to be judged by history.  Sometime in the future the
exact papers that I saw will surface and you will all see this
exact information contained within them.
  Milton William Cooper

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *