SUBJECT: DO UFO'S EXIST                                      FILE: UFO25

    To those who steadfastly point out that UFO's do not
and cannot exist and quote Physics and science to back them  ...
Realize that we can only attempt to describe the universe in
terms relative to things we can measure.
    Just  because a UFO has not definitely been measured (as far
as we know officially) does not prove they do not exist.  I would
point  out  that  we  have  always  been  bombarded  by   certain
wavelengths of radio as universal background noise from the edge
of  the universe.  Until we discovered a way to generate and  use
radio  for  our  own  purposes,  we had no way to  know  of  it's
existence "out there"...Now that technology exists to "listen",
we can use that information to add to the description of the
    Who  knows how many other means of describing  the  universe
have yet to be discovered? Infinity is a big place... and we see
only a very narrow spectrum of such a small piece of it.
    Just wanted to add to the use of the spectrum. I get tired
of all the no-code vs. Know-code debate .  The earth must be
a pretty big source of radio noise at this point... I wonder ...
who might be listening ??????

 * THE U.F.O. BBS - *