D e e p    w i t h i n    t h e    S o l a r    R e a l m  . . . . . . . . .

     D a n g e r     l u r k s ,     a n d      n o o n e     c a n
     s t o p    t h  e     r e i n c a r n a t i o n    o f     t h e

 D     a     r     k          A     l      l     i     a     n     c     e

  -=<{[ S  R  E  :   -6-    T h e   A l l i a n c e   R e s t o r e d ]}>=-
      ________                   ________                      ________
     |________                  |________|                    |______
      ________|                 |       \                     |________

              |______   ________________   ______   _________|
                      \ \              / /       | |
                       \ \            / /        | |
                        \ \          / /         | |
                         \ \        / /          | |
                          \ \      / /           | |
                           \ \    / /            | |
                            \ \  / /             | |
                             \ \/ /              | |
               _______________\  /_______________| |___________

-=<{  Well, SRE: 6 is finally here. I hope you liked the new beginning.
I decided it was time for a change from the old-style SRE logo. Anyway,
SRE: 5 was by far a little more graphic than any of it's predecessors. I
hope it didn't offend any of you. SRE: 6 is not as graphic, but it has
lots of great things I know you'll love. It finishes out the SRE IV
through SRE 6 trilogy with a bang. Until next time... ENJOY!

---\ Prologue

Men were so foolish. The warring spirit of the Sree Galaxy had spread
throughout this Universe, and it had cost almost trillions of lives. Now
the Universe was divided into those involved with the dominance of the
Underground and those wishing to free the Universe FROM the dominance of
the Underground. Both sides were seeking peace, but the only way this
would end in peace was through another war.

---\ The Story

The Underground was trying to forge out a new government to rule the
Universe in conuction with the other Galaxies. Amoko knew this would be
the only way to survive. He had temporarily eradicated the Underground's
fleet, but his own armada was destroyed as well. They were at a
standstill for now, and peace seemed the only alternative. The Galactic
Coordinator had died in an accident involving a misdirected fighter, so
Amoko was on his own in negotiations.

Cyber no longer cared about his citizens. he'd converted all his
planets, except his urban areas, into military supply planets. The
Underground wasn't going to get it in easy with HIM. He was concerned
with Amoko's ability to work out terms with the Underground. Valiance
was sly, and Cyber knew it.

This was pure idiocy. There was a Universal bloodbath going on, and
noone was doing anything to stop it. The League of Famished Empires was
tired of the fighting. Tired of the Underground uprising, and then being
beaten back down, always with a heavy cost in lives. Tired of
independents rising up to quell the Underground, always with a heavy
cost in lives. It seemed as though the slaughter would never end. A way
had to be found to work out these problems peacefully.

---\ Chapter 2

Amoko was under pressure from the LoFE and the Undeground to work out a
mutual cease-fire, and some sort of temporary government for the
Universe. Amoko knew that doing something like that was stupid, but for
the sake of keeping peace within the ranks of his Armada, and the people
he was fighting FOR, he had to do it. If only there was some way to get
around it... But there wasn't. He would have to page Valiance over the
VidCom and begin working out terms...

The government had been founded. Dubbed 'Federation of Universal
Powers,' it consisted of members from three parties; The Underground
Fascist party (TUF, or 'Tough' as some called it), The Galaxial
Independence party (TGI, or 'Teeji' as some called it), and the
Not-Enough-Action party (NEA, or 'Get off your lazy butt party' as some
called it). The FUP had a panel of 7 members. Three were Toughs, three
more were Teejies, and one was a NEA member. Together, they voted on
issues, and passed laws. Or so it was in some demented person's mind. It
never really worked that way. Today a violent shouting match had erupted
over the issue of setting up boundaries for Underground space and
Galaxial boundaries.

Khoteth knew it wouldn't last. It simply couldn't. The Toughies were out
to dominate the Universe, while the Teejies were trying to liberate it.
And the NEA... well, it was just a bunch of people tired of fighting,
that wanted some peaceful activites to start. Totally opposite causes
would never find room to compromise. Government had historically been a
problem, especially on the planet Los Arret, where the idea originated,
centuries ago. To put a bridle on freedom was absurd. Each empire should
set up it's own laws, not rely on a Universal Federation to order each
empire to operate the same way. Only God should do such a thing, not
men. Khoteth just waited patiently for it all to crumble into War..

---\ Chapter 3

"We will not take anything less than the Geos Sector!!!" screamed Hikru,
the Tough ambassador. Poksi, ambassador for the Teeji party, replied,
"We all know very well what you will do with the Geos Sector. Production
of the PsiBomb has been illegalized, and you cannot erect another
facility. Take the Peeza Septant, and no more." D'kn, NEA
representative, drummed his appendanges. "Gentlemen, we can't argue over
this anymore. The Underground already owns half the Universe. Keep it at
that, and lets move on to something else," he said. Hikru stared at him.
"That is a good idea, D'kn," he said. Hikru had no sooner finished
speaking, when the windows burst open, and six masked figures entered
the room. Two of the men opened fire on Poksi and D'kn. The two men, in
turn, grabbed Hikru and left as the remaining four set fire to all the
documents and computers in the conference room.

---\ Chapter 4

Dead. The Underground had sent men to assassinate the opposite members
of the Boundary Council. Amoko was enraged. The FUP was not working the
way he'd hoped. His armada was near 100% efficiency, and the
Underground's was almost near the same level of completion.  He would be
demolishing the Toughies soon enough.

Valiance was delighted with the news. The assassins killed the
ambassadors, torched the documents, and made it out alive. Now all that
remained was to kill the assassins, so no evidence remained. Invasion of
the Teeji homefront would come soon. He clasped his hands in
anticipation of the coming war. Total domination of the Universe would
come soon.

The NEA knew it was bound to happen. This is why they labeled themselves
the 'Not-Enough-Action' Party. With the Teeji dominating the 'free' side
of the Universe, more outbreaks like this were bound to occur. Somehow,
the Teejies had to be disarmed. The NEA leaders wanted a share of the
Teeji homefront, and use it to destroy the Teeji Party. Politics were
easy to manipulate, but war was hard to keep from precipitating.

---\ Chapter 5

This was it. Amoko was going to screw the entire Universe up, if Cyber
didn't stop him. A government with parties. The idea was ridiculous. In
less than a week, there'd already been an assassination, and the
Toughies were behind it. He didn't want to waste his miltary in a coup,
because that would make him vulnerable to Underground attacks. He'd have
to do this politically, from the Left; Use the NEA Party.

Amoko watched the VidCom carefully. "The Underground Fascist Party is
officially withdrawing from the Federation of Universal Powers. The TUF
Party will be officially rechristened the 'Dark Alliance,' and member
partisans are welcome to join the new Alliance. In lieu of recent
terrorist actions beyond our control, we feel such an independent move
is necessary. Dark Alliance envoys will, of course, attend imporant FUP
conventions, as the Underground must have a say in such matters, and to
give the Teeji Party unchecked domination of legal proceedings is
suicide," said Valiance. Sickening. If Valiance actually thought the
Universe would be fooled by him over the assassination, he was dead
wrong. The Dark Alliance had been reincarnated. Valiance had much
experience with the man who had engineered battles and takeovers:
MaceMan himself. Amoko needed to be careful if he wanted to outwit the
cunning of Valiance.....

---\ Chapter 6

The PsiBomb production was beginning again. Valiance knew if he could
get enough PsiBombs quickly, the Universe was his. The damn FUP ploy
bought him precious time, and Amoko had been fool enough to agree to it.
A new weapon was also being created. The Nioxyl Missle (His engineers
were calling it the 'NioBomb'), a deadly combination of Nickel Acid, and
AntiOx (Oxygen in an antimatteric state), was under testing. It had the
ability to destroy single Galaxies at a time. He had a complete arsenal
of weapons like the Nuclear Missle, the Chemical Weapon, the Biological
Weapon, the Psionic Bomb, and the Nioxyl Missle, and they could wipe the
existence of governments, political parties, and Underground enemies off
the map...

The Teeji scientists had discovered a way to stop the effects of the
PsiBomb. A compound called Trilithium Psioxide had been discovered to
dampen the effects of the PsiBomb to the level of mere irritation. With
TriPsiox shields in place, the PsiBomb's effects would be at the same
level as a headache to people it affected after impact. Nothing more
than that. It was time for the Universe to begin developing weapons of
it's own, to combat the Underground when the Battle began..

---\ Chapter 7

The NEA Party had rejected Cyber. He knew noone would take him except
the Underground. And he didn't want to join the Underground. The
Underground would crush him, and use him. Cyber thought he'd found a way
to discredit Amoko, but he wasn't completely sure yet, and the process
would take time. If he could convince the Universe that Amoko was unfit
for command, and Cyber should replace him, then perhaps Cyber could get
something done.

Deep inside the NEA headquarters, a secret meeting was taking place. The
LoFE (League of Famished Empires (From Sree)) leaders were meeting with
the heads of the NEA Party. The LoFE had created several chapters in
other Galaxies, long before the Underground had destroyed several other
Galaxies. Still, the LoFE had many empires and planets under it's
control, all in need of help. If the NEA and LoFE pooled resources, they
could create a formidable front that could possibly help them overtake
the Universe after the TGI Armada and the Dark Alliance met
head-to-head. Once officiated, the new alliance of the NEA, and the
LoFE's planets and empires, would be christened 'The Planetary
Federation of Galaxies'.

When Amoko heard of the news about the PFG, he decided to shut down
Sree's Empirial System. There were few emperors still left, but many,
many realms and empires that had been abandoned or severly destroyed. By
getting rid of the empirial hierarchy, and combining all the realms into
one gigantic Galaxial Realm, he hoped to be a stronger force against the
Dark Alliance. A welcome side effect of this decision would be the fact
that the PFG would have no empires they could order to join them. The
PFG was hurting the cause of freedom more than helping, and Amoko had to
get rid of it soon.

---\ Chapter 8

"In response to yesterday's formation  of the PFG, and to Amoko's
dissolution of the Empirial System at Sree, I have a statement to make,"
spoke the image of Cyber via the VidCom Public Channel. Valiance was
watching carefully. "All along, we have assumed Amoko to be our leader.
But the Galactic Coordinator never named Amoko 'Solar Master,' and
because of this lack of title, he does not HAVE to be our leader. In
view of his recent decisions, including the formation of a joint
government with the Underground, a persona we know to be tyrannical at
best, I move that we take up a vote to impeach Amoko, and see who should
take his place as the Leader of the TGI Party," he continued. Valiance
was amazed. Cyber had done his homework, and this would pay off for the

How could he expect to defeat the Dark Alliance?! The PFG, Cyber, and
everything else were almost too much of a burden, and Amoko couldn't
handle it anymore. The Teeji Armada was completed, and TriPsiox shields
were in place everywhere. Military mobilization could begin soon, but
this 'election' was holding it up. Amoko would probably be voted out due
to his erroneous decision to create the FUP. Even now, the FUP continued
to be a hinderance. If Cyber, the PFG, or the Dark Alliance defeated the
Teejies, the Universe would have no chance of being free ever again. The
Universe had lost so many citizens in the slaughter, it was no longer
just 'serious'. It was deadly straightforwardly SERIOUS! In the history
of Time, there had never been so much destruction. Even in the old
Regime, the Universal Coordinator's Wars hadn't caused so much rampant
bloodshed and destruction. This had to end. And it had to end soon.

---\ Chapter 9

The polls were in, and Cyber had ousted Amoko democratically by a vote
ratio of ten to one. His first order of business would be to banish
Amoko, and take complete control of the Teeji Armada. The Armada was
still faithful to Amoko, even though he was no longer officially in
control. The Underground would be dealt with later, but Cyber had other
things on his mind....

The PFG saw no better oppurtunity than now. The Teejies were divided
into pro-Cyber and pro-Amoko groups. Using what minor power they had in
their fighting force, the PFG used it's Navy to attack the Teeji Armada.
War would break out soon, they knew, but perhaps by making the first
attack, they thought could get the upper hand.

Valiance mulled over what was happening. His Dark Alliance Fleet would
strike the PFG and the Teeji soon, but not quite yet. It would be
interesting to see what would happen to the PFG and to the TGI Party
with such political turmoil. Cyber had taken a road hardly traveled, and
enameled himself into a position Valiance knew Cyber couldn't fit. If
all went well, soon the Universe would belong to Valiance.....

---\ Chapter 10

Cyber panicked. He had no War experience. He assumed he should
counterattack the PFG, but his miltary commanders refused to advise. or
even HELP him. They were all joining Amoko. The Teeji Galaxies of the
Universe were revolting against him. Cyber's inablity to act in such a
crisis was what was causing the revolts, and Cyber knew it. Cyber knew
only one thing: Politics. He was finding that War was a much different
game. If he couldn't get his act together, everyone who was under his
control would be dead in the water.

"Lord Svoth, this is Amoko," said Amoko via the VidCom. "Amoko, this is
Svoth. The entire Teeji Armada is at your disposal," he replied. Amoko
grinned. "Attack the Tau Flank of the PFG, and they'll surrender," he
said. Svoth was amazed. How did Amoko know that? "Amoko, how do you know
that?" asked Svoth. Amoko smiled again. "Trust me. The Tau Flank is
their weakest side. Penetrate it, and they'll never return fire because
they are inexperienced and weak," he said. Svoth nodded and shut off the
VidCom. He then proceeded with Amoko's plan...

"General Kordsva, there is a heavy cruiser fleet headed to sector 509,
Mark 6," said T'Kos excitdely. This would be his first battle
experience. "Send to Fleet Commander Wapq, 'Enemy HC Fleet penetrating
Tau Flank; Require backup units,'" replied the General. T'Kos swiveled
to face his VidCom and sent the communique. That was when the Missle
hit. The stations sparked and smoked, and everything was fire. "T'Kos,
what the heck was that?!" demanded Kordsva. But he got no answer. He
looked at his underling and noticed T'Kos had been killed. Ovbiously the
enemy HCs were moving in on the base faster than his fleets could
handle. Another missle hit the base, and everything exploded in a
brilliant burst of plasma...

The PFG leadership was frightened. The Teejies had retaliated, and hit
their weakest spot. They had no choice but to surrender to the Teeji. It
must've been destiny. The PFG had political and economical strength, but
the seemingly perfect combination of LoFE and NEA hadn't lasted long.
They didn't have the experience they needed in Battle situations.
Perhaps the Teeji might have the right ideals, after all. Well, whether
the Teeji did or not, the PFG had no choice but to support them now...

---\ Chapter 11

With the quick surrender of the PFG, the citizens impeached Cyber and
reelected Amoko. Cyber hadn't lived up to his promises, and had utterly
failed as a military leader. There would always be a remnant that would
follow Cyber, Amoko knew that quite well. But for now he had to deal
with the Dark Alliance. The Darkies had a new weapon, was the rumor.
Teeji military strength was high, and morale was high too. It was only a
matter of time before the Battle began again.

"Sir, the NioBomb is armed and prepared for launch," said the young
private. "Damn well better be, boy. Fire on my next signal," replied the
Sargeant Brutzi. This bomb would devestate the Teeji. It's target was
the hideout Cyber and his followers were using after their failure.
"Fire it!!" yelled Brutzi. The Nioxyl Missle detached itself from the
Heavy Cruiser and sailed into the Galaxy called 'Trios.'

"Lord Cyber, a projectile has entered the system," reported Voss. Cyber
turned to face his second-in-command. "Scan it," came the curt reply.
Voss peered into his Sciences Scanner. "It appears to be the same shape
and mass of a PsiBomb, but an elemental scan reveals no Psiox or
Psiodide. There is a high amount of the compunds Nickel Acid, but that's
the best I can determine at the moment," spoke Voss. Cyber thought it
over. "Send out a recon fleet, Voss, so we can get a better scan," he
ordered. But Voss was staring at the scanner again. "Voss, what are you
looking at?" he asked. "Sir, the projectile has detonated itself. It is
most definately a weapon. The energy is moving towards us at an
incredible speed. Estimate five seconds until impact," replied Voss.
FIVE seconds? "Shields up NOW, Vo..." began Cyber. That was when the
room collapsed and it filled with noxious odors and gasses. "What the
hell is this?!" coughed Cyber. Cyber could feel his skin dissolving in
the presence of acids and chemicals. Then the ship blew apart as the
entire Trios Galaxy was destroyed..

"Amoko, the Trios Galaxy has been destroyed!" said the face of a
military advisor over the VidCom. Amoko knew Trios had been Cyber's new
headquarters, but he knew of no weapon that could eliminate an entire
Gakaxy. "Trios was destroyed, but by what?" came the reply. "Our
scientists believe it may have been the rumored new weapon being built
by the Underground. Traces of AntiOx and lots of Nickel Acid deposits
were found," said the advisor. "AntiOx. If they have found a way to
utilize AntiOx and NiAcid TOGETHER in a weapon, then we have nothing
that can stop them!" said Amoko. The advisor nodded, and the VidCom shut
off. Amoko couldn't stop the Underground if their new weapon could wipe
out single Galaxies at a time....

---\ Chapter 12

Inside his command ship, Valiance waited. His Fleet had been deployed,
and in a matter of minutes battle reports should be coming back. His
Command Ship had no heavy cruisers for protection, becuase every single
ship the Underground had was in the Fleet. But he wasn't worried. His
location was secret, and besides, his Fleet would wipe out the Teeji
Armada soon enough...

"This is Plasma Storm Div leader," said Tork. "We read you Plaz Leader.
Send your Div into the Westerly Wing of the enemy fighter formation,"
came the staticky reply. "Gotcha HQ. We're on intercept right now," he
said. Tork shut off the Com to HQ and opened a channel to his wing
division. "Set course to Sector 3, Mark 194. Arm weapons and prepare to
go man-on-man," he ordered. The fighters went to sublight speed and then
accelerated to subspace jump speed. The carriers behind them activated
their subspace jump field, and the fighters flew through it. Then the
carriers flew through it themselves....

"Amoko, I know the location of the Command Ship," said the face of
someone familiar. Amoko stared at him, trying to remember who it was.
"Do I know you?" asked Amoko. "I'm KHOTETH! Listen, there's no time for
chat. The Fleet's been deployed to obliterate you, and the Command Ship
contains all the leaders. The commanders, Valiance, the civilian
leaders, -everyone- of value to the Underground. It's at Galaxy Pac,
Sector 5," said Khoteth. Amoko waved as the VidCom shut off. "Get my
military commanders on the VidCom, NOW," he yelled.

Nno'j, the lead pilot of the Plasma Storm Division, was trying to
coordinate their attack through the AudCom. All the while, a Darkie
fighter followed him at a hair's distance, and was preparing to fire.
Nno'j did a wicked dip, followed by a Hercules loop (A loop in which the
fighter drops 50 meters, and takes a 100 degree left turn, followed by a
10 meter drop, and then a 260 degree angle, 60 meter climb) and ended up
behind his tormentor. He took one shot with his neutron-cannon, and the
enemy exploded vehemently. Nno'j returned his attention to the AudCom,
when he noticed three, THREE, of his wing men destroyed by various enemy
potshots. A quick role call over the Com revealed half the Div was
destroyed, and that they had only destroyed a quarter of the enemy
fighters. The Plaz Div was being vanquished..

---\ Chapter 13

Tork's Plasma Storm Division had been slaughtered. The enemy fighters
were well prepared, very heavily armed, and skilled. Tork and only a
handful of pilots were still remained, performing hide-and-drop tactics
for now. It was only a matter of time before the Plaz-2 Div would come
in to reinforce his Plaz Storm Div. If the other skirmishes were going
like this one, Tork knew the War would end up a victory for the Darkies.

At HQ, after receiving the coordinates of the Command Ship, the Fleet
Admiral diverted Plaz-2 Division to intercept the Command Ship and
destroy it. He had ordered them to execute a Kamikaze maneuver, which
had a good chance for success. If the Plaz-2 Div came through, the
Battle might be finished as a victory for the Universe. He prayed they
WOULD be able to come through....

It was a suicide mission. Korg had been sent out to kamikaze his fighter
into the enemy Command Ship. The Armada was confronting the Darkie
Fleet, but the Command Ship was his priority. He could see it's large
shape looming off in the distance. The dark grey ship was designed to
hide from enemy radar. Too bad Korg had already spotted it. As he
accelerated to sublight speed, he felt his andrenaline flowing. He
pushed his fighter up one more notch below hyperlight speed. His fighter
was hurtled into the behemoth ship, and massive explosions ensued. He
was fascinated by the mass destruction, but then the cockpit of the
fighter burst forth in flame.

The fighter had careened into the only unshielded portion of the command
ship. The subspace jump engines were directly under the impact site.
They quickly ignited the ship's antimatter inducer, and the inducer went
up in a blaring fireball. The resultant energies took the gigantic
Command Ship up in flame. The hot, searing fire could be seen for
lightyears. The explosion was so large it lapped at a few southern
divisions of the Dark Alliance Fleet.

---\ Chapter 14

The Underground was smashed. With absolutely no leaders, the Dark
Alliance Fleet surrendered to the TGI Party. Amoko was given thunderous
applause at the signing of the Dark Alliance's surrender. The Dark
Alliance Fleet was dismantled and assimilated into the Armada. The
weaponry designs of the Underground were destroyed, and the
manufacturing centers blown up. They would make sure those weapons of
mass killing would never be created again. The worlds that had not been
destroyed by Valiance, but taken captive by the Underground, were freed
at last. Amoko set up new Justice systems and began new Galaxial
territory marking. The Empirial System was reestablished, and the
citizens were given choices on where to move. Amoko kept the entire
Teeji Armada under his control. If evil ever rose up again, he would
smash it back to where it came from. He wouldn't make the mistakes
countless people had made before him. The Teeji leadership was
dismantled, and power was restored to the people, as it had in the
beginning. No tyrants. Just emperors and empresses, and their empires.

---\ Epilogue

Maybe men weren't so foolish. Amoko had pulled the Universe through it's
most bloody cleansing. The Underground had been throughly defeated and
wiped out. And now they were taking measures to insure evil never rose
to such a powerful position again. The bloodshed was over, thankfully,
and the rebuilding was beginning again. Men had a long way to go, but
they had started off right....

-=<{[(@ The End @)]}>=-

-=< In conclusion, I'd like to say thanks. In looking back, one can
see how my writing has improved. The vision was always the same, but it
was never better than in SRE6. The story is one of human drama.
Politically, the US is in turmoil. Only when the socialists are
overcome, and our country returns to it's Judeo-Christian roots (Back to
our God), can we become great again. Don't worry. Just because the
Underground is completely destroyed means the Universe is a safe place.
SRE: The Fehq Galaxy is coming soon, chronicling the adventures of a far
off Galaxy that participates in cruel games; A galaxy  we never knew
existed until now. And also coming up is SRE: Galaxy Sei, telling of
Ultra's biggest adventure before migrating to the Sree Galaxy. And last
but not least, SRE: 7 will come out later this year, contrary to rumor.
SRE: 7 is called 'Petros' at present, but I can't reveal it's plot. If
you thought SRE: 5 and SRE: 6 were explosive, wait until SRE: 7. It's
action packed, truth-filled, and just plain awesome. Look for SRE: 7
around October. Special thanks to: Knight of Knight's Armor, the -real-
MaceMan, IncrediBite, Lil Red, Jed, subZERO, HMS Bounty, Bucking Bronco,
Michael Robinson, and Amit Patel, for writing SRE (Based upon Space
Empire Elite, by Dick Pederson). And to all you bold adventurers who
contiue to read these stories: THANK YOU!

-~=*^ Josh  Renaud ^*=~- The Author