////// SRE //////
              The Saga Of The Best SRE Game
              Ever Played!

       =====--- By: Josh Renaud

SRE is a game for BBSes called Solar Realms Elite. It was devoloped as
the IBM version of the Atari game SEE. SRE is really in itself a fun
game to play; but when you get geniuses (Good AND evil!) playing, and
people who are driven to succeed, it can become more than just a game.
And that's how it is with me. In the best SRE game ever played, I was
UltraEmpire. You'll see what happened to me in the story, but I want to
let you know this information is all from what *I* picked up. Most of it
is true, but some may not be exact. And now onto our story!

Once, long ago, there was a galaxy born. The moderator, or Galactiv
Coordintor, ruled. He wanted people to rule there.. To have races of
people populate the galaxy he made. And so they came. Each one started
little, but theyt became big, or they died off. One such empire was
named Ultra. Ultra had experience populating galaxies (He was from a
galaxy named SEE), and came to help seed this one. Ultra, with his
experience, easily conquered the whole galaxy. But alas, how things
change. The ruler of Ultra left to visit the galaxy SEE, and didn't
return for a week. In that week, an empire name MaceLand conquered him.
MaceLand had evil intentions. The ruler of Ultra came back to find his
empire in ruins. Somehow, he thought, I must resurrect it. And so, they
waged war. Daily, attack after attack, witfh Ultra losing ground slowly.
Ultra admitted defeat and truced with Mace.

But Ultra was not content for peace- He wanted to rule again. And so the
idea of an Alliance between empires came to him. He tried, and only a
couple empires joined. Ultra was saddened. The Alliance really never got
off the ground. But people were growing, and soon, he asked three people
to join. They did, and would forever change history's course.

Mace was an evil, conceited ruler. He attacked with no mercy. He allowed
noone to ally with himself. Tht is why people joined the growing Geneva
Alliance. To stop MaceLand. Mace new of the plan, but he didn't care...
He thought he could take them all out!

And so it went. The Alliance attacked Mace again, only in stronger
numbers, and slowly, ever slowly, gained ground. They became larger, and
learned more. Tey put ina spy, a fake empire, as an ally to Mace. This
spy, BountyHunter, wouldprove to be a most important hero. And at the
same time, three people established themselves as a distinct trio, the
Geneva Triad, just under Ultra in authority. They were UltraEmpire, The
Elite Empire, and Dune Realms. These three were the three most important
people in the Alliance history.

BountyHunter had tricked MaceLand and was exporting goods and secrets
given him by Mace. The plan was working beautifully. The information
given to the Alliance showed Mace was indeed weakening, but his ego
wouldn't allow him to admit the alliance was gaining on him.

And then the alliance just coverged. Tghey kept attacking Mace with
small armies, and unbeleiveably Mace went down alarmingly fast!
MaceLand's victory was turning bittersweet.

Three members of the alliance decided to attack Mace without notifying
Ultra. They all attacked like flies and Mace was demolished. They took
all his planets, leaving none for their ruler, and strategist
UltraEmpire. The three were Dune Realms, The Lil' Red Empire, and Jed's
Solar Empire. They did it without merit, and it was so noted throughout

Meanwhile, people were forgetting Ultra, the brave, genius who
insturmented Mace's Downfall. They were looking up to Dune Realms, who
had the biggest empire. Dune Realms would become the biggest empire of
all SRE games ever played. Ultra was also suffering. Mace's outlash's
had always been at Ultra. Ultra lost many planets and never regained
them until the Second War Era.

So the Alliance Peace Era began. People were thinking of conquering the
Pirates, not listening to Ultra who said to kill off a new member of the
SRE galaxy who was a major threat. After finally killing MaceLand, they
wanted peace. And Dune Realms, Lil Red, and Jed all wanted to keep their
precious empires. The Peace Era was considered quite long,and the Era
itself was. But unfortunately, halfway through, it was hardly peaceful.
During the Peace Era, verbal threats were higher than ever. That was
partially good, becuase it kept empires from physically attacking each
other. UltraEmpire knew they were ont he brink of Galaxial War again,
and so with his newfound extra planets, began to build an army.

A new MaceLand empire arose, and he said that he was going to joint he
Alliance. But the valuable BountyHunter found information from Mace that
showed he not only had planned to kill the alliance, but had HIS OWN
alliance! Quickly, the alliance trounced MaceLand, temporarily
destroying his alliance as well. This was the time that people began to
see Elite as a major force. No, he didn't have a major military, but he
had two things going for him: Dune Realms financial backing, and the
courage to attack people bigger than him. Noone else besides Ultra had
the courage to attack Mace, until Elite did.

And so at the close of the Alliance Peace Era, a member of the evil
alliance arose, named Mad As Hell. He denied all charges that eh was
involved, or ever involoved, with Mace's Alliance. He was proved wrong,
but noone dared attack. They al feared the alliance (And thier empires)
would be destroyed as the two alliances struck into battle. Elite kept
prodding Mad verbally, provoking him. He kept confronting him with new
evidence that was flooding from people like BountyHunter and the new
BroncoBuster. These two provided much information. Mad knew he was
cornered and so with a last desperate gamble secretly dared Elit to
attack him. Elite attacked Mad, and Mad declared war on the grounds of
no reason to attack. Most people believed Mad, even though the evidence
was so far in Elite's favor. They battled, on and on. Finally, Elite
garnered Dune Realms and Lil Red and Jed's help as he and Ultra pounced
Mad. Within 2 days, they had gotten alot of Mad's planets, and Mad
abdicated. This 'Mad As Hell War Incident,' caused the Second War Era..

And so the Second War Era began. A new alliance, with more members, and
some old ones deleted cam against the Geneva Alliance. Ultra saw the
threat and exposed it. Again, noone believed him. And so Ultra, Elite,
Bounty, and Bronco came forth verballt exposing, and threatening, the
new Dark Alliance. The result was war. Ultra declared war on the whole
Dark Alliance. They converged on him like flies stripping him of more
than 630 planets in one day. Ultra ws not destroyed though. This was the
closest he had ever come to death though. Unlike previous military
leaders who brushed close to death, Ultra did not abidcate. He hung in.

And with the new war Era, people were succumbing to the temptation to
join the Dark Alliance. Oddly, the Dark Alliance kept changing it's
empirial leaders. First it was Dominion (Or at lest, from all
indications it was), and he threatened all the members. But he started a
Dark Alliance trend by attacking, and verbally attacking, BroncoBuster.
The Dark Alliance took Bronco for almost all he had. The Dark Alliance
kept blabbing about their conquest, and how Bronco was good for nothing.
Fortunately, they stopped attacking him physically. Dune Realms started
supplying Bronco with special aid. Bronco slowly worke dhis way up. But
all the while he recieved aid, he was shipping alot of it to Ultra,
Elite, and BountyHunter. They needed  it as well. Ultra was back on his
feet in no time. Although he only had a mere 200 planets.

Dominion was a hothead, and as Mad did, denied all charges against him.
Within 2 days, he was destroyed. Then, long Dark Alliance member Olympus
took over. Well, actually he verballized the most. With Dominions
perishment, Olympus, a newcomer named Micro Maniac, the God Wars, and
IncrediRealm established themselves. There really was no leader, but
Olympus was the closest thing to it. Ultra and Elite, meanwhile, had
threatened to seceede out of the Geneva Alliance to the Dark side, if
Dune Realms, Jed, and Lil Red did not take immediate militry action
against the Dark Alliance. All three succumbed.

The entry of Dune, Jed, and Lil Red into the fights began the third and
final war era known as the Conquestial War Era. The three mightiest
empires, and the vertabraes of the Geneva Alliance, had started
attacking. They found the Dark Alliance to be much more powerful then
the reports had said they were. But the trade deals to Bronco had fueled
enough money for one large army a day. With half the money he recieved,
he would buy up large army supplies and ship them to Ultra and Elite,
who re-entered the wars. After the supplies came in to Ultra and Elite,
the wars were basically over. Although fighting lasted for a couple of
days, it was in vain. The major empries had been cut down, or destroyed.
There were about 2 or 3 major empires on the Neutral or Dark side, but
they didn't matter. The biggest was Hydroxinia, but he was a Lukewarm
Empire. (He claimed to belong to the Geneva at first, but switched to
the Dark. He never actually attacked anyone though.) The others, were
not about to fight the Geneva Alliance's strong members.

This story is a great one. The sad part is, the founder, the workers,
and many people never got what they deserved. A few people hogged all
the wealth. True, te Geneva Alliance was not perfect, but the first
members of the Dark Allianmce drummed up alot of FAKE stories, or used
certain Geneva emmbers, to make it look like they were good freedom
fighters, and Geneva was evil. Fortunately, the Geneva Alliance held
together by the pursitence of 4 members who exposed the Dark Alliance
for what it was: A take-over plot. Right now, I will list the members of
the Geneva Alliance, in order of what honor they deserve.


   Gold Leaf of Geneva-    Ultra Empire
   Silver Leaf of Geneva-  Dune Realms
   Bronze Leaf of Geneva-  Elite Empire

SPECIAL AWARDS (Categorized)

Spy/Covery Operations

   Gold Infiltration Award-   BountyHunter
   Silver Infilrtation Award- BroncoBuster

   Gold Covert Attack Award-   Dune Realms
   Silver Covert Attack Award- Jed's Solar Empire/Lil Red Empire

War/Attack Operations

   Golden Attack Award- Elite Empire/ UltraEmpier/ Dune Realms
   Silver Attack Award- Lil Red Empire

Verbal Assault/Expose Operations

   Geneva Verbal Assault Award- UltraEmpire/BountyHunter
   Geneva Expose Award- BountyHunter/ BroncoBuster/ Elite Empire/ UltraEmpire
   Geneva Verbal Support Award- Dune Realms

Monetary/Defense Support

   Golden Dollar Money Support Award- Dune Realms
   Silver Dollar Money Support Award- Jed's Solar Empire/ Lil Red Empire

   Golden Defense Award- Dune Realms
   Silver Defense Award- UltraEmpire/ Lil Red Empire

==- This SRE game is over, but a new one is being started. Hopefully
==- all the original players will return to play, and I hope YOU do
==- too! Call (314)296-3218 and join! Thank you to Knight from
==- Knight's Armor BBS, for allowing us to play this AWESOME game!