-=[** Ultra Tech **]=-
                     -=[** The Ultimate Group **]=-

       Ultra Tech is now taking applications for Ultra Tech BBS'S
       The fee is 100 dollars including LSD BBS software and 50
       dollars without LSD software. Among other things you will
       recieve for your fee is toll free net-mail rights as well
       as 0 day waresuploaded by our ultra baby couriers.
       And of course you will part of the most prestiges group in
       the Pirate world today

       If you can commit to making this effort successful, then
       fill in the application and leave it on Ultra Tech BBS or
       Twin Peaks.  Starwolf and Captain Tom will be coordinating
       things so upload this appt. to either the Ultra Tech BBS
       or Twin Peaks BBS

                  ****=[ Ultra Tech BBS Application ]=****


       Real 1st Name.:

       Voice Phone #.:

       Time to call..:

       Your BBS Name.:

       Your BBS Num..:

       BBS BAud RAte.:

       BBS NUP:......:

       BBS Reference.:          Board Name                Number


       Sysop Reference:  (These guys will vouch for me)


       Groups ........:  (I am in the following groups)


       Remarks........:  (Why should we select you????)


       Ok, that does it.  If you are selected you will be contacted
       voice by either starwolf or myself. Thanks for supporting
       Ultra Tech.